Agenda and minutes

Forward Dunoon and Cowal Group - Monday, 3 February 2014 2:00 pm

Venue: Customer Services Office, 22 Hill Street, Dunoon

Contact: Danielle Finlay, Area Governance Assistant - 01631 567945 

No. Item




Apologies were received from Councillors McNaughton and McQueen.


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Forward Dunoon and Cowal Group – 2 December 2013


The Minutes of the previous meeting of 2nd December 2013 were approved as a correct record, subject to the amendment on page 2 at item 5, paragraph 3, there are 900,000 leaflets, not 50,000.






The Chair informed the Group that Dunoon Burgh Hall Trust received confirmation on 28th January that Creative Scotland have awarded £15K for immediate funding to develop the Stage 2 bid for £480K. Heritage Lottery Fund have a recommendation coming to their Board to award £550K+, Historic Scotland have awarded £150K and a further £250K has been previously donated.  Cllr. Marshall advised that this money would bring confirmed funding  up to £1.445M which is just £155 short of the required £1.6M and that there is a possible £50K that may come from the Monuments Trust after their meeting in March.


The Chair further advised that planning permission has been granted and Historic Scotland are happy for the planned works to take place.  If all goes according to plan, work will commence in late autumn.  He advised that in the meantime, the Project Worker, Ann Campbell, and Arts Worker, Jenny Hunter have put together a full programme of events to take place before the Hall is closed for restoration.


The Group had a discussion on the hall being closed for 18 months from October/November and the Chair agreed to raise this issue with the Burgh Hall Committee to see what other venues are available for the time in which the hall is closed, as the Queen’s Hall will also be closed.


The Area Governance Officer agreed to approach Education for potential costs and availability of Hillfoot Street Primary and Dunoon Grammar School.




The Group had a discussion re the promotion of off road cycling routes.  Councillor Breslin advised that the funding for this is coming from the Climate Challenge Fund and the Group suggested putting a request in from the 3 Community Councils for lottery funding to help support this.


The Chair suggested to contact Fergus Murray, the Head of Economic Development and Strategic Transportation and Sybil Johnson, the Senior Planning and Strategies Officer and get them involved too, the Area Governance Officer agreed to contact them.


The Chair agreed to contact Mike Cantlay, the Chairman of Visit Scotland.




The Chair updated the Group on the recent Sub Group meeting that met on 14th January to discuss the possibility of helping to promote cycling tourism in Cowal.


He advised that work had been carried out over the previous 3 years by a Group led by Gordon Ross MD Western Ferries.  This was discussed and the Group had identified several “in forest” routes and one 25 mile route which is almost completely “in forest” on the Forestry Commission’s own land.


He further advised that two keen young off road bikers had joined the meeting of the subgroup and had given their views on what would attract bikers from across the water. They noted there were some very interesting extreme routes close to Dunoon although not all on the Forestry Commission’s land.  The Group thought that Cowal could host an event and attract a good number of bikers that would help to create more interest in the area.


The Chair advised that since the subgroup meeting, he is aware that an initiative by Dunoon Community is interested in creating an event that would be mainly road based and might possibly run from Hunters Quay to Ardentinny and return “in forest”.


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Report by Colin Moulson


Colin Moulson from PA23 BID updated the Group on his draft events calendar for 2014.  He advised that they are launching a Foot Golf event at Cowal Golf Club on 11th April followed by a Family Fun Run on 31st May, (Foot Golf being a relatively new, but fast growing game where a size five football is used, the green is moved and new, suitably enlarged holes are created.)


Colin also advised that there would be a kids run that will be round the town centre and the adults run will be along Kirn and West Bay.


PA23 BID are also holding an event on Friday 4th and Saturday 5th July to tie in with American Independence Day where he will have American themed stalls with a BBQ.


He advised that on 13th July it is hoped to hold events from 12pm onwards for the Commonwealth Games in Sandbank, Kirn and the Town Centre which will link in with the baton coming through Dunoon Grammar School at 6:45pm.  Colin advised he is hoping to have the Commonwealth Games flag flying right through the summer to keep reminding people of this event. When asked, Colin agreed that PA23 BID would pay for the necessary flags He also informed the Group that he is hoping to hold a Triathlon at the end of September/start of October and a Ladies Day out in late October with stalls for Nail & Beauty etc.


Finally, he advised that on Saturday 29th November PA23 BID is holding an event for “Dunoon Dazzles” and the Christmas Lights Switch on and is hoping to hold a food market on a Sunday to try and get Dunoon open on a Sunday between April and October Colin agreed to get in touch with the bus companies to let them know.


The Chair suggested Colin get in touch with Fergus Younger in relation to the food market.


Ailsa Cunningham suggested we get involved with the World War One event which is coming up this September and the Area Governance Officer agreed to contact Councillor Maurice Corry, who is the Chair of the World War One Commemoration Steering enquire as to any budget available for the commemoration.



Update by Public Transport Officer


The Group had a discussion regarding the timetable issues in the area.  Councillor Breslin advised that hopefully these changes will work in practice and that Douglas Blades, the Transport Officer seems confident it will work.


The Chair advised that Douglas Blades is currently looking into an all day travel ticket that will take you anywhere in Dunoon and Cowal similar to metropolitan “hopscotch” tickets.  He also advised that West Coast Motors won the contract.




Councillor Breslin suggested we think carefully about someone to help with marketing work on a paid basis for the promotion of off road cycling routes as this could be a full time job for someone.




The Group agreed to set dates for the following year to be held on Monday 14th April, Monday 11th August and Monday 10th November all commencing at 2pm in the Customer Services Office, 22 Hill Street, Dunoon.