Venue: Council Chambers, Kilmory, Lochgilphead
Contact: Margaret MacLean Tel: 01546 604128
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES Minutes: Apologies were intimated from Sandy Taylor. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minutes: It was noted that there were no declarations of interest. |
APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM LICENSING BOARD MEETINGS OF 27TH APRIL AND 22ND JUNE 2021 Minutes: The minutes of the meetings held on 27th April
2021 and 22nd June 2021 were submitted and approved. |
Cu Mara Bistro & Take Away, Shore Road, Arrochar, G83 7AB PDF 238 KB Summary Sheet attached
– Item 4(a) Additional documents: Minutes: Susan Mair, Depute
Clerk advised that the Section 50 Certificate relating to building standards
had not yet been received and therefore the application would require to be
dealt with as an application for a provisional licence. The applicant, Derek Beeson-Butcher
attended and explained that this was a new bistro operating as a takeaway which
included an external drinking area with a capacity of 16. Raymond Park, Licensing Standards
Officer said that this was a well-established premises and was well supported
by the community. He added that he had no issues with the outside area which
would be operated as per the Board’s policy. Rory Colville noted that
off-sales was not being sought and asked if the applicant had considered this
to allow customers to take way unfinished bottles of alcohol. Mr Beeson-Butcher
said that he was concerned that this may cause a litter issue and also he was
aware that the local store offered an off-sales facility. He would ensure that
customers finish the alcohol before leaving. The Chair asked if the applicant
was happy with a commencement time of 11.00am for on-sales. Mr Beeson-Butcher
advised that he had applied for 10.00am in error and had no problem with this
being amended to 11.00am. The Chair referred to the
outstanding building standards certificate. Mr Beeson-Butcher advised that
building standards wished to arrange a site visit in relation to the provision
of toilet facilities. Susan Mair, Depute
Clerk confirmed that it would be considered as a provisional application and
then could be confirmed under a delegated basis once the section 50 building
standards certificate had been received. The Chair moved to grant the
application as applied for with a commencement time of 11.00am for on-sales. With no-one else being otherwise
minded, this became the decision of the Board. |
Yellow Hare, Gott Pier, Isle of Tiree, PA77 6TN PDF 231 KB Summary Sheet attached
– Item 4(b) Additional documents: Minutes: The applicant, Kate MacLeod
attended and advised that she wanted to be able to sell local alcohol in her
small coffee and gift shop which was located at the pier. She said she would
also like to sell alcohol online. Raymond Park, Licensing Standards
Officer advised that the total alcohol display would be 4.5m2 which was 10% of
the total retail space given over to the display of alcohol. He had no issues
with the application. Rory Colville enquired about the
online sales. Ms MacLeod advised that these would generally be seasonal gift
packs including food and miniatures. The Chair asked if the 10% figure
was the norm. Raymond Park, Licensing Standards Officer advised that this was
the Board’s generally accepted maximum. The Chair moved to grant the
application as applied for and, with no-one else being otherwise minded, this
became the decision of the Board. |
Inveraray Castle Tearoom and Gift Shop, Inveraray Castle, Inveraray, PA32 8XE PDF 228 KB The applicant wishes to vary the licence as follows:- 1) To vary the core hours for on and off sales. 2) To amend the seasonal variation, 3) Changes to the type of events to be held within the castle and grounds. 4) Changes to the layout plan to include event space within the castle and grounds. 5) To add conference facilities, bar meals, receptions, Club or other group meetings; recorded music, live music, dance facilities, theatre and outdoor drinking as activities on the licence. Summary Sheet attached
– Item 5(a) Additional documents:
Minutes: The applicant, Torquil Campbell, Duke of Argyll attended and spoke to the
terms of the application which sought to:- vary the core hours for on sales and
off sales; to amend the seasonal variation; change type of events; change the
layout plan and to include various activities. Mr Campbell advised that the
premises was one of the premier attractions in Scotland but it had lost a considerable amount of income during
the lockdown period. Mr Campbell referred to the current operating plan and,
since he had taken over as premises manager, he was looking to expand the range
of facilities and activities available, including pre-booked tours and hampers
with wine and champagne. He added that the internal areas were restricted and
therefore he would like to utilise more of the outdoor space for events such as
weddings. Raymond Park, Licensing Standards
Officer advised that he has liaised with the applicant from the outset and he
had no issues with the application. Rory Colville referred to the
five licensing objectives and asked how the hampers would be monitored. Mr
Campbell explained that they would be pre-booked items only and for consumption
within the castle grounds. The Chair asked about the type of
live music that was envisaged. Mr Campbell advised that this would be mainly
ceilidh bands for weddings and could be indoors or outdoors. There would be no
amplified music. It was not intended to hold festivals or large outdoor events.
The Chair asked the Depute Clerk
whether a noise management plan would be appropriate. She confirmed that it
would be and the Council’s Environmental Health Service could assist with this. The Chair referred to the
seasonal variation. Mr Campbell explained that the Castle’s number one model
was tourism but he wanted to have the flexibility to run the occasional event
over the winter months which was very dependent on demand. The Chair moved to grant the
application as applied for subject to the provision of a noise management plan. With no-one else being otherwise
minded, this became the decision of the Board. |
Lochavullin Bar, Combie Street, Oban, PA34 4HS PDF 337 KB The applicant wishes to vary the licence as follows:- 1) To add bar meals and restaurant facilities to the licence. 2) To permit children and young persons on the premises from 12.00pm to 8.00pm if they are having a meal. Summary Sheet attached
– Item 5(b) Additional documents:
Minutes: The applicant, Michael Durkin
attended and spoke to the terms of the application which sought to add bar
meals and restaurant facilities and to permit children and young persons on the
premises from 12.00pm to 8.00pm if they were having a meal. Mr Durkin explained
that he wanted to be able to hold small scale events such as funeral purveys
and birthday parties and to offer food for his customers, including children
and young persons, at these events He anticipated that there might be 1 or 2
events a month and children and young persons would only be permitted on the
premises when an event was being held. He added that children and young persons
would be restricted to the lounge bar area. Raymond Park, Licensing Standards
Officer asked the Board to consider the wording in his report (Appendix 1). He
referred to the Environmental Heath report which mentioned a complaint but his
understanding was that this had now been dealt with. Roddy McCuish asked about the
shortest route to the male toilet facilities.. Mr Durkin advised it was about a
three quarters of a metre walk. Roddy McCuish also enquired about the kitchen
facilities and Mr Durkin advised that it was a new kitchen but it had never
been used. Mr McCuish wondered if the close door had a keypad. Mr Durkin
confirmed that this would be put in place. Rory Colville referred to the
layout plan which indicated that there were two fruit machines within the
premises. Mr Durkin advised that there was one in the public bar and therefore
children and young persons would not have access to it. There had been another
one in the lounge bar but this had been removed when he took over the running
of the premises. The Chair referred back to the
shortest route to the male toilets and asked if this was the main route. Mr
Durkin advised that the majority of his customers used this route and that
signage for the toilets was in place. The Chair referred to the
complaint mentioned in the report from Environmental Health Services and asked
Mark Parry, Environmental Health Officer to confirm whether it was a complaint
or an objection. Mr Parry advised it was a complaint. The Chair asked Mr Parry
that after visiting the premises, did he find everything acceptable. Mr Parry
said it was an arranged visit and he had no issues or concerns. The Chair moved to grant the
application as applied for subject to including the suggested wording as per
the Licensing Standards Officer’s report; to add a condition that appropriate
signage be maintained directing customers to the toilet facilities; and to
include a condition that children and young persons are permitted in the lounge
bar area of the premises from 12.00pm to 8.00pm but only when an event/
function is taking place at which food is being provided. With no-one else being otherwise
minded, this became the decision of the Board. . |
Lochside Hotel, Shore Street. Bowmore, Isle of Islay, PA43 7LB PDF 222 KB The applicant wishes to vary the licence as follows:- 1) To amend the description of the premises. 2) The commencement of core hours for off-sales on Sunday shall be 10am. 3) To add an external licensed area and change of layout plan to show this. 4) The Board's standard conditions relating to outside areas will apply. Summary Sheet attached
– Item 5(c) Additional documents: Minutes: Alexander Murray, Solicitor, Oban
attended on behalf of the applicant and spoke to the terms of the application
which sought to: amend the description of the premises to add the words
“outside drinking area to rear of premises”; change the opening hour for
off-sales on a Sunday to 10.00am and to add an external licensed area and
change the layout plan to show this. Mr Murray advised that the Licensing
Standards Officer had highlighted that the outside area had not been included
within the licensed area and his client had been using the area by way of
occasional licence applications. He further advised that the capacity of the
external area was 50 persons. Raymond Park, Licensing Standards
Officer stated that the premises had been operating successfully under
occasional licences. Rory Colville referred to the
10.00am Sunday opening and asked if this was due to demand. Mr Murray explained
that this was decided by himself rather than his client to bring the premises
in line with others. He said he could remove this if it was an issue. The Chair moved to grant the
application as applied for and, with no-one else being otherwise minded, this
became the decision of the Board. |
St. Columba Hotel, Isle of Iona, PA76 6SL PDF 322 KB The applicant wishes to vary the licence as follows:- 1) To include the premises known as St Columba's Larder in the premises licence for St Columba's Hotel. They are currently two separate licences. 2) Change description of premises. 3) Amend Seasonal variation. 4) Amend Q5(f) Any other activities. 5) Amend Children and Young Person's Conditions. 6) Change of layout plan to include St. Columba's Larder. 7) Amend capacity to take into account off sales capacity at St Columba's Larder. 8) Amend off-sales core hours to start at 10.00am . Summary Sheet attached
– Item 5(d) Minutes: Rick Johnston, premises manager
attended and spoke to the terms of the application which sought to: include the
premises known as St Columba's Larder in the premises licence for St Columba's
Hotel; change the layout plan to include St. Columba's Larder; amend capacity
to take into account the off sales capacity for St Columba's Larder; amend
off-sales core hours to start at 10.00 am; amend
seasonal variation; amend children and
young persons’ conditions and to add further activities. Mr Johnston said he
wanted to amalgamate both premises into one licence which would make it easier
to manage and that the 10.00am Sunday opening had previously been in place for
the hotel. Raymond Park, Licensing Standards
Officer advised that it made sense to bring the two premises under one licence
and confirmed he had no issues with the application. Rory Colville asked if the
requirement for champagne breakfasts was demand led. Mr Johnston advised that
there was not a huge demand. It was generally for anniversaries and weddings. The Chair moved to grant the
application as applied for and, with no-one else being otherwise minded, this
became the decision of the Board. |
Kidstons, Kidston Park, Rhu Road Lower, Helensburgh, G84 8SF PDF 233 KB The applicant wishes to vary the licence as follows:- 1) To change the name of the premises to 'The Beachcomber'. 2) To add off-sales. 3) To add pick-up and delivery of food and drinks. 4) To amend the wording in the children and young person’s conditions. Summary Sheet attached
– Item 5(e) Minutes: It was noted that the applicant
Tracy Campbell had submitted a request by email to be excused from attending
the meeting due to staff shortages. Raymond Park, Licensing Standards
Officer explained that the application sought to: change the name of the premises to 'The Beachcomber'; add off-sales; add pick-up and delivery of
food and drinks and amend the wording in the children and young persons’
conditions. Mr Park said Ms Campbell was extremely busy as she was working on
her own at present due to covid restrictions. The
Chair referred to the ice-cream takeaways and wondered if there was a hatch at
the rear of the premises and asked if children and young persons could sit
inside. Mr Park stated that there was a hatch near the seated area and that
children would be able to enter the premises but would require to be
accompanied by an adult. The
Chair moved to grant the application as applied for and, with no-one else being
otherwise minded, this became the decision of the Board. |
The Harbour Inn and Restaurant, The Square, Bowmore, Isle of Islay, PA43 7JR PDF 233 KB The applicants wish to vary the licence as follows:- 1) To add off-sales licensed hours Monday to Sunday 10am to 10pm. 2) To amend the core on-sales licensed hours to begin from 10.30am Monday to Sunday . 3) To amend the seasonal variation. 4) To add films, televised sport, outdoor drinking facilities and spirit tastings as activities. 5) To amend the Children and Young Person's conditions. 6) Proposed new layout plan to show the outdoor drinking area. 7) To amend the description of the premises. 8) Increase in capacity to take into account the outdoor drinking area, Summary Sheet attached
– Item 5(f) Additional documents:
Minutes: Peter Lawson and Anna Fox,
Solicitors, Glasgow attended on behalf of the applicant. Alison Gray,
Operations Supervisor for the premises also attended. Mr Lawson spoke to the
terms of the application which sought to: add off-sales Monday to Sunday
10.00am to 10.00pm; amend on-sales to begin from 10.30am Monday to Sunday;
amend the seasonal variation; add films, televised sport,
outdoor drinking facilities and spirit tastings as activities; amend the
children and young persons’ conditions; change the layout plan to show the
outdoor drinking area; amend the
description of the premises and increase
capacity to take into account the outdoor drinking area. Mr Lawson explained
that his client also operated Bowmore Distillery
amongst others and that the external area was previously a garden area at the
rear of the premises. Mr Lawson advised that this space had been used since
June under occasional licences which had proved successful. The off sales was
to allow customers to purchase their whisky produced at the distillery and to
take away unfinished bottles after a meal. He said that the 10.30am opening for
on-sales was to offer customers a cocktail etc with
their brunch but if the Board had any concerns regarding this, his client would
be happy to leave the opening time at 11.00am. Raymond Park, Licensing Standards
Officer said that the application was in line with the Board’s policy with the
exception of the 10.30am opening time for on-sales. Mr Park referred to his
report (Appendix 1) and the suggested wording for children and young persons’
conditions and confirmed he had no issues. Sergeant Wendy Maginnis, Police
Scotland referred to her representation (Appendix 2) which related to the
10.30am opening time which was out with the Board’s policy. Richard Trail asked if the
premises were adjacent to the distillery or near any neighbouring properties.
