Venue: On a hybrid basis by Microsoft Teams and in the marriage suite in the Helensburgh and Lomond Civic Centre
Contact: Julieann Small, Senior Committee Assistant - 01546 604043
No. | Item |
WELCOME AND APOLOGIES Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to
the meeting and highlighted his thanks to Councillor Fiona Howard who
chaired the last meeting in his and the Vice-Chair’s absence. Apologies for absence were
intimated on behalf of: John
Lewis, The Submarine Family; Samantha
Campbell, Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership; Neil
MacFarlane, Transport Scotland; Alasdair
MacCuish, Helensburgh
Gaelic Group; Councillor
Mark Irvine, Argyll and Bute Council; Councillor
Gemma Penfold, Argyll and Bute Council; Allan
Comrie, Strathclyde Passenger Transport, (SPT); Laura
Eales, Home Start Lomond; Karlyn Marshall, Helensburgh Art Hub; Becs Barker, Carr Gomm; Yvonne
McLeod, We Are With You Argyll and Bute; Vicky Brindley, Naval Families Federation; Jen
Broadhurst, Citizens Advice Bureau; and Jayne
Burnett, Visiting Friends. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minutes: There were no declarations of
interest intimated. |
Minutes: The Minutes of the Helensburgh and Lomond Area Community Planning Group meeting
held on Tuesday 9 May 2023 were approved as a correct record. |
COMMUNITY PLANNING Presentation by Community Development Officer Minutes: Antonia Baird, Community Development Officer Argyll and Bute Council, provided the Group with an overview of Community Planning in Argyll and Bute. The presentation included information on the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015; the roles and responsibilities of the Community Planning Team; where the Area Community Planning Groups fit into the partnership and their relationship with the Management Committee; cross cutting themes and principles of effective community planning. The presentation also included information on the development day which is held once a year; action plans for each of the Area Community Planning Groups as well as the Argyll and Bute’s Outcomes Improvement Plan and how the Community Planning Team communicate with partners and members of the groups. Decision The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Presentation by Community Development Officer, Argyll and Bute Council) |
Transport Update - Argyll and Bute Council PDF 296 KB Report by Contract Officer, Argyll and Bute Council Minutes: Consideration was given to a Transport Update by the Contract Officer at Argyll and Bute Council. The update provided information on the work done in preparation of pupils returning to school after summer and the continued work with SPT on spending the available funding from the bus stop infrastructure capital programme. Decision The Helensburgh
and Lomond Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information
provided. (Reference: Report by Contract
Manager, Argyll and Bute Council, dated 22 August 2023, submitted) |
Access to Argyll and Bute (A83) Presentation by Transport Scotland Minutes: The Group gave consideration to a presentation by Transport Scotland and Atkins WSP Joint Ventures on the permanent solution for the A83. The presentation included information that had been delivered at both virtual and in person public exhibitions within in the locality, specifically key features and benefits of the preferred route; the preferred route plan; the scheme assessment process and the next stages of the assessment and construction phases. Decision The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Presentation by Transport Scotland and Atkins WSP Joint Ventures) |
by CLES Minutes: The Group gave consideration to a
presentation on Community Wealth Building from Charlie Murphy from CLES (Centre
for Local Economic Strategies). Charlie highlighted that the CLES mission is to
develop local economies which work for people, planet and place and that it is
the lead organisation for Community Wealth Building in the UK. Charlie advised the Group that
CLES have been commissioned by the TSI on behalf of the CPP to conduct research
on Community Wealth Building in Argyll and Bute. It was highlighted that CLES
would be running a workshop in Helensburgh on the 8th
September exploring Community Wealth Building in Argyll and Bute. The Group highlighted their
disappointment that they did not have a Faslane based
representative attend the meetings considering that Faslane
are one of the biggest employers in the area. Decision The Helensburgh
and Lomond Area Community Planning Group: 1.
and noted the information provided; and 2.
