Contact: Shona Marshall Tel. No. 01546 60 4407
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies for absence were
received from Brian Kupris, Iain MacNaughton,
Sheila Johnston, Laura Meek, Dr Helen Bath and Elaine Garman. |
APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRPERSON Minutes: Eric Box intimated his intention
to stand down from the role of Chairperson.
He indicated that after four years doing the job he felt it was time to let
someone else take over. Nominations were
invited for the appointment of a Chairperson. Eric Box proposed that
Kenneth Harrison be appointed as Chairperson and this was Seconded by Eric
Dearie. Kenneth Harrison was duly appointed
as Chairperson. Kenneth Harrison took the Chair
and thanked Eric Box for his work as Chairperson over the past year. |
Local Licensing Forum held on 26 October 2011 Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting of
the Local Licensing Forum held on Wednesday 26 October 2011 were approved as a
correct record. |
NATIONAL COMMUNITIES PROJECT Presentation by Caroline Church Minutes: Caroline Church, Alcohol
Focus Scotland, gave a presentation on the National Communities Project Lochgilphead/Ardrishaig. She explained the purpose of
Alcohol Focus Scotland, its core functions, strategic priorities and use of
logic modelling. She then outlined; ·
background to the
National Communities Project; ·
Community perceptions of impact of the project; ·
price paid for
alcohol in terms of health and social aspects; ·
aim of a whole
population approach of the Project; ·
impact of alcohol
in Argyll and Bute; ·
how the role
could be approached; and ·
outcomes wanting
to be achieved. She concluded her
presentation by setting out the next steps of the Project, and sought
collective endorsement and support for the Project and its outcomes from the
Forum. Responding to queries she
explained that the Lochgilphead/Ardrishaig area had
been chosen due to the similar population size to that of the initial Project
delivered in Blackburn, West Lothian.
However, aspects of the Project could be adapted by neighbouring
communities such as Kilmartin, Kilmichael,
Carnbaan or the Islands eg
school initiatives. Any issues specific
to Argyll and Bute could be identified at the end of the year long project, but
it was for the community owned steering group to decide its own workplan and outcomes. The Forum thanked Caroline
for her presentation and indicated its support for the Project. Decision Agreed that S Marshall send
copies of the presentation to Forum members. |
Report by Calum Maclachlainn Minutes: There had been circulated
report for discussion by Calum MacLachlainn on 3am licensing extensions. Speaking to the report, Calum
highlighted the benefits he felt this would bring to town centres as follows; ·
result in less
chance of pre-loading; ·
apply to venues
strictly designed for late night entertainment ·
enable the venue
to apply a charge and in turn provide enhanced entertainment performers; ·
reduce incidents
on streets as crowd would not congregate outside biggest venue at same time as
other bars; ·
result in customers going home later in the evening and not just at closing
time; ·
encourage more
responsible drinking, as no pressure to finish drinking 15 minutes before
closing time; ·
result in less
aggressive behaviour; ·
improve the tourism
sector; and ·
enable diverse
entertainment to the benefit of locals and tourists alike. Marlene Baillie, Chief
Inspector, queried whether there had been any consultation with local residents
in Oban town centre on 3am opening hours.
It appeared that they already opposed the granting of 2am licenses. Raymond Park suggested that a
risk matrix, previously used by the Forum, could be applied in this case. The staggering of closing hours could simply
move overcrowding in streets forward by one hour, to the detriment of local
residents and the town itself.