Mr Lawson advised that there were properties nearby. Rory Colville expressed the view
that there was no clear demand for a 10.30am opening time and therefore 11.00am
was sufficient unless the applicant could prove otherwise. Mr Lawson advised that his client
was aware of the Board’s policy and would be happy to comply with this. Alison Gray explained that
breakfast was from 7.30am to 10.00am and then brunch was offered from 10.30am
onwards, hence the reason for the early opening but confirmed she was happy to
leave it at 11.00am. Gordon Blair asked if this was
standard practice in other establishments. Mr Lawson said that it was for
customers taking tours who would be staying at the premises and his client
wanted to offer more flexibility. The Chair moved that the
application be granted as applied for subject to the commencement time for
on-sales remaining at 11.00am. With no-one else being otherwise
minded, this became the decision of the Board. |
The Island Cafe, Main Street, Arinagour, Isle of Coll, PA78 6SY PDF 376 KB The applicant wishes to vary the licence as follows:- 1) To amend the description of the premises. 2) To amend the core times for off-sales to 12 noon to 10.00pm. 3) To amend the wording at question 5(f) any other activities. 4) The on-sales capacity is to be increased from 50 to 71 persons. Summary Sheet attached
– Item 5(g) Additional documents: Minutes: Alexander Murray, Solicitor, Oban
attended on behalf of the applicant and spoke to the terms of the application
which sought to: amend the description
of the premises; amend the core times for off-sales to 12 noon to 10.00pm;
amend the wording at question 5(f) under
any other activities and change on-sales capacity from 50 to 71. Mr
Murray advised that his client wanted to bring the licence back to how it was
some years ago when it was trading as a café. There was a need for a shop
previously but now that a new shop had opened there was no longer a requirement
for this. Raymond
Park, Licensing Standards Officer advised that this was a deletion of the
previous shop and a tidying up exercise with a reduction in off-sales hours. Rory Colville wanted clarity on
what was previously granted and enquired about the outside area. Mr Murray
advised that there were 3 tables in this area which were included in the
existing licence and confirmed his client would be happy with the hours stated
in the Board’s policy. Having considered the foregoing,
the Board agreed to grant the application as applied for. |
Tigh Na Mara Guesthouse, Arinagour, Isle of Coll, PA78 6SY PDF 346 KB The applicant wishes to vary the licence as follows:- 1) To increase on-sales hours.. 2) To add receptions, Club or other group meetings, recorded music and outdoor drinking as activities on the licence. 3) Change of layout plan to take into account the external area. 4) There will be a terminal hour for the external area of 10pm for adults and 8pm for children and young persons. 5) To amend the children and young person’s conditions. 6) To increase the capacity from 17 to 50. Summary Sheet attached
– Item 5(h) Additional documents: Minutes: The
applicant Paula Jean Smalley attended and spoke to the terms of the application
which sought to: increase on-sales hours; add receptions, club or other group
meetings, recorded music and outdoor drinking as activities on the licence; change
of layout plan to take into account the external area; include a terminal hour
for the external area of 10.00pm for adults and 8.00pm for children and young
persons; amend the children and young persons’ conditions and increase the
capacity from 17 to 50. Ms Smalley said that customers now expected more and
that there was a demand for small receptions and therefore she wanted to offer
greater flexibility. She advised, however, that she was no longer seeking to
extend her facilities to the general public and it would be restricted to
residents and their bona fide guests. She stated that the omission of the
external drinking area in the initial application was an error on her part. Raymond
Park, Licensing Standards Officer referred to the initial application which
stated ‘for guests only’ but suggested in his report (Appendix 1) that this be
amended to ‘facilities available to pre booked residents and their guests
only’. The
Chair moved to grant the application as applied for with the suggested wording
as per the Licensing Standards Officer’s report to be included in the
description of the premises. With
no-one else being otherwise minded, this became the decision of the Board. |
Tigh Na Uruisg, Upper Kilchattan, Isle of Colonsay, PA61 7YR PDF 220 KB The applicant wishes to vary the licence as follows:- 1) To amend the wording at Q5(f) any other activities - to extend the opening days and hours for distillery tours from 4 days per week to 6 days per week. 2) To have off sales available for visitors who want to be able to purchase alcohol without a tour. Summary Sheet attached
