Venue: by Skype
Contact: Margaret MacLean Tel: 01546 604128
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES Minutes: Apologies were intimated from Mark Irvine, Graham Hardie and Luna Martin. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minutes: It was noted that there were no declarations of interest. |
APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM LICENSING BOARD MEETING OF 25TH APRIL 2023. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 25th April
2023 were submitted and approved. |
A. M. MacQueen & Sons, 1 Bishop Street, Rothesay, PA20 9DH Summary Sheet attached
– Item 4(a) Additional documents: Minutes: The
applicant, David MacQueen attended and explained that
he had a modern butchery business which was established in 1976 and now wanted
to introduce craft beer etc to complement his
products. Mr MacQueen added that the Co-op, which was
nearby, had been re-located. Raymond
Park, Licensing Standards Officer advised that the alcohol display area would
be 4.4% and had no concerns regarding the application. Jan
Brown asked if it would be tastings only within the premises and Mr McQueen
replied yes but he may have evening tastings in the future. The
Chair asked if these evenings would be for certain events only and Mr MacQueen replied yes. Fiona
Howard wondered if the licence would require to be changed for these events.
Susan Mair, Depute Clerk
advised that the applicant could apply for occasional licences for each event
and a major variation application would require to be submitted for a more
permanent arrangement should this be necessary. The
Chair moved to grant the application as applied for. With
no-one else being otherwise minded, this became the decision of the Board. |
Braw Liquor Club, c/o John McKirdy Ltd, Cotton Mill Lane, Isle of Bute, PA20 9BZ Summary Sheet attached
– Item 4(b) Additional documents:
Minutes: The
applicant, Elizabeth MacKirdy attended and advised
that this was a cocktail business using Scottish ingredients which is sold
online and also through trading at some local events. Ms MacKirdy
advised that the premises would be used purely as a store room and dispatch
area and therefore no members of the public would be permitted entry. Raymond
Park, Licensing Standards Officer confirmed that the premises would be for
storage and dispatch only and had no issues with the application. The
Chair moved to grant the application as applied for. With
no-one else being otherwise minded, this became the decision of the Board. |
Croft 3, Ulva Ferry, Isle of Mull, PA73 6LX Summary Sheet attached
– Item 4(c) Additional documents: Minutes: The
applicant, Jeanette Cutlack attended. Eric
Dearie, Licensing Standards Officer advised that this was a standard
application and that the applicant had provided a proposed wording to clarify
the terms of the seasonal variation. He further advised that the terms for the
outdoor area would be children and young persons permitted until 8.00pm and adults until 10.00pm. The
Chair moved to grant the application as applied for subject to including the
revised wording in respect of the seasonal variation. With
no-one else being otherwise minded, this became the decision of the Board. |
Mansefield House, The Gallery and Larder, Shore Road, Arrochar, G83 7AG Summary Sheet attached
– Item 5(a) Additional documents:
Minutes: Susan
Mair, Depute Clerk advised
that a request had been received from the applicant’s agent to continue the
application to the next meeting of the Board on 7th September. With
no-one else being otherwise minded, this became the decision of the Board. |
The Balaclava Byre, Balaclava Croft, Port Ellen, Isle of Islay, PA42 7DR Summary Sheet attached
– Item 5(b) Additional documents: Minutes: The
applicant, Alexander Moss attended. Susan
Mair, Depute Clerk advised
that the application had been submitted as a provisional application but,
subsequent to the agenda being issued, all the relevant documentation had been
received and therefore it could now be considered as a full grant application. Eric
Dearie, Licencing Standards Officer advised that the live entertainment was low
level and that the alcohol retail space was 0.5%. He had no issues with the
application. The
Chair moved to grant the application as a full grant of a premises licence. With
no-one else being otherwise minded, this became the decision of the Board. |
An Tobar & Mull Theatre, Argyll Terrace, Tobermory, Isle of Mull, PA75 6PB The applicants wish to vary the licence as follows:- 1) To increase the terminal hour for on sales to 12 midnight. Summary Sheet attached
– Item 6(a) Minutes: Karen
Ray, Premises Manager attended and spoke to the terms of the application which
sought to: increase the terminal hour for on-sales to 12 Midnight and add a
seasonal variation. Ms Ray advised that the current licence was proving quite
restrictive when holding events and wanted to extend it to allow patrons to
have a better experience. Eric
Dearie, Licensing Standards Officer referred to the proposed seasonal variation
and advised that he had no issues with the application: The
Chair referred to the seasonal variation and asked if the reason for this was
in relation to reduced operating hours in the winter months. Ms Ray replied yes
as they intend to take music to communities rather than in the premises due to
