Venue: On a Hybrid basis by Microsoft Teams and in the Marriage Suite in the Helensburgh and Lomond Civic Centre
Contact: Julieann Small, Senior Committee Assistant - 01546 604043
No. | Item |
WELCOME AND APOLOGIES Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to
the meeting and general introductions were made. Apologies for absence were
intimated on behalf of: Gill
Simpson, Helensburgh Community Hub; Jayne
Burnett, Visiting Friends; Janice
Kennedy, Scottish Enterprise; Fiona
Baker, Destination Helensburgh; John
Auld, Cove
and Kilcreggan Community Council; Councillor Mark Irvine, Argyll and Bute Council; and Katrina Sayer, Jean’s Bothy. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minutes: There were no declarations of
interest intimated. |
Minutes: The Minutes of the Helensburgh and Lomond Area Community Planning Group
meeting held on Tuesday 22 August 2023 were approved as a correct record. |
HELENSBURGH AND LOMOND AREA COMMUNITY PLANNING GROUP MEETING ARRANGEMENTS PDF 114 KB Report by Committee Manager Minutes: The Group gave consideration to a
report by the Committee Manager asking partners to consider the future meeting
arrangements of the Group. Partners were happy that meeting
arrangements remained the same with meetings being held on a Hybrid Basis
within the Helensburgh and Lomond Civic Centre and By
Microsoft teams starting at 10am. Decision The Helensburgh
and Lomond Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided and agreed
that existing meeting arrangements would continue. (Reference: Report by Committee Manager, Argyll and Bute Council, dated 7 November 2023, submitted) |
noted the technical difficulties faced by one attendee, the Chair agreed to
vary the order of business. This Minute reflects the order in which discussions
took place. |
Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Update PDF 347 KB Minutes: The Group gave consideration to a
report highlighting the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service’s (SFRS) FQ2 review of
local performance across Helensburgh and Lomond for
the period 2023-24. The report included information on the local firefighter
training plan; incidents during this time period; unwanted fire alarm signals;
road and water safety campaigns; community engagement activities; East and West
Dunbartonshire and Argyll and Bute Local Senior Officer Activities and home
fire safety. The Chair highlighted that he is
hoping that the Youth Volunteer Scheme will be up and running in Helensburgh in the new year and that it will be based in Helensburgh Fire Station. Decision The Helensburgh
and Lomond Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information
provided. (Reference: Report by Scottish
Fire and Rescue Service, submitted) |
Police Scotland Update PDF 466 KB Minutes: Consideration was given to an
update which included information on the ongoing work of the Service and
provided information on fraud prevention and awareness, specifically
Sextortion; bereavement support; road safety; the Friday night football which
was ran in the summer holidays; the Police Scotland Youth Volunteers visit to His Majesty's Naval Base (HMNB),
Clyde and the recruitment of a new Youth Engagement Officer for Helensburgh. Decision The Helensburgh
and Lomond Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information
provided. (Reference: Report by Police
Scotland, submitted) |
Ministry of Defence Police Update PDF 266 KB Minutes: The Group gave consideration to a written update by PC Drew Omand, Ministry of Defence Police. The update highlighted that the Police Scotland Young Volunteers are still looking for opportunities to support the local community at events and asked that if any partners knew of any opportunities to get in touch. The update also provided
information on HMNB Clyde highlighting that it is a ‘No Drone Zone’ and that
any sightings should be reported; the roadworks continue on the A814 at HMNB
Clyde until the end of December 2023 with the road under traffic control and
the provision of the annual internet safety campaign delivered in collaboration
with Police Scotland targeting p5-p7 children from 11 primary schools. Decision The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Community Planning Group: 1. considered and noted the information provided; and 2. noted that in the absence of a representative from Ministry of Defence Police, any questions could be forwarded to them following the meeting and any responses circulated to the Group. (Reference: Report by Ministry of Defence Police, submitted) |
Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership - Public Health Update PDF 306 KB Minutes: Consideration was given to a
public health update from Rory Munro, Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care
Partnership on the ongoing wellbeing and prevention activities overseen and
delivered by the HSCP Public Health Team in Argyll and Bute. The update provided
information on the alcohol and drug partnership with it being highlighted that
the Scottish Government consultation on Minimum Unit Pricing is now live.
Information was also provided on the alcohol and drug partnership grant funding
to support the delivery of alcohol and drug prevention work in local
communities; the coproduction training which was undertaken by two members of
the Public Health Team; the support given on the provision of Good
conversations training; the adult health profiles produced by the Health
intelligence Team and the child health profiles which are due to be published
in November. Decision The Helensburgh
and Lomond Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information
provided. (Reference: Report by Health Improvement
Lead, Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership, submitted) |
Argyll and Bute Council’s Community Development Team Update PDF 213 KB Minutes: Consideration was given to an update from David Hagerty, Community Development Officer at Argyll and Bute Council. The update included information on the recruitment of a new Engagement and Communities Lead; the delivery of Community Funding Training to community groups; the Helensburgh and Lomond Disability Access Forum and the Princess Louise Hall committee who have completed a number of community consultation events in October to get interest from the local community on future hall use. Decision The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Community Development Officer, Argyll and Bute Council, dated October 2023, submitted) |
Argyll and Bute Citizens Advice Bureau Update PDF 243 KB Minutes: Consideration was given to an
update from Argyll and Bute Citizen’s Advice Bureau which provided statistical
information on the number of clients who
had contacted the Bureau between January and September 2023; the recruitment campaign
for volunteer advisors; the annual programme of energy efficiency advice
sessions and services that the Bureau provide. Decision The Helensburgh
and Lomond Area Community Planning Group: 1.
