Contact: Shona Marshall Tel. No. 01546 604407
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies for absence had been received from Alasdair Davidson, Tim Saul, Eric Box, Sheila Johnston, Raymond Boyle, Roanna Clark and Elaine Garman. |
Local Licensing Forum held on 11 April 2012. Minutes: In the absence of a quorum the Forum noted the Minute of the meeting held on 11 April 2012 and noted that this would go to the next meeting for approval. |
sent to Mary Ellmers, Head of Training & Development, Alcohol Focus
Scotland. Minutes: The Forum noted the letter that had been sent to Mary Elmers in response to her letter regarding the Forum’s discussion on the Re-thinking Alcohol Licensing Report. In the absence of a quorum the Forum had an informal discussion on the format of future meetings to allow the Forum to operate in an efficient manner, to ensure that they had a focus and that they fulfilled their role of making recommendations to the Licensing Board. The following suggestions were made – · A particular issue of interest to the Forum should be placed on the agenda for discussion at a meeting, should be the focus of that meeting, that a conclusion be reached at the meeting and any recommendations to the Board be taken forward. · Background information should be collated on the issue to be discussed i.e. statistical information before the meeting of the Forum that a particular issue has to be discussed. · Any relevant organisation should be invited to attend a meeting to answer any questions the Forum may have and to provide any views on a particular issue to be discussed which would aid the Forum in reaching a conclusion on a particular matter. · Members of the Forum should be invited to email in suggestions for topics of discussion/questions before a meeting of the Forum which can be researched before that meeting and before discussion takes place. · A decision should be made at the end of each meeting regarding the topic to be discussed/focus of the next meeting. Those present agreed that the item to be discussed at the next meeting of the Forum should be whether or not a recommendation be made to the Board to review it’s Policy in relation to processing licenses so that the Policy allows for certain specific premises to have extended opening hours. |
CHIEF CONSTABLES' REPORTS TO LICENSING BOARDS AND LOCAL LICENSING FORUMS Report for information by Chief Constable for the year April 2011 to March 2012. Minutes: It was noted that this would go to the next meeting of the Forum. |
RE-THINKING OF ALCOHOL LICENSING - TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION WITH LICENSING BOARD Minutes: The Chair advised that a date of 10 August 2012 had been suggested for a Joint Meeting with the Licensing Board. He highlighted that this would be the first meeting with the new Licensing Board and that it would be helpful to have good attendance at this meeting. |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was suggested that the Police Statistics be removed from the agenda for future meetings unless specifically asked for. |
Minutes: It was suggested that this item be removed from the agenda for future meetings of the Forum and anything of importance could be highlighted and placed on the agenda if required. |
Minutes: There was no discussion under this item. |
DATE FOR JOINT MEETING OF LICENSING BOARD AND LOCAL LICENSING FORUM Minutes: It was noted that there was a suggested date and time of 10 August 2012 at 2pm as there was a Licensing Board meeting being held in the morning of that day. |
DATE OF NEXT MEETING Wednesday 17 October 2012 at 10.30am in Committee Room 1, Kilmory, Lochgilphead Minutes: Noted as 17 October 2012. |