– Item 5(i) Minutes: The
applicant Eileen Geekie attended and spoke to the
terms of the application which sought to: amend the wording at Q5(f) under any
other activities; to extend the opening days and hours for distillery tours
from 4 days per week to 6 days per week and offer off sales for visitors who
want to be able to purchase alcohol without a tour. Ms Geekie
said there was increased demand for tours but they had to turn away customers
as off-sales was only available for those taking the tours. Raymond
Park, Licensing Standards Officer confirmed he had no issues with the
application. Richard
Trail noted that it was described as a boutique distillery and asked what size
it was. Ms Geekie advised that it was an artisan
distillery with a boutique hotel for up to 4 guests which customers could book
for a weekend retreat. Rory
Colville asked if all tours were booked in advance and that on sales would be
until 11.00pm. Ms Geekie replied that all tours had
to be pre-booked and required 11.00pm for online sales. Rory Colville referred
to off sales and wondered how this would be managed. Ms Geekie
explained that there were 2 members of staff, one who carried out the tours and
the other would deal with customers dropping in to purchase alcohol. Having
considered the foregoing, the Board agreed to grant the application as applied
for. |
Wetherspoons, 19-29 James Street, Helensburgh, G84 9LE PDF 224 KB The applicants wish to vary the licence as follows:- To amend the wording at Q5 in respect of the terminal hour for the external drinking area. Summary Sheet attached
– Item 5(j) Additional documents: Minutes: Archie
MacIver, Solicitor, Glasgow attended on behalf of the applicant and spoke to
the terms of the application which sought to amend the terminal hour for the
external drinking area from 9.00pm to 10.00pm, Sunday to Thursday. Mr MacIver
said that the external drinking area had been in operation since May 2012 and
the staff and management had good relations with the neighbouring areas. He
said that his client was looking to operate the external drinking area until
10.00pm, Monday to Sunday and it would be regularly monitored by a member of
staff. Raymond
Park, Licensing Standards Officer said he had no issues with the application. Richard
Trail enquired if there had been any noise complaints from neighbours. Mr Park
advised that there was one complaint received in 2014 and that the
Environmental Health Officer had no issues with the premises. The
Chair moved to grant the application as applied for. With
no-one else being otherwise minded, this became the decision of the Board. |
Lewis Andrew Black, 39 Achlonan, Taynuilt, Oban, PA35 1JJ A copy of the letter to the licence holder together
with letter from Police Scotland dated 17 June 2021 is attached. Minutes: It was noted that Lewis Black had
advised by email that he would not be attending the meeting. The Board agreed
to consider the matter in his absence. Sergeant Wendy Maginnis referred
to the letter dated 17th June, 2021
(Appendix 3) submitted by Police Scotland which stated that Mr Black had
acted in a manner inconsistent with the licensing objective of preventing crime
and disorder by reason of a conviction for assault to injury at Oban Sheriff
Court on 21st April, 2021. Rory Colville said that the
circumstances of the incident were of considerable concern. Roddy McCuish noted that Mr Black
had been charged and subsequently found guilty and recommended suspending his
licence. Gordon Blair and Kieron Green
agreed. Susan Mair, Depute
Clerk advised that the options available to the Board were - endorsement,
suspension or revocation of the licence. The Chair moved to revoke the
licence which was seconded by Roddy McCuish. With no-one else being otherwise
minded, this became the decision of the Board. |
Revocation of personal licences where licence holders have not undertaken the refresher training A list of personal
licences to be revoked is attached. Minutes: The list of personal licence
holders (Appendix 4) who had not undertaken the required refresher training
within the prescribed timescale was noted and the Board agreed to revoke their
personal licence. |
A list of personal
licences to be revoked is attached. Minutes: The list of personal licence
holders (Appendix 5) who had not submitted an application to renew their
licence was noted and the Board agreed to revoke their licence. |
ANY OTHER BUSINESS Minutes: It was noted that there was no other business. |
NEXT LICENSING BOARD MEETING The next Licensing Board meeting will be held on 9th November 2021. Minutes: The next meeting of the Licensing
Board will be held by Skype on Tuesday 9th November 2021 at 11.00am. |