and noted the information provided; and 2.
noted that in the absence of a representative
from Argyll and Bute Citizens Advice Bureau, any questions could be forwarded
to them following the meeting and any responses circulated to the Group. (Reference: Report by Argyll and
Bute Citizens Advice Bureau, dated October 2023, submitted) |
Live Argyll Community Learning Services Update PDF 287 KB Minutes: The Group gave consideration to
an update from Rhona Grant, Live Argyll - Community Learning Services. The
update provided information relating to adult literacy and numeracy provision
and management changes including a new Services and Support Manager; Commercial
Operations Manager and an Active Schools and Sports Manager. Decision The Helensburgh and Lomond Area
Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Team Leader
– Community Learning Services, Live Argyll, submitted) |
Minutes: Consideration was given to an update by Victoria Daveney, UHI Argyll. The update provided information on new part time courses that are available; an open day scheduled for Tuesday 14 November and the advertising of the January start courses. Victoria highlighted that the college building works are well underway with the completion date being week commencing 20 November and that students have been working in the new classrooms for several weeks with the social space hopefully ready to use early November. Decision The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by UHI Argyll, submitted) |
Minutes: The Group gave consideration to
an update by Sarah Davies from Fun First which referenced information contained
within the Autumn newsletter, including the Hermitage Academy Parent Teacher
Association Craft Fayre scheduled for 18 November and the Christmas Party which
will be held on 14 December. Sarah asked partners to encourage
any local families with young children to join in their activities. Decision The Helensburgh
and Lomond Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information
provided. (Reference: Report by Sarah
Davies, Fun First, submitted) |
Helensburgh Community Council Update PDF 369 KB Minutes: The Group gave consideration to
an update from Sarah Davies, Helensburgh Community
Council. Sarah informed the Group of the sad passing of Norman Muir, who was
the Convener over the last eight years, highlighting her thanks to Norman on
behalf of Helensburgh for everything he did to make
it a better place for residents and visitors. Sarah advised that the Community
Council had been chosen as one of the preferred bidders for the Waterfront and
that they are continuing to be involved in planning applications and regular
beach cleans and scrub bed tidying’s. Sarah further advised of the Annual
Remembrance Day Parade in Hermitage Park at the War Memorial on November 12 at
10.30am. The Chair on behalf of the Group passed on his condolences. Decision The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Secretary, Helensburgh Community Council, dated October 2023, submitted) |
Argyll and Bute TSI Update PDF 228 KB Minutes: The Group gave consideration to
an update from Caryl McLean from Argyll and Bute TSI.
The update included information on year 3 funding for the Community Mental
Health and Wellbeing Fund; events held in the last quarter including the
Community Wealth Building Workshops and current vacancies on the TSI Board,
specifically Chair and Treasurer. Caryl also highlighted the volunteer conference which is
to be held on Thursday 16 November in Helensburgh
Parish Church. Decision The Helensburgh
and Lomond Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information
provided. (Reference: Report by Support
Advisor, Argyll and Bute TSI, dated 24
October 2023, submitted) |
Helensburgh Community Hub Update PDF 298 KB Minutes: Consideration was given to a
written update by Gill Simpson from Helensburgh
Community Hub. The update provided information on the expansion of the Dolly
Parton’s Imagination Library programme; a successful open day held in September
which aimed at getting feedback from the community regarding the first two
years of the Hub’s operation as well as ideas and suggestions for future
activities and the Reading Minds Book Festival which is to be held on the 22-24
March 2024 in collaboration with Jean’s Bothy and Helensburgh
and Lomond Carers Centre. Decision The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Community Planning Group: 1. considered and noted the information provided; and 2. noted that in the absence of a representative from Helensburgh Community Hub, any questions could be forwarded to them following the meeting and any responses circulated to the Group. (Reference: Report by Development Manager, Helensburgh Community Hub, dated November 2023, submitted) |
Plastic Free Helensburgh Update PDF 189 KB Minutes: Consideration was given to an
update by Angela Anderson, Plastic Free Helensburgh.
