Contact: Hazel Kelly Tel. No. 01546 604269
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Superintendent
Raymond Park, Calum MacLachlainn,
Fred Bruce, Iain McNaughton, Sheila Johnston, Catherine Dobbie,
David Greenwell, Kenneth Harrison, Cath Cakebread and Peter Robertson. |
INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBERS Minutes: Charles welcomed new members, Tim Saul, Raymond Boyle and |
APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRPERSON Minutes: As it was the first meeting of the year, the Forum were
required to appoint a Chairperson. J
Russell Buchanan nominated Eric Box as Chair, Brian Kupris
seconded this and accordingly Eric Box was appointed as Chair for the year 2011. |
MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON 27 OCTOBER 2010 PDF 51 KB Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 27 October 2010 were
approved as a correct record. |
FEEDBACK FROM NATIONAL LICENSING CONFERENCE 2010 Minutes: Russell had attended the National Licensing Conference 2010
and was invited to provide feedback to the Forum. He reported that one of the main discussion
points of the conference had been minimum pricing and the Forum had a short
discussion on this. Roanna reported that the Youth
Forum were currently looking into creating an educational DVD for their peers
on the consumption of alcohol based around the theme “Don’t make the same
mistakes we did” which would hopefully be completed by Summer 2011. Eric expressed his interest in having this
DVD shown to the Forum. Charles told Roanna that if the Council could assist in the production
of the DVD then to let him know. Decision The Forum noted Russell Buchanan’s feedback from the
National Licensing Conference. |
ALCOHOL FOCUS SCOTLAND Minutes: Charles advised that he had been in contact with Linda Bowie
of Alcohol Focus Decision The Forum agreed that the focus for the coming year would be
OVERPROVISION: UPDATE Minutes: Charles advised that Peter Robertson had been asked to
provide an update on Overprovision but had been out of the office at Tribunals
and had been unable to provide a report.
Charles advised that an email would be issued with an update and if any
members had issues to notify him and it would be put on the agenda for the next
meeting. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: Inspector Davidson reported on the number of visits to
licensed premises and the number of STORM incidents for the months October to
December 2010. He highlighted that the
figures for October had been very high compared to previous years and that
there was no obvious reason for the rise. Eric noted that there were no STORM figures available for
Helensburgh and that this had been an ongoing problem. He advised that in the past J Russell Buchanan asked Inspector Davidson if it would be
possible to receive figures for domestic abuse cases that were purely related
to alcohol. Inspector Davidson advised
that he would look into this. Mr
Buchanan stressed that it was important that this was not a time consuming
exercise for the Police. Decision
Minutes: Eric Dearie spoke to his report on
his activity between the months of October and January. He highlighted the low level of licensing
complaints in Argyll and The Forum had a discussion on 24 hour trade and the effect
of curfews and reduced opening hours on businesses. They discussed the change in the times that
customers use licensed premises due to the smoking ban and the increase in the
price of alcohol. Charles advised that due to the budget cuts and service
reviews that were taking place in the Council, he would not be filling the 2
LSO posts that he had provision for at present.
This was to allow for the Council’s redeployment programme which was
part of the service review process. He
advised that, in the meantime, Alan Morrison had arranged for a contractor to
assist Eric in visiting licensed premises.
Charles advised that he would report back on this at the next meeting. Decision
Minutes: Charles took the Forum through the issue tracker and the
following was noted –
FORUM ATTENDANCE Minutes: Charles advised that attendance had been poor at previous
meetings and that he had placed the item on the agenda to establish reasons
from members for non attendance. Decision It was agreed that Charles would write to the members of the
forum that were from public agencies to establish reasons for non attendance. |
FUTURE MEETING DATES PDF 27 KB Minutes: The meeting dates for 2011 were agreed as follows – 19 April 2011 19/20 July 2011 25/26 October 2011 |
ANY OTHER BUSINESS Minutes: Raymond thanked the Forum for welcoming him and added that
he was not surprised at the low figures for Argyll and Tim raised the increase in unlicensed restaurants inviting
customers to “bring their own bottle” and expressed the opinion that it
contributed to the risk of public disorder and encouraged the underage
consumption of alcohol and asked if there were any control mechanisms in place. He gave an example of some customers that had
gone to an unlicensed restaurant with a number of bottles and who had sat in
the restaurant all night but did not spend very much on their meal. Inspector
Davidson advised that there were no laws to control the consumption of alcohol
by under 18’s on unlicensed premises but that child protection legislation
would play a part in controlling it.
Eric Dearie commented that a restaurant owner
has the right to ask someone to leave their premises if they were behaving in
such a way as he had earlier described. Eric Box expressed concern at the low representation by
health at the meetings and the lack of health issues on the agenda. Charles advised that there would be little
point in placing health issues on the agenda if there was no one at the meeting
with a health background to talk on them.
He advised that he would include reference to this in his letter
regarding attendance and would encourage representatives from health to put
forward some agenda items. Eric Box asked Roanna if she had encountered any problems with counterfeit Young Scot Cards. Roanna replied that there had been a number of rumours circulating that counterfeit cards had been produced and used in Argyll and Bute but that she had worked closely with Strathclyde Police and Trading Standards and they had found no evