Venue: by Skype
Contact: Margaret MacLean Tel: 01546 604128
No. | Item | |
APOLOGIES Minutes: Apologies were intimated from Fiona Howard, Amanda Hampton and Mark Irvine. |
Forrest declared a personal interest in Agenda item 5(d) (Application for a
Major Variation of a Premises Licence- Kirn Variety
Store, 2 Marine Parade, Dunoon, PA23 3HE) |
minutes from the meeting on 8th November 2022 were submitted and
approved. Susan
Mair, Depute Clerk advised
that the Application for a Major Variation in respect of Bowmore
Distillery had been withdrawn. |
48 Sinclair Street, Helensburgh, G84 8TQ Summary Sheet attached
– Item 4(a) Additional documents:
Minutes: Archie
McIver, Solicitor, Glasgow appeared on behalf of the applicant and explained
that a provisional licence in respect of these premises had been granted
previously but the licence had lapsed due to some difficulties and covid. Mr McIver advised that the restaurant and bar, which
included a function suite offered Italian food and had created 23 jobs. Raymond
Park, Licensing Standards Officer advised that the premises had been running
successfully on occasional licences and he had no issues with the application.
Mr Park referred to the external area and said that was in the consultation
process at present. Jan
Brown enquired about the function suite and if the applicant had any plans for
this. Mr McIver advised that it would be rented out but, to date, no functions
had taken place. There were 3 or 4 pre-booked events in the pipeline and
stressed that they would only be small events. Jan Brown wondered what security
would be in place and Mr McIver advised that the premises would be monitored,
if and when required. Paul
Kennedy referred to the external area. Mr McIver said that it was not a large
area but permission had still to be received from the Council’s Roads Services.
Paul Kennedy asked Mr McIver if events would take place on a regular basis to
which he replied no, it would be as and when required, depending on demand. The
Chair moved to grant the application as applied for. With
no-one else being otherwise minded, this became the decision of the Board.
Day Today Inveraray, 6A Main Street West, Inveraray, PA32 8TU Summary Sheet attached
– Item 4(b) Additional documents: Minutes: Iqbal
Mohammed appeared and advised that the premises were a small convenience store
and staff had received the relevant training. Eric
Dearie, Licensing Standards Officer stated that the premises were formerly RS McColls and they had been running successfully on
occasional licences. He had no issues with the application. The
Chair moved to grant the application as applied for. With
no-one else being otherwise minded, this became the decision of the Board. |
Loch Lomond Shop, Loch Lomond Holiday Park, Inveruglas, Arrochar, G83 7DW Summary Sheet attached
– Item 4(c) Additional documents:
Minutes: Audrey
Jenner, Solicitor, Glasgow appeared on behalf of the applicant. Terry Norton,
Retail Director and Andy Rae on behalf of Loch Lomond Holiday Park also
attended. Ms Jenner explained that the holiday park had a recent change of
ownership and, having reviewed the business plan, the new owners wished to add
an off-sales facility to the existing shop, offering a small range of premium
alcohol. Raymond
Park, Licensing Standards Officer advised that this was a modest application
with the percentage of retail space given over to the display of alcohol
approximately 3.5%. He had no issues with the application. Jan
Brown enquired about public access and whether this was through the reception
area only. Andy Rae advised that was correct. Paul
Kennedy asked if the premises was purely for off-sales and Ms Jenner replied
that it was. The
Chair moved to grant the application as applied for. With
no-one else being minded, this became the decision of the Board. |
Tayinloan Stores, Tayinloan, PA29 6XG Summary Sheet attached
– Item 4(d) Additional documents: Minutes: The
applicant, Harvey Ferguson appeared and advised that he had taken over the
premises and had invested a large amount of money into the business. Mr
Ferguson stated that there was both local and tourist demand for this and it
brought employment to the area. Eric
Dearie, Licensing Standards Officer advised that the premises had been a store
previously which closed in 2018 and he had no issues with the application. The
Chair enquired about the outstanding section 50 Certificates. Susan Mair, Depute Clerk advised that
they had all now been received. Audrey
Forrest referred to the two areas on the ground floor and asked where the sales
point would be located and if the fridge could be seen from that point. Mr
Ferguson said that shelving had been put up and this enabled the fridge to be
clearly visible from the sales point. The
Chair moved to grant the application as applied for. With
no-one else being otherwise minded, this became the decision of the Board. |
Easdale Island Community Hall, Easdale Island, by Oban, PA34 4TB The applicants wish to vary the licence as follows:- 1) To add off-sales hours Monday to Saturday 11.00am to 10.00pm and Sunday 12.30pm to 10.00pm. Summary Sheet attached
– Item 5(a) Minutes: Samantha
Payn appeared on behalf of the applicant and spoke to
the terms of the application which sought to: add off-sales hours Monday to
Saturday, 11.00am to 10.00pm and Sunday 12.30pm to 10.00pm. Ms Payn advised that the application was to provide an
off-sales facility for locals and tourists and also to assist with stock
management, rather than waste left over alcohol, enabling it to be sold. The
premises would not be open for the full hours being applied for, rather only
when alcohol was requested and there was stock left over. Eric
Dearie, Licensing Standards Officer stated that he had no issues with the
application. The
Chair asked if there should be a condition on the licence in relation to the
restriction of the operation of the off-sales hours. Mr Dearie advised that
this could be added to the operating plan for clarification but there was no
requirement for it. Paul Kennedy asked how the premises planned to sell
alcohol to locals if they did not open on the specified times. Ms Payn explained that they would advertise it or make an
announcement to the local community on an ad-hoc basis. She added that they may
not require up until 10.00pm, and could
restrict the terminal hour. Jan
Brown asked if the premises only opened when there was a function being held.