The update highlighted that in the last quarter, in partnership with Helensburgh Community Council, they had cleared 150kg of
litter from the beaches and that with the grant from the Supporting Communities
Fund they had ordered four litter picking stations. Angela advised that Plastic Free Helensburgh had attended the Scottish Waters Stakeholders
Annual Conference and have organised two events following this and highlighted
the Scottish Waters “Bin the Wipes” campaign. The Group are also scheduled to
visit the Helensburgh Sewage Treatment Works to
better understand material that is removed from the drainage system. Decision The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Angela Anderson, Plastic Free Helensburgh, submitted) |
Opportunity for Verbal Updates Minutes: Strathclyde Partnership for
Transport (SPT) Allan Comrie
advised that they are currently undertaking a consultation on Active Travel as
part of regional active travel strategy, which ends on Sunday (12th November)
with information on this on SPT’s website. Allan also highlighted that there
has been no changes on any of the routes or change in fares. Helensburgh Gaelic Group Alasdair highlighted that the Gaelic Group is ongoing at Helensburgh Parish Church on Tuesday afternoons from 1.30-3.30pm with everyone welcome to attend |
Public Health Team - Local Adult Health Area Profile PDF 5 MB Minutes: The Group gave consideration to a
report and presentation from Rory Munro, Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care
Partnership, on the adult health and wellbeing profile for the Helensburgh and Lomond Area. Decision The Helensburgh
and Lomond Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information
provided. (Reference: Report by Public
Health Intelligence Team, dated March 2023, submitted) |
We Are With You Presentation by Angela Robertson Minutes: The Group gave consideration to
an update from Angela Robertson from We Are With You. Angela highlighted that
We Are With You provide support to adults over the age of 16 who are
experiencing issues with alcohol, drugs or mental health as well as supporting
the person’s family and friends. Angela added that this support can be on a
one-to-one basis or on a group basis within their own homes, in the offices or
in a community setting, whichever is more comfortable for the person seeking
support. Angela advised that the referral
pathway is really simple and only requires the persons name, phone number and
the permission from the person to share this information with the organisation.
It was highlighted that We Are With You work closely with other organisations
on the referral pathway such as ACHA and the Scottish Ambulance Service and
that an online support service is available up until 9pm. The Chair on behalf of the Group
commended Angela and her team for all the hard work they do. Decision The Helensburgh and Lomond Area
Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Verbal Presentation
by Operations Manager, We Are With You) |
Climate Change Working Group Update Verbal
update by Representative Minutes: Angela Anderson highlighted that across Argyll and Bute, Climate Change has
been on everyone’s mind since the heavy rain fall of a couple of weeks ago and
highlighted an article written by Councillor Currie and the Chief Executive of
the Council on what we needs to be done and how much help is required. Angela advised that the new CPP Climate Change Project Manager, Andy
MacPherson, will be in position by 30th November and that he lives
in the Bute and Cowal area and has an excellent
professional background in environmental and sustainable development projects
in various authorities and public bodies. Angela added that Andy’s focus will
be on mitigation and adaptation at a strategic level for the CPP. Decision The Helensburgh
and Lomond Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information
provided. (Reference: Verbal presentation
from Angela Anderson, Representative of the Climate Change Working Group) |
TSI/ACT Climate Change Hub Verbal update from Angela Anderson Minutes: Angela Anderson highlighted that the consortium of Argyll and the Isles
Coast and Countryside Trust (ACT), Third Sector Interface (TSI) and Time for
Change had submitted an application for the Climate Hub and had presented the
application to the Scotgov Advisory Board on Friday
27 October 2023. Angela added that they expect to hear of the
outcome of the bid during the latter half of November. Angela also highlighted that they had applied for funding for four
part-time posts, one for each of the four administrative areas and that ACT
will supply day to day support, TSI will provide ICT and secretariat assistance
and TfC will assist as needed. Decision The Helensburgh
and Lomond Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information
provided. (Reference: Verbal presentation
from Angela Anderson, Time for Change Argyll and Bute) |
Time For Change Argyll and Bute Verbal update from Angela Anderson Minutes: Angela Anderson highlighted that
Time for Change Argyll and Bute had a hybrid round table warm homes event with
Councillors and Council Officers on Friday 3 November in Lochgilphead with the main topic being home insulation and retrofitting.
Angela added that Time for Change were also very pleased on the progress
towards establishing the Argyll and Bute Regional Climate Hub. Decision The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Verbal presentation
from Angela Anderson, Time for Change Argyll and Bute) |
COMMUNITY PLANNING PARTNERSHIP MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE UPDATE PDF 203 KB Report By Committee Manager Minutes: Consideration was given to a
briefing note which provided information on matters discussed during a meeting
of the Community Planning Partnership (CPP) Management Committee, held on 7
September 2023. Decision The Helensburgh
and Lomond Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the briefing
note. (Reference: Report by Committee
Manager, Argyll and Bute Council, dated 7 November 2023, submitted) |
next meeting will take place on Tuesday 13 February 2024. Minutes: The
Group noted that the next meeting of the Helensburgh
and Lomond Area Community Planning Group would take place on Tuesday 13 February 2024. The
Chair thanked everyone in attendance at the meeting, and highlighted that this meeting
was his last as Chair, advising that a report would be considered at the next
meeting seeking nominations to this position. The
Chair encouraged partners to consider whether this was a role that they would
be interested in fulfilling and if so to please contact the Committee Manager
for further details. The Committee Manager recorded
his thanks to Davie for all his commitment and support as Chair of the Group. |