that the Committee Manager liaise with Faslane based
Partners regarding their attendance and participation at future Group
meetings. (Reference: Presentation by Researcher, Centre for Local Economic Strategies) |
Police Scotland Update PDF 288 KB Minutes: Consideration was given to an
update which included information on the ongoing work of the Service and
provided information on the expansion of the Partners intelligence portal;
retailers support in Helensburgh; the ‘Move in May’
challenge which Police Scotland staff took part in; Progress Pride flag’s
journey around Argyll and West Dunbartonshire Division and the Keep Safe
scheme. PC Evans highlighted that crime
in the area has increased with a rise in common theft, theft of fuels and low
level shop lifting and advised that the Police are engaging with retailers and
fuel stations to ensure they have enough crime prevention systems in place. PC
Evans also advised that incidences of fraud and bogus callers continue and that
the Police are providing fraud prevention talks in the area to combat. Decision The Helensburgh
and Lomond Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information
provided. (Reference: Report by Police
Scotland, submitted) |
Ministry of Defence Police Update PDF 98 KB Minutes: The Group gave consideration to a
written update by PC Drew Omand, Ministry of Defence
Police. The update included information on the roadworks
on the A814 at HMNB Clyde which will continue until December 2023 with the road
under traffic control; community drop in’s which have been introduced for local
residents and base employees to discuss any issues or concerns they may have;
the Police Scotland Youth Volunteers who continue to attend community
engagement events and the summer football which was held for 12-18 year olds. Decision The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Community Planning Group: 1. considered and noted the information provided; and 2. noted that in the absence of a representative from the Ministry of Defence Police, any questions could be forwarded to the Committee Manager following the meeting and any responses circulated to the Group. (Reference: Report by Ministry of Defence Police, submitted) |
Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Update PDF 401 KB Minutes: The Group gave consideration to a
report highlighting the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service’s (SFRS) FQ1 review of
local performance across Helensburgh and Lomond for
the period 2023-24. The report included information on the local firefighter training
plan; incidents during this time period; unwanted fire alarm signals; road and
water safety campaigns; community engagement activities; East and West Dunbartonshire
and Argyll and Bute Local Senior Officer Activities and home fire safety. The Chair highlighted that he is
hoping that the Youth Volunteer Scheme will be up and running in Helensburgh around September time and that he would provide
an update at the next meeting. Decision The Helensburgh
and Lomond Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information
provided. (Reference: Report by Scottish
Fire and Rescue Service, submitted) |
Helensburgh Community Council Update PDF 247 KB Minutes: The Group considered an update
from Sarah Davies, Helensburgh Community Council,
which provided an overview of the Community Council’s activities. The update
provided information on the 2 major projects affecting Helensburgh,
specifically the Waterfront development and the Taylor Wimpey golf course
housing development; the community clubs and society events which was held in
March; the environmental work and the work on making the area more welcoming
and the retail support. Sarah highlighted that everyone
is welcome to attend the Community Council meetings which are held on the last
Thursday of every month. Decision The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Convenor, Helensburgh Community Council, submitted) |
Argyll and Bute Council’s Community Development Team Update PDF 386 KB Minutes: Consideration was given to an update from David Haggerty, Community Development Officer at Argyll and Bute Council. The update included information on the recent Supporting Communities Fund in which Community Development Officers have been in touch with successful and unsuccessful applicants and are now supporting unsuccessful applicants with identifying alternative sources of funding. The update also provided information on the developments of Groups supported by The Community Development Team such as the Princess Louise Hall Committee, the Welcome In Recovery Café, the Kirkmichael Community Development Group and the Climate Action Plan – Working group. Discussion took place in relation
to Volunteers and the Group agreed that there is a need for a volunteer
co-ordinator in the area. Gill Simpson advised that she is looking into funding
to secure a co-ordinator to be based at the Helensburgh
Community Hub. Decision The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Community Development Officer, Argyll and Bute Council, submitted) |
Live Argyll - Community Learning Services Update PDF 239 KB Minutes: The Group gave consideration to an update by Rhona Grant, Live Argyll - Community Learning Service. The update provided information relating to youth work in Helensburgh which includes the summer GIVE programme which has been very successful; the Friday night football which finished on the 11 August and the wider achievement opportunities, accredited learning and Youth Service support to young people that will be continue now the schools have returned. The update also included information on Adult learning which has continued over the summer period and it was highlighted that the Community Learning Worker is currently looking at Adult Learning opportunities and engaging and working with Partners to identify some of the current needs and provision required in the area. Rhona highlighted that through
the GIVE programme, young people are required to volunteer hours and are then
awarded with a trip and advised that the Youth Worker Thomas Guy is always
looking for opportunities for young people to get involved in. Decision The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Team Leader – Community Learning Services, Live Argyll, submitted) |
Skills Development Scotland Update PDF 394 KB Minutes: The Group gave consideration to a written update by Susan MacRae, Skills Development Scotland. The update included
information on the work that career advisors have been doing in Hermitage
Academy; the support they have been providing to school leavers; the
Partnership Action for Continuing Employment initiative and the annual
participation measures which are due to be published on 31st August. Decision The Helensburgh
and Lomond Area Community Planning Group: 1.