Discussion then took place on whether later opening hours would reduce
pre-loading. J Russell Buchanan suggested
that it would be beneficial to look at the structure and distribution of
licenses in each of the Wards in Argyll and Peter Robertson pointed out
that the Licensing Board was entitled to look at the effect late licenses would
have on police resources. He cited a
recent Glasgow case where the court had upheld the Board’s decision to refuse
extended licence on that basis. Eric Box felt that when
looking at late night licenses, consideration should be given to ensure not
only the licensee but the local area benefitted as a result. There may also be health issues involved in
granting late licenses as this may encourage the availability of alcohol, which
was in opposition to government policy which was geared towards price increases
and reduction in availability. Marlene Baillie pointed out
that police shift patterns were set up towards change of shifts prior to
3am. This could result in the reduction
of police resources available for dealing with disturbances which resulted from
the extension of entertainment and catering premises licenses. She queried whether there was
any supporting evidence that granting 3am extensions would, for example, reduce
domestic incidents or result in a reduction of hospital admissions or disorder
in town centres. Decision 1) Agreed to place the “Re-thinking of Alcohol Licensing
– Introduction of Curfews and Staggering of Venue Closing Times” as an Item for
discussion on the Agenda for the next meeting of the Forum; and 2) Agreed that Caroline Church bring information to the next meeting of the Forum on any set precedents or evidence available from other parts of the country on the effect of later licensing hours on public disorder, hospital admissions etc |
LOCAL LICENSING FORUMS - BEST PRACTICE DISCUSSION PDF 2 MB Notes from discussion held by Alcohol Focus Scotland on 2 December 2011 Minutes: Referring to the “Notes from
the Local Licensing Forums Best Practice Discussion” held by Alcohol Focus
Scotland on Friday 2 December 2011”, Eric Box highlighted the sections “Young
People” and “Alcohol: the Facts in Fife
2011”. During discussion it was explained
that West Dunbartonshire Council had taken into account the correlation in
statistics on health and the number of licensed premises in an area, to help
them build a picture of trends and inform their overprovision policy. Craig McNally also informed
the Forum that NHS Highland had carried out a report on health issues
attributed to access to alcohol in the Roanna Clark referred to the
membership of young people. There were two youth representative places on the Forum. However, owing to other commitments one
representative was unable to attend the meeting and the other place was vacant
but would be filled in the near future. She confirmed that both youth
representatives would be attending the next meeting of the Forum, and did not
consider that any additional youth places were required. Youth representatives were
important to the Forum as they passed on relevant information to young people
through sources such as the Young Scot website and the Argyll and Bute Youth
Forum. The Forum also gained from having
a youth voice as part of its membership. Decision 1) Agreed that “Alcohol: the Facts in 2) Agreed that Craig McNally obtain a copy of the NHS Highland
report for circulation to the Forum; and 3) Agreed that Caroline Church obtain a copy of the
“Alcohol: the Facts in |
ALCOHOL FOCUS SCOTLAND Minutes: The Chair referred to the invitation for any representative from the Forum to attend a Regional Event “Re-thinking Alcohol Licensing” being held in Inverness on Tuesday 7 February 2012 by Alcohol Focus Scotland. The same event was also taking place in Glasgow on 20 February 2012. Decision Agreed that any member wishing to attend either of the “Re-thinking Alcohol Licensing” events inform Shona Marshall, Committee Services. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: Marlene Baillie spoke to the
report on the Summary of Storm Incidents, October – November 2011. Following a query on the
statistics, Eric Box explained that Storm Incidents were incidents which had been
reported to the police, and included attendance by police officers at licensed
premises. Marlene Baillie pointed out
that any incidents occurring at licensed premises required a separate type of
form to be completed, and some information may not be published due to
disclosure issues. Figures on drug
related incidents in licenses premises were available for the past year,
however there were a range of factors
which would have to be taken into account when considering whether or
not drug use was on the increase and as
such the figures could not be looked at in isolation. Decision Agreed that an analysis of the
police statistics for the year 2011 which showed trends of the figures, as had been
produced for the meeting on 17 July 2011, be brought to the next meeting of the
Forum. |
Minutes: The Forum noted the update
from Eric Dearie. He confirmed that in
some cases the closure of licensed premises in Lochgilphead, Campbeltown and
Oban had resulted in quieter streets, and in other cases the population had
shifted to other premises in the towns. Premises in Argyll and He went on to inform the Forum
that the Council’s Environmental Health Section also carried out formal
inspections and would contact licensed premises managers to inform them if they
were to be in their area to carry out inspections. Decision Members noted the report and thanked Mr Dearie. |
Minutes: The Forum noted the following
updates; (i)
National Outcomes
for LLF – the study was on-going (ii)
Promotion of LLF
– ongoing (iii)
Alcohol Focus
Scotland – Linda Bowie to attend April 2012 meeting of the LLF (iv)
Alcohol Licensing – ongoing With regard to the
Educational DVD, “don’t make the same mistakes we did” Roanna Clark
reported that following a project exchange with Poland it was noted that some
of the country’s youth projects were funded though taxes on alcohol sales given
to the Local Authority. These projects
also existed in Sweden and Denmark. The Argyll and Bute local Scottish Youth
Parliament member was now interested in bringing a similar project to the Youth
Parliament and she queried whether the Forum would be supportive of this
initiative. The Forum agreed their
support to the suggestion that youth activities be funded by use of an alcohol
levy. Discussion then followed on
the timing of the number of Joint Licensing Board and Licensing Board meetings
which should be held. It was suggested
that these be held on a more regular basis. The Forum agreed that the Minutes of the last joint
meeting of the Licensing Board and Licensing Forum held in September 2011 be
circulated. |
Minutes: The Forum noted the following
future meeting dates; ·
Wednesday 11
April 2012 ·
Wednesday 18 July
2012 ·
Wednesday 17
October 2012 |