Agenda and minutes

Forward Dunoon and Cowal Group - Thursday, 14 April 2011 2:00 pm

Venue: Customer Services Office, 22 Hill Street, Dunoon

Contact: Shirley MacLeod, Area Governance Manager 01369 707130 

No. Item





Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of the following:-


Councillor R Simon

Councillor J R Walsh

Iain Welsh, Project Manager

Brian Close, Planning Officer

Jonathan Welch, Transport Planner

Janet MacKellar, HELP/Dunoon Community Development Group

Simon Richardson, CLANN


Minutes of Meeting of 12 January 2011 pdf icon PDF 59 KB



The Minutes of the meeting of 12th January 2011 were approved as a correct record.


Matters Arising


Town Centre Regeneration Update



The Area Governance Manager advised the Group that the planting in the Castle Gardens is imminent, the plant delivery was expected this week by the contractor and Land & Tree will plant the area.  The interpretation panel to explain the significance of the seating area fence at the Burgh Hall has yet to be installed and Iain Welsh is still waiting on a draft of this from Mackenzie Construction.  The decorative lighting to the tree outside the Queen’s Hall and at Highland Mary is also awaited. 


Councillor Marshall had hoped the work would be finished in April because he is planning an official opening of the seated area.


Allan Macdonald advised the group that the turf at the seating area will be removed and sewn with wild flower seeds.  Allan further advised that the water running out of the seated area has been brought to the attention of Mackenzie Construction and he is waiting on an update.  Councillor MacAlister advised that there is a drain on the street that is blocked with silt.


Councillor Marshall asked what species were being planted in the Castle Gardens and it was agreed Allan Macdonald would forward this information to Councillor Marshall.


Councillor Marshall also asked Allan to make sure the finger posts were pointing in the right direction and to investigate if one for the Bishops Glen had been erected.


Woodland in and Around Town Project



Iain McNaughton advised that the bid for the Woodlands in and Around Town funding had been submitted in January and they were just waiting on the outcome.


Councillor MacAlister said that he would like the path at the top of the Morag’s Fairy Glen to join up with the Bishop’s Glen and this should be done either through the WIAT project or the Core Path.  Councillor Marshall advised that the WIAT funding was for the community ranger because of the problems they were having with land ownership. 


Green Gym



The Area Governance Manager advised the Group that Janet MacKellar had been concerned that the Lower Clyde Space Group had made a bid for Leader funding without consulting the Dunoon Group, Janet had further advised that they had in fact contacted both Simon Richardson and Martin Turnbull.  Janet is still looking for ways to fund the Dunoon group.


Environmental Improvements



The Area Streetscene Officer advised the meeting on the Environmental Improvements she has planned for the area.  The Criminal Justice team will be seeding out the area at Shaw’s Yard and Shaw’s have donated wood for Argyll College to provide a fence at Moir Street, this area will also be seeded out with wild flowers.  Ian McNee and Argyll College will be dealing with the brick planters at the East Bay and Ailsa is hoping that Scottish Water will provide the bricks.  Dunoon Grammar school have linked with Kirn Primary and EnviroKirn and Sandbank got three packs of trees for entering the neighbourhood category of Scotland in Bloom.  Ailsa also advised that she is trying to get Lochgoilhead to enter Scotland in Bloom because the criteria has changed.  Ailsa will be planting wild flower seeds at the war memorial in South Cowal.


Iain McNaughton asked for Scottish Water to reinstate the grass at Lazaretto Point and Councillor Marshall said he would bring this up at a Business Day.  Ian McNaughton also asked if up-lighters could be installed at the memorial at Lazaretto Point.


Councillor Marshall asked about the initiative brought forward by the community in Sandbank to plant the grassed area at Cowal Cemetery and Allan Macdonald explained why with was not feasible.


Councillor McNaughton advised that that Development Trust was working well in the Colintraive area.


Councillor Marshall wished to congratulate Allan Macdonald on the flower displays in the Dunoon area this year.


CHORD Update



The Area Governance Manager advised that the CHORD project was progressing with AECOM.  They had facilitated a workshop to look at the Dunoon Pier and have a workshop to look at the Queen’s Hall on 27th April 2011.


There are no planned meetings at the moment which means that the project is progressing well.


Councillor Marshall felt the Pier workshop was a successful day and John Orr said the concerns will be when the ferry stops, will it be a derelict monument, if it is a national icon then it should be the nation that looks after it.


Burgh Hall Update



Councillor Marshall advised that the Burgh Hall is going from strength to strength and has held some major functions.  Councillor Marshall said the problem with the hall was that it was very cold and £50,000 has been spent in the interior with work continuing on the insulation, decoration and curtains in the next 2/3 weeks.  The hall committee is looking for extra directors and also people to become “Friends of the Burgh Hall”, they are also looking for a company secretary.  The committee are planning on taking forward a farmers market in September and a film festival in June 2012.


Business Improvement District Update (PA23BID)



John Orr spoke on the Business Improvement District scheme advising that a steering group had been set up and funding had been received, they were now progressing with the consultation to come up with projects to take to the ballot.  John said that Cowal has tremendous physical assets and the aim is to keep people on this side of the Clyde.  John spoke on the BID area and on how the ballot is worked out.



Legal status of Dunoon Community Development group



David McKenzie advised that he had met with the Council to take forward a Town Centre Development Company to run the Queen’s Hall and Stadium but the Council were not in favour of this approach. 


Councillor Marshall said that the Stadium would be easier to run as a community group.


The Area Governance Manager advised that if a Business Case was produced to show improvement on how the stadium was run then this could be taken forward.


Underage drinking in Dunoon and Cowal



Councillor Marshall explained that Chief Inspector Mosley was concerned about underage drinking and he is keen to raise the profile of this problem.  He advised that the Chief Inspector was planning an event in the school.


Iain McNaughton suggested a report in the local paper about the test purchasing that had been carried out and further suggested a doctor attending the event in the school to show children what the effects are when they drink.


Any Other Competent Business



David McKenzie advised the meeting that he was having to withdraw from most of the groups he attends because he was moving to Glasgow.  Councillor Marshall wished him well and thanked him for all his help.


Councillor Marshall asked about pedestrianisation of Argyll Street and John Orr spoke on the partial pedestrianisation and what it was going to achieve.  He suggested closing the street for events, farmers markets etc over the summer months.  David McKenzie spoke on shared space and the need for some sort of canopy.  Councillor MacAlister said that a canopy would not work and the reasons why.  Councillor Marshall asked that this item stays on the agenda.


Councillor Marshall also advised that the PPSL agreed in principal to the supermarket at Walker site depending on whether they can get a competent motion.


Date of Next Meeting



The Group agreed the date of the next meeting would be Friday 5th August at 10am in Customer Services Office, 22 Hill Street, Dunoon.