Contact: Hazel Kelly Tel: 01546 604269
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Superintendent Raymond Park, Calum MacLachlainn, Iain McNaughton, Caroline Smith, Laura Meek and Charles Reppke. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minutes: None intimated. |
MINUTES OF MEETING OF LOCAL LICENSING FORUM HELD ON 25 JANUARY 2011 PDF 64 KB Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting of the Local Licensing Forum held on 25 January 2011 were approved as a correct record. Under item 6 (Alcohol Focus Scotland) Eric Box advised that Charles had been in contact with Linda Bowie from Alcohol Focus Scotland to discuss engaging with other Forums with a view to forming regional Forums but this had been put on hold due to Charles being heavily involved in the recent Scottish Parliament Elections. Eric also advised that the action points that had come out of the Forums training that morning could be incorporated into the setting of objectives for the Forum at a future meeting. Eric Box thanked the Police for providing the statistics for the Helensburgh area. |
NATIONAL LICENSING CONFERENCE 2011 PDF 100 KB Minutes: It was noted that Eric Box would attend the conference on 15 September 2011. |
ALCOHOL FOCUS SCOTLAND Minutes: Eric Box invited members of the Forum to raise any issues they may have under this item on the agenda before future meetings. He suggested that all new Members look at the Alcohol Focus Scotland website. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The number of visits to licensed premises, storm incidents and drink related domestic incidents for the period January to March 2011 were presented to the Forum. Brian commented that the figures for March had been higher after January’s low figures. Marlene advised that this was due to seasonal trends. Eric Box asked the reason for the higher number of visits in the MAKI area. Marlene advised that this was due to initiatives that had been run in the area. Eric Box asked if there was a reason for the low figures related to underage drinking and drugs. Marlene advised that this was due to the fact that the Police must have reasonable cause to search a person within licensed premises. A discussion took place on domestic violence incidents related to alcohol. Marlene advised that 95% of violence incidents were related to alcohol and that they peak after the Christmas and New Year period. Cath commented that not all incidents relate to addictions. Marlene gave an overview of the police procedures that are undertaken following a domestic violence incident. Decision
Minutes: The Licensing Standards Officer had submitted an update detailing his activity between 25 January 2011 and 5 May 2011. Cath asked what the choices were for the Licensing Board when running a licence review. Eric advised that there were 5 steps that could be taken; from a warning up to revocation of a licence. Eric Box asked how the Pubwatch Scheme was progressing. Eric Dearie advised that there were schemes in Helensburgh, Oban and Campbeltown that were very vibrant and well attended. Sheila asked if there was a target for the LSO inspections. Eric Dearie advised that the intention was to inspect all 594 premises in Argyll and Bute and that the first 100 had been chosen at random as a starting point. Out of those 100 premises, 92 had been inspected. After all premises had been inspected the intention would be to re-inspect every 3 years. Decision The Forum noted the report. |
Minutes: The issue tracker was considered and the following points noted -