Agenda and minutes

Forward Dunoon and Cowal Group - Wednesday, 12 January 2011 10:00 am

Venue: Customer Services Office, 22 Hill Street, Dunoon

Contact: Shirley MacLeod, Area Manager, Customer Services 

No. Item





Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of the following:-


Councillor A McNaughton

Councillor J McQueen

Councillor J R Walsh

Iain Welsh, Projects Manager

Brian Close, Planning Officer

David McKenzie, McKenzie Professional Services

John MacLeod

John Glass

Iain McNee


Minutes of Meeting of 10th November 2010 pdf icon PDF 57 KB



The Minutes of the meeting of 10th November 2010 were approved as a correct record.


Matters Arising


Town Centre Regeneration Update



Shirley MacLeod gave an update on the Town Centre Regeneration works advising that the bus shelter in Argyll Street has been installed.  The tree work has commenced in the Castle Gardens although the large tree adjacent to the lodge has not yet been tackled due to snow and icy conditions.  The road is to be partially closed off for the duration of this and it was considered prudent to hold fire until ground conditions improve and traffic management can be safely controlled.  This is now scheduled for next week.  The new planting at Castle Hill be held back until risk of frost damage is minimal, this should be implemented in March.


Mackenzie Construction will be on site 12th January to continue snagging works and footpath completion, including the additional path running from the lodge to the museum.  This should be finished at the end of next week.


Specially designed railing and interpretation panels will be installed at the Argyll Street seating area in February by a local metalwork fabricator.


When all scheduled works are complete Iain will identify whether it is possible to include the replacement of the information panel at Kent Trust car park, he is hopeful that will be the case.


Ailsa Cunningham asked about the information sign at the zebra crossing having the items that no longer exist e.g. bathing lido, blanked out to avoid confusion.  The group agreed that they would be painted white.


Brian Chennell asked again about the funds being spent in the Castle Hill being out with the designated area and asked for evidence that the Scottish Government had agreed to this.


Janet MacKellar asked that an extra Finger be added to the signpost at John Street pointing towards the Bishops Glen and Allan Macdonald said he would look into this.


Councillor Marshall advised that there will be an official opening of the Burgh Hall seating area in April/May and it was agreed Shirley MacLeod would organise this.


Councillor Simon asked if the old lights in Argyll Street have to be removed and it was agreed Iain Welsh would look into this.


Woodland In and Around Town Project



Janet MacKellar gave an update on the Woodland In and Around Town Project advising that the application for funding was on track.  Janet explained that the WIAT funding would be used to upgrade paths, linking the glens and signage and the Forestry for People funding will be put towards a Rangers post to promote the area. 


Simon Richardson said that they had not managed to contact the Friends of the Bishops Glen and Allan Macdonald asked that they contact the Dunoon & District Angling Club and Mrs Emerson who lives in the Glen.


Allan Macdonald advised that the Council will  be fixing the bridge in the Fairy Glen and Councillor Simon suggested Allan email Janet all maintenance the Council has and will be carrying out so that she can put it as in kind contributions.




Green Gym



Janet MacKellar advised that the Green Gym was a pilot that is now complete.  She said that if the WIAT funding is successful they may use Green Gym for some of the work.  Janet expressed her concern that the Lower Clyde Space Group bid for Leader funding for Green Gyms without consulting The Dunoon Group and it was agreed Shirley MacLeod would contact Charlie Cairns with her concerns.



CHORD Update



Councillor Marshall advised that the Consultants appointed for the Dunoon CHORD Project are AECOM who will take forward the Queen’s Hall, surrounding environment and public realm works, they will also provide a strategy for Dunoon Pier.


Brian Chennell said that the CHORD Project was based on the four options from the public consultation and asked if because it was changed to the Queen’s Hall and surrounding area would a further consultation with the public be required?  Shirley explained that this was only phase 1 of the development, which would help lever in funding for subsequent phases.  Councillor Marshal said that AECOM will be carrying out consultation.


Brian Chennell said that the Council had asked the BIDS business plan to take the CHORD project into consideration and he explained that this was difficult to do because he didn’t know what the project was and therefore asked if the Business Association could be added to the CHORD Project Board.  Councillor Marshall said that if the Business Association was on the Board then Dunoon Community Council should also have a seat.  Shirley explained that this was a decision for the CHORD Project Board to decide and asked Brian Chennell to make a formal request to be on the Board and it would be an item on the next agenda.


Brian Chennell also asked if the Consultants were aware of the proposed Development Company for the Queen’s Hall so that it was fit for their purpose, Brian also asked if the CHORD Project would be changed if the Queen’s Hall was sold to the Development Company. 


The Group discussed the Development Company and the duplication of meetings and Janet MacKellar advised that the Dunoon Community Development Company already existed and that they were a limited company with charitable status.  Brian said he would give this information to David McKenzie.


Business Improvement District Update



Brian Chennell gave a presentation on the Business Improvement District scheme.  Brian advised that a BIDs Steering Group has been set up and applications have been received to appoint a manager.  Councillor Simon asked about how the rateable value of properties was taken into account and Brian gave him advice.  Janet MacKellar expressed her concern over the Steering Group being set up and only containing the people Brian had asked to join, saying people would class it as a closed shop and Councillor Marshall suggested Brian put a notice in the paper inviting people to join the Steering Group.


Marine Access



Jonathan Welch advised the Group that he was part of the Water Bus group.  Jonathan explained that the group were originally trying to provide an up river service from Clydebank to Glasgow and a down river service to Cowal, Bute and the National Park.  Jonathan explained that the up service link is being progressed at this time with aspirations to extend the service in the future.  Several operators have been asked for tenders and depending on the outcome of these the service could start in the summer of 2012.  Once the tenders have been received and the group have decided if it is feasible to carry on then SPT will contact Clyde Port.


Councillor MacAlister expressed his concern over an additional service when the Council are trying to get the Dunoon/Gourock service.  Jonathan said this was one of the reasons why the down river service has been put on hold. 


Ailsa Cunningham asked about the seaplane and Councillor Simon said that any strategy for the pier should incorporate the seaplane.


Jonathan Welch intimated his apologies and left the meeting at this stage.


Public Procurement



Brian Chennell explained that the Business Association have organised a meeting with Allan Brough, Exchequer Manager for the Council, Jim Mather MSP and Liz Cameron who is on the Board for the Public Procurement Services on Friday 21st January to discuss Public Procurement.


Brian said that local companies feel disadvantaged through the Local Public Procurement scheme and feel that there should be a higher weighting given to community benefit derived when local companies are awarded contracts.


Simon Richardson intimated his apologies and left the meeting at this stage.


Environmental Improvements



Ailsa Cunningham said she had spoken to Iain McNee and Argyll College who have agreed to repair the planters along the promenade.  Ailsa also advised that she had sent an email to Community Councils advising of the free trees available if they enter the “Its Your Neighbourhood” section of the “Scotland in Bloom” competitions.  Ailsa said that the area at Moir Street car park, the verge at Shaw’s Yard and a few other projects will be going ahead this year.   The Group agreed Ailsa would meet with Martin Turnbull in March to discuss taking these projects forward.


Iain McNaughton intimated his apologies and left the meeting at this stage.




Any Other Competent Business



Brian Chennell asked when Scottish Water would be finished work in the Car Park on the front of Dunoon and Councillor Marshall advised Scottish Water were coming to the Business Day and he would ask them and give Brian the reply.


Brian Chennell asked Councillor Marshall to set up a meeting with Sandy Mactaggart regarding the Town Centre Development Company.


Date of Next Meeting



The Group agreed meetings would be quarterly with dates in April, August and November being circulated.