Ms Payn replied yes and to allow off-sales. Jan Brown
wondered, if selling the surplus stock was successful, would the applicant open
the premises as an off-sales. Ms Payne replied no. Graham
Hardie suggested that, as this was not a full- time
venture, perhaps the terminal hour should be restricted to 5.00pm or 6.00pm. The
Chair considered this would not be necessary as volunteers are restricted so it
would be unhelpful closing earlier. Having
considered the foregoing, the Chair moved to grant the application as applied
for. With
no-one else being otherwise minded, this became the decision of the Board. |
Glenburn Hotel, Glenburn Road, Rothesay, Isle of Bute, PA20 9JP The applicants wish to vary the licence as follows:- 1) To change the on-sales terminal hour on all days of the week from 24.00 to 01.00. 2) To add an outdoor drinking area to the licence. Summary Sheet attached
– Item 5(b) Minutes: Robbie
Cameron appeared on behalf of the applicant and spoke to the terms of the
application which sought to: change the on-sales terminal hour on all days of
the week from 12 Midnight to 1.00am and add an outdoor drinking area. Mr
Cameron advised that the previous company went into administration and Bespoke
Hotels had bought over the premises. He added that they had facilities for
outdoor functions and the later terminal hour each evening would benefit
tourists coming to the island. Raymond
Park, Licensing Standards Officer had no issues with the application and
suggested the usual terminal hours of 10.00pm for adults and 8.00pm for
children and young persons for the external area. The
Chair asked if a noise management plan would be required. Mr Cameron advised
that the ballroom was at the rear of the premises and there had not been any issues previously. Raymond
Park advised that if there were any noise issues then Environmental Services
could implement a noise management plan. The
Chair moved to grant the application as applied for. With
no-one else being otherwise minded, this became the decision of the Board. |
The applicants wish to vary the licence as follows:- 1) To amend the wording regarding the times in which children and young persons are allowed on the premises. 2) To amend the hours for sale of alcohol off the premises on Sundays to start at 10.00am Summary Sheet attached
– Item 5(c) Additional documents: Minutes: Audrey
Jenner, Solicitor, Glasgow appeared on
behalf of the applicant together with Terry Norton, Retail Director and Andy
Rae. Ms Jenner referred to the application which sought to: amend the wording
regarding the times in which children and young persons are allowed on the
premises and amend the hours for sale of alcohol off the premises on Sundays to
start at 10.00am. She explained that the holiday park had recently changed
owners and having reviewed the current operating plan wanted to update it to
suit their business. The owners wanted to make it more family friendly and the
10.00am Sunday opening was to bring it in line with rest of the week. Raymond
Park, Licensing Standards Officer stated that he had no issues with the
application. The
Chair enquired about the access for children and asked if they would only be
permitted when consuming a meal. Ms Jenner advised that they would also be
allowed access for entertainment as well. The
Chair moved to grant the application as applied for. With
no-one else being otherwise minded, this became the decision of the Board. |
Kirn Variety Store, 2 Marine Parade, Dunoon, PA23 3HE The applicant wishes to vary the licence as follows:- 1) Change to the layout plan resulting in an increase to the capacity figure of 23.94 square metres. Summary Sheet attached
– Item 5(d) Additional documents: Minutes: Audrey
Forrest leaves the meeting. Robert
Jordan appeared together with the applicant, Jeyerajah
Palaniandy. Mr Jordan referred to the application
which sought a change to the layout plan resulting in an increase to the
capacity. Mr Jordan said that they wanted to sell a wider selection of alcohol
due to demand with alcohol free and low alcohol products also available. He
added that the percentage of retail space given over to the display of alcohol
would increase from 3.6% to 6.9%. Paul
Kennedy asked if there was a limit for the retail alcohol space. Raymond Park,
Licensing Standards Officer advised that there was not as the premises was a
convenience store and therefore the alcohol was ancillary to the food products. The
Chair asked Mr Jordan if all alcohol display units were clearly visible and he
replied they were and that CCTV was in place. The
Chair moved to grant the application as applied for. With
no-one else being otherwise minded, this became the decision of the Board. Audrey
Forrest returned to the meeting. |
Struan Bar, Mount Stuart Road, Rothesay, Isle of Bute, PA20 9DY The applicant wishes to vary the licence as follows:- 1) To vary the children and young person's conditions to allow children on the premises until 10pm, unless they are attending a private/pre booked function when they may remain for the duration. Summary Sheet attached