heating costs. The
Chair moved to grant the application as applied for. With
no-one else being otherwise minded, this became the decision of the Board. |
Ardbeg Mini Market, 78A Ardbeg Road, Rothesay, Isle of Bute, PA20 0NN The applicant wishes to vary the licence as follows:- 1) To increase the terminal hour to 20.00 on all days of the week. Summary Sheet attached
– Item 6(b) Minutes: The
applicant, Joe Dodgson, attended and spoke to the terms of the application
which sought to increase the terminal hour for off-sales to 8.00pm, Monday to
Sunday. Mr Dodgson said that this was due to customer demand for later hours
and would create more employment in the area. Ardbeg was becoming busier and
there was now a higher volume of tourists. Raymond
Park, Licensing Standards Officer advised that he had no issues with the
application. The
Chair moved to grant the application as applied for. With
no-one else being otherwise minded, this became the decision of the Board. |
Duck Bay Hotel & Marina, Loch Lomond, G83 8QZ The applicant wishes to vary the licence as follows:- 1) To change the layout of the premises. 2) To amend the description. 3) Slight change to wording at Question 5(f) Any other activities. 4) Slight change to wording at Children and Young Person conditions. 5) Change to the way the on-sales capacity figure is made up. Summary Sheet attached
– Item 6(c) Additional documents: Minutes: Alan
Cawley, Director, attended and spoke to the terms of
the application which sought to: change the layout of the premises; amend the
description of the premises; change the wording at Question 5(f) under Any
other activities; change the wording of children and young persons’ conditions
and change the way the on-sales capacity figure is made up. Raymond
Park, Licensing Standards Officer advised that the premises had recently been
refurbished and there were some readjustments to the layout of the interior
which were only minor. He had no
concerns regarding the application. The
Chair moved to grant the application as applied for. With no-one else being otherwise minded, this became the decision of the Board |
Garelochhead Bowling Club, Feorlin Way, Garelochhead, G84 0DG The applicants wish to vary the licence as follows:- 1) To amend the Children and Young Person's conditions. Summary Sheet attached
– Item 6(d) Additional documents: Minutes: The
Director, Ian Halliday attended and referred to the application which sought to
amend the children and young persons’ conditions to permit them until 11.00pm
and/or until the end of a function. Mr Halliday said the variation would help
the club to be recognised as a family orientated premises and also encourage
more junior membership. He explained that some competitions may run late and
games and quiz nights often continued after 9.00pm. Raymond
Park, Licensing Standards Officer said that member’s clubs tended to have
various age groups and referred to the Board’s policy where the terminal hour
for children and young persons was 10.00pm. The
Chair recognised what the club was trying to achieve and asked if children and
young persons could be accompanied by a club member. Mr Halliday stated that he
could not guarantee this. Mr
Park advised that there would always be a staff member in charge of the bar who
could ensure that children and young persons were being supervised. The Chair
was concerned that this could set a precedent, having bar staff responsible for
children and young persons while dealing with a busy bar. Jan
Brown agreed and asked if children and young persons would be in the club at
all times or just when competitions were being held. Mr Halliday said that all
junior members required to abide by the rules of the club and would be present
when competitions were being held and that the majority of parents would be
present at these competitions and therefore they would not be left
unsupervised. The
Chair referred to the licensing objective of ‘protecting children and young
persons from harm’ and stated that an adult aged 18 years or over required to
actively supervise children and young persons. Amanda
Hampsey asked if the reason for the variation was to
allow parents to work in the bar and wondered if it would be children and young
persons or the club benefiting from this. Mr Halliday replied that this was not
the case and stated the application was to allow junior members to attend
competitions and functions and become used to a social environment. Mr
Park explained that, at present, children over 14 years were permitted
unaccompanied until 9.00pm and suggested a compromise between these times. The
Chair said he would not be happy to extend the times. Mr
Halliday said that he would be happy to amend the wording to include
‘accompanied by a responsible adult from 9.00pm to 11.00pm’ After
some deliberation, the Chair proposed that children over 14 years and young
persons, including junior members, must be accompanied by a responsible adult
aged 18 years and over after 9.00pm. Mr
Park checked if this could be incorporated into the club’s constitution and Mr
Halliday confirmed that it would be and that the accompanying adult would be a
member or a member’s guest. The
Chair moved to grant the application with the amended wording that children
over 14 years and young persons, including junior members, are accompanied by a