and noted the information provided; and 2.
noted that in the absence of a representative
from Skills Development Scotland, any questions could be forwarded to the
Committee Manager following the meeting and any responses circulated to the
Group. (Reference: Report by Area
Manager, Skills Development Scotland, submitted) |
Minutes: Consideration was given to an
update by Victoria Daveney, UHI Argyll. The update
provided information on new courses that are available and highlighted that UHI
lecturers recommenced teaching a range of courses at Hermitage Academy week
commencing the 14th August. Victoria highlighted that
building works has now started to create more classrooms that will create a
more functional and welcoming reception area which will improve both the
student experience and the external appearance of the centre for the local
community. Decision The Helensburgh
and Lomond Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information
provided. (Reference: Report by UHI Argyll,
submitted) |
Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership - Public Health Update PDF 311 KB Minutes: The Group considered a public health update from Angela Coll, Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership on the ongoing wellbeing and prevention activities overseen and delivered by the HSCP Public Health Team in Argyll and Bute. The update highlighted information on the Public Health Intelligence Team (PHIT); the Money Counts Level 1 awareness raising sessions; the Living Well Networks and the merge of the Living Well Strategy and Prevention Board. Decision The Helensburgh
and Lomond Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information
provided. (Reference: Report by Health
Improvement Lead, Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership,
submitted) |
Argyll and Bute TSI Update PDF 370 KB Minutes: The Group gave consideration to a written update by Paula Darbyshire of Argyll and Bute TSI which included information on Community Wealth Building in which CLES will be running a workshop in Helensburgh on 8th September; the funding for the Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund – Year 3 which is £282,303.16; Argyll and Bute Positive Destinations who are still accepting referrals and a volunteer conference which will be held in Helensburgh in November. Decision The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Community Planning Group: 1. considered and noted the information provided; and 2. noted that in the absence of a representative from Argyll and Bute TSI, any questions could be forwarded to the Committee Manager following the meeting and any responses circulated to the Group. (Reference: Report by Argyll and Bute TSI, submitted) |
Helensburgh Community Hub Update PDF 191 KB Minutes: Consideration was given to an update by Gill Simpson from Helensburgh Community Hub. The update provided information on the #essential sector campaign which will be launched in November; the volunteer recognition event held in June which was a great success and the restructured membership. The update also provided information on the activities and clubs in the Hub. Gill highlighted that the Hub has
now been open for 2 years and that they are holding an open day on the 16
September to celebrate and to engage with the public. Decision The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Development Manager, Helensburgh Community Hub, submitted) |
Jean’s Bothy Update PDF 129 KB Minutes: The Group considered an update
from Katrina Sayer, Jean’s Bothy. The update included information on the
current membership numbers; the first “on location” day which was held on the
10th June at Geilston Gardens; a successful open day held in July;
the support provided for members to start their own groups; the planning of
fundraising and events for later in the year and the Maid of Loch exhibition. Katrina highlighted the annual
Millport cycling event which takes place on the 5th September with
everyone welcome to participate. Decision The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Development Manager, Jean’s Bothy, dated August 2023, submitted) |
Opportunity for Verbal Updates Minutes: Fun First Sarah Davies highlighted that Fun
First continued to run throughout the summer holidays which was very successful
and appreciated by families and advised that they have at least one session on
every day in either Rosneath, Cardross,
Garelochhead or Helensburgh.
Sarah asked that the Group continue to direct people with young children to Fun
First. Garelochhead Station Trust Morevain Martin advised that the Station Trust are
currently in negotiations with Network Rail for the lease of the station
building and hope to have the lease secured by the end of the year. Morevain highlighted that they have been working with the
UHI to explore how well the Station Trust are delivering services and that a
number of their members spent time in Summer School in Inverness. Morevain also highlighted that they were the only
organisation in Argyll and Bute and 1 of 7 organisations in Scotland to be
chosen to be part of The Ideas Fund. It was noted that they continue to run the
fortnightly brunch clubs, weekly line dancing and carpet bowls, monthly bus
trips, and fortnightly craft and modelling groups. Transport Scotland In the absence of Neil MacFarlane
the Committee Manager provided the following update which was submitted before
the meeting: I can report that there will be
one major road resurfacing scheme ongoing by the time the meeting is held on
the 22nd. Starting on the 20th
for 4 nights there will be convoy works at Stuckgowan
to facilitate the resurfacing works. Plastic Free Helensburgh Angela
advised that Plastic Free Helensburgh held a meeting
with Public Health Scotland who are looking in to developing relevant case
studies. Angela also highlighted that large black bins have been installed
along the Helensburgh Waterfront beside the silver
bins and added that there has been difficulties
with the removal of the silver bins due to those being cemented in. Angela
reported that Plastic Free Helensburgh had received
money through the Council’s Supporting Communities Fund to get skips for the
beach cleans and for litter picking stations and added that 40-50 volunteers
regularly attend organised beach cleans. Destination
Helensburgh Fiona
Baker highlighted that there has been a 30-50% increase of footfall with
visitors now coming for longer holidays, and that she hopes to have more
precise statistics for the next meeting. Fiona also highlighted that the first
Cruise ship, the Silver Seas Endeavour, arrived in May with Destination Helensburgh organising excursions with the most popular
being the walking tours to Rhu and Glenarn and that hopefully 4 cruise ships will be arriving
next year. Fiona
advised of a collaboration with Glasgow School of Art on a branding project of Helensburgh; the participation in the new Helensburgh business group and the start of Christmas
advertising. The
Group noted that they should notify Destination Helensburgh
of any events to allow these to be included on their ‘What’s on’ calendar and
‘What’s on this weekend’ social media post. Discussion
took place in relation to the works being done in the Helensburgh
town centre and the Group highlighted their dismay that this had been done in
summer holidays time. Sarah advised that the Community had no communication
regarding this and wondered what permissions were agreed by the Council. Angela
advised that a lot of litter had been left over following the works. Action – The Committee Manager to seek
clarification from the Roads department and respond to the Group in due course. |
Helensburgh Army Cadets Minutes: Hannah Riding from Helensburgh Army Cadets left the meeting before this item due to work commitments and it was agreed that this item would be taken forward to the next meeting of the Group. |
Climate Change Working Group Highlight Report PDF 126 KB Report by Chair of Climate Change Working Group Minutes: Consideration was given to a report which highlighted the ongoing work of the Climate Change Working Group. The report outlined the proposal to produce a strategic Action Plan as a means to address the climate emergency in Argyll and Bute; the approved governance arrangements to support the Climate Change Project Manager post and the ongoing work on the recruitment of a Project Manager. Decision The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by Chair of the Community Planning Partnership Climate Change Working Group, dated 2 August 2023, submitted) |
Progress on Argyll and Bute Climate Hub PDF 181 KB Written update by Argyll and Bute TSI Minutes: The Group gave consideration to a written update by Takki Sulaiman, CEO at Argyll and Bute TSI. Decision The Helensburgh and Lomond Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided. (Reference: Report by CEO, Argyll and Bute TSI, submitted) |
COMMUNITY PLANNING PARTNERSHIP MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE UPDATE PDF 228 KB Report By Committee Manager Minutes: Consideration was given to a
briefing note which provided information on matters discussed during a meeting
of the Community Planning Partnership (CPP) Management Committee, held on 22
June 2023. The Committee Manager highlighted
the Community Wealth Building audit and made reference to the housing emergency
declared by Argyll and Bute Council. Decision The Helensburgh
and Lomond Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the briefing
note. (Reference: Report by Committee
Manager, Argyll and Bute Council, dated 22 August 2023, submitted) |
next meeting will take place on Tuesday 7 November 2023 Minutes: The Chair thanked everyone in
attendance at the meeting, and thanked all partners for their continued
proactive work in the community. The Group noted that the next
meeting of the Helensburgh and Lomond Area Community
Planning Group would take place on Tuesday 7 November 2023. |