– Item 5(e) Minutes: Paula
Stacey, premises manager, appeared and referred to the application which sought
to amend the children and young persons’ conditions to allow children on the
premises until 10.00pm, unless they are attending a private/pre booked function
when they may remain for the duration of that event. Ms Stacey advised that, at
present, only young persons were permitted within the premises and she wanted
to create a family friendly establishment. There was a popular walking route
which passed the premises and she thought it would be suitable for families to
come in and have a drink then continue on their walk. Raymond
Park, Licensing Standards Officer advised that the new owners had refurbished
the premises and wanted to it be more family friendly. He advised that there
was no kitchen but catering could be brought in or even takeaways. Jan
Brown asked what times would children be permitted. Ms Stacey said until 8.00pm
unless there was a function when it could be until 10.00pm. Mr
Park clarified that at present, 16–17 year olds were permitted on the premises
within the core hours but the application sought to allow children up until
10.00pm if attending a function. Jan
Brown expressed concerns regarding children being allowed in the premises and
asked if there would be snacks provided. Ms Stacey replied yes but would be
more than happy to use outside caterers or families could take in their own
food. Jan Brown asked if there was a separate area for the children and Ms
Stacey replied no. Paul
Kennedy mentioned that the premises used to be a drinking man’s pub in the past
and wondered whether the previous clientele still frequented the premises. Ms
Stacey said there were still a few regulars but it was now a more younger
clientele. Paul Kennedy did not have a problem with children present until
10.00pm if there was a function being held but he had concerns about no food
being available. Ms Stacey said she did not have the facilities for this at
present. Luna
Martin enquired about dance facilities and Ms Stacey said that there was a
jukebox which was always on a low volume and that no drinks were permitted on
the dance floor. Luna Martin was concerned about televised sport which could
lead to rowdy behaviour. Ms Stacey stated she would ensure that all patrons
would be on their best behaviour and as it was a small bar it did not attract
unruly clientele. Mr
Park suggested a compromise whereby children would be permitted until 8.00pm
apart from when a function was being held, when they could remain for the
duration of the function. The
Chair asked if food would be provided at a pre booked function and Ms Stacey
replied not by her but by the person who booked the function. Graham
Hardie, Liz McCabe and Jan Brown all stated they were
happy with the suggestion from Mr Park. Paul
Kennedy expressed his concerns regarding children being present when events,
such as the old firm football matches were being shown. The
Chair asked Mr Park if conditions could be included on the licence relating to
children being allowed when food was available. Mr Park replied yes but it was
up to the Board to decide what conditions would be acceptable to both them and
the applicant. Graham
Hardie suggested children be allowed until 8.00pm but
not permitted when a football match was on. The
Chair wondered how it would work as there would be different kinds of sports
being shown and asked if a condition could be included for children to be
seated when eating food. Mr Park advised that, within reason, this would be
acceptable. Ms
Stacey said that being a parent herself, she would ensure the premises were
well run where families could come and enjoy a quiet drink. She never had any
problems when football matches were shown and added that the dance floor was
only used for live music which usually started around 8.00pm. The
Chair asked Ms Stacey if she would be happy for a condition to be added whereby
children would only be permitted when consuming food until 8.00pm. She stated
that this would defeat the purpose of the premises being family friendly as
families did not always want food, only to call in for a drink when passing. After
further deliberation, the Chair moved to grant the application with a terminal
hour of 6.00pm for children unless they were attending a private/pre booked
function, where food would be available, and they could remain for the duration
of that function. With
no-one else being otherwise minded, this became the decision of the Board. |
The Goil Inn, Lochgoilhead, PA24 8AD The applicant wishes to vary the licence as follows:- 1) To amend the hours for the sale of alcohol on Sundays to start at 11.00am. 2) To remove Specific Condition 1 re. the pool table and Sky Sports in its entirety. 3) To amend the activities permitted on the premises during and out with core hours. 4) To amend the wording at the Children and Young Persons conditions. Summary Sheet attached