responsible adult aged 18 years or over from 9.00pm until 11.00pm and/or until
the end of a function. Junior members may be on the premises unaccompanied
until 9.00pm. With
no-one else being otherwise minded, this became the decision of the Board. |
Lochavullin Bar, Combie Street, Oban, PA34 4HS The applicant wishes to vary the licence as follows:- 1) To add indoor/outdoor sports as an activity. Summary Sheet attached
– Item 6(e) Additional documents: Minutes: The
applicant Annmarie MacLean attended. Susan
Mair, Depute Clerk advised
that a late objection to the application had been received by email on 19th
June 2023 from Mrs Whyte, 33B Combie Street, Oban,
PA34 4HS (Appendix 1), who was also in attendance. Ms Mair
advised that the Board does have the power to consider late objections where
there are good reasons. The preliminary issue, therefore, is for the Board to
determine whether to accept the late objection, having regard to the reasons
provided by the objector as set out in the e-mail of 20th June
(Appendix 2). After a short deliberation, the Board decided to accept the
objection and a copy of the objection was circulated to the members of the
Board. Ms
MacLean spoke to the terms of the application which sought to add
indoor/outdoor sports as an activity and advised that this would be restricted
to pool and darts. She added that there had been a lock on the close door for
the last year or so. Mrs
Whyte referred to her objection and stated that it was more of a noise issue
with the jukebox and patrons banging the pool sticks on the floor. She said
that if the premises were quieter then she would have no issues. Eric
Dearie, Licensing Standards Officer referred to the application and stated that
it was a tidying up exercise and he had no concerns. Audrey
Forrest asked if any noise complaints had been received regarding the premises.
Mr Dearie said that he was not aware of any. The
Chair asked Mrs Whyte whether she had complained to Police Scotland and she
confirmed that she had over the years but not recently. Paul
Kennedy enquired whether Mrs Whyte still resided above the premises and she
replied no and that it was unoccupied at present. Ms
MacLean advised that she took over the premises in September 2022 but had
worked there for 3 years before that under partnership with the previous
licence holder. She added that darts and pool had always taken place but had
been omitted from the operating plan. Mrs
Whyte said that she had misunderstood the application initially and confirmed
that she had no issues with darts and pool, only the noise levels. Paul
Kennedy asked if a noise management plan could be implemented. Ms MacLean
confirmed that the jukebox was capped at 11.00pm. The
Chair moved to grant the application as applied for. With
no-one else being otherwise minded, this became the decision of the Board. |
The Royal Bar, 4 Pier Road, Innellan, Dunoon, PA23 8TH The applicant wishes to vary the licence as follows:- 1) To change the start time on a Sunday for on and off sales from 12.30pm to 11.00am. 2) Add restaurant as an activity and change column 4 to Yes for activities related to early opening for breakfast. 3) Amend the Children and Young Person Conditions. 4) To remove reference to 'restricted family area' on layout plan. Summary Sheet attached
– Item 6(f) Additional documents: Minutes: The
applicant, Martin Donavan attended and spoke to the terms of the application
which sought to: change the start time on a Sunday for on and off sales from
12.30pm to 11.00am; add restaurant as an activity and change column 4 to ‘yes’
for activities related to early opening for breakfast; amend the children and
young persons’ conditions and to remove reference to 'restricted family area'
on the layout plan. Mr Donavan explained that, having taken over the premises 2
years ago, he wanted to make several adjustments to the operating plan to
develop a more family orientated restaurant than a lounge bar. Raymond
Park, Licensing Standards Officer said that the new business plan was geared
towards a restaurant rather than a public bar and had no issues with the
application. The
Chair moved to grant the application as applied for. With
no-one else being otherwise minded, this became the decision of the Board. |
A list of personal
licences to be revoked is attached. Minutes: The list of personal licence holders (Appendix 3) who had
not undertaken the required refresher training within the prescribed timescale
was noted and the Board agreed to revoke their personal licence. |
A list of personal
licences to be revoked is attached. Minutes: The list of personal licence holders (Appendix 4) who had
not submitted an application to renew their licence was noted and the Board
agreed to revoke their licence. |
Review of Statement of Licensing Policy Minutes: Susan
Mair, Depute Clerk referred
to the e-mail of 26th June sent to members of the Board enclosing a
proposed survey form in relation to overprovision which had been provided by
NHS Highland. She asked if members could revert to her with any comments they
may have on the content of the form. |
DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Licensing Board will be held
on 7th September 2023 at 11.00am. Minutes: The next meeting of the Licensing Board will be held by
Skype on Thursday 7th September 2023 at 11.00am. |