– Item 5(f) Minutes: Audrey
Jenner, Solicitor, Glasgow appeared on behalf of the applicant. Terry Norton,
Retail Director and Andy Rae also attended. Ms Jenner referred to the
application which sought to: amend the hours for the sale of alcohol on Sundays
to start at 11.00am; remove specific condition 1 regarding the pool table and
Sky Sports in its entirety; amend the activities permitted on the premises
during and outwith core hours and amend the wording
at the children and young persons’ conditions. Ms Jenner said that the applicant
had taken over the premises last year and found the conditions too restrictive
as it was now a more family focused holiday venue. Raymond
Park, Licensing Standards Officer said that it was a long established premises
which had been changed to a family friendly setting with the removal of the
pool table and the restaurant now in the lounge area. He confirmed he had no
issues with the application. Jan
Brown referred to the activities and in particular, gaming machines and asked
if children would be allowed access to these. Andy Rae replied no as these were
Category C machines so children were not permitted to use them. The
Chair moved to grant the application as applied for. With
no-one else being otherwise minded, this became the decision of the Board. |
Slanj, Station Road, Tarbet, G83 7DA The licence holder wishes to vary the licence as
follows:- 1) To amend
the off sales start time from 11am to 10am. 2) To amend
the wording at Question 5(f). 3) To amend
the layout plan to show addition of an adjacent adapted container to form a standalone
grocery shop with off-sales facility. Summary Sheet attached –
Item 6(a) Additional documents: Minutes: Tom
Ireland appeared on behalf of the applicant and referred to the application
which sought to: amend the off sales opening time from 11.00am to 10.00am;
amend the wording at Question 5(f) and amend the layout plan to show the
addition of an adjacent adapted container to form a standalone grocery shop
with off-sales facility. Mr Ireland said that the applicant had been working
closely with building standards and the majority of the work had been
completed. He asked if the Board would grant the application subject to the
Section 50 certificate being submitted. Raymond
Park, Licensing Standards Officer had contacted the building standards officer
who advised that the works were almost finished and potentially, a section 50
certificate would be issued in 3 to 4 weeks. Mr Park said that if the Board was
minded, they could grant the application pending receipt of the certificate. Paul
Kennedy asked what would happen if the certificate was not issued. Mr Ireland
stated that it was just a case of signing it off as there were no major issues. Susan
Mair, Depute Clerk advised
that if the Board granted the application then the variation would not be
issued until the section 50 certificate was received. The
Chair moved to grant the application as applied for, pending receipt of the
section 50 certificate. With
no-one else being otherwise minded, this became the decision of the Board. . |
A list of personal
licences to be revoked is attached. Minutes: The list of personal licence
holders (Appendix 1) who had not undertaken the required refresher training
within the prescribed timescale was noted and the Board agreed to revoke their
personal licences. |
A list of personal
licences to be revoked is attached. Minutes: The list of personal licence holders (Appendix 2) who had
not submitted an application to renew their licence was noted and the Board
agreed to revoke their licences. |
Payment of Annual Licensing Fees
Minutes: Susan
Mair, Depute Clerk referred
to the list of premises who have not yet paid their annual licensing fee. The
normal practice would be to issue a final letter giving a further period for
payment of 14 days and, if payment had not been made within that period, a
review of the premises licence would take place at the April Board meeting. The
Chair moved that a final letter be issued with the 14 day notice period for
payment and that a review hearing be held at the April Board meeting in respect
of any premises where the annual fee remained outstanding. With
no-one else being otherwise minded, this became the decision of the Board. |
Dates of Licensing Board Meetings 2023 The dates for the September and November Licensing Board Meetings have been confirmed as 7th September and 14th November 2023. Minutes: The
dates of the Licensing Board meetings for September and November were noted and
agreed. |
DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Licensing Board will be held on 25th April 2023 at 11.00am. Minutes: The next meeting of the Licensing Board will be held by Skype on Tuesday 25th April 2023 at 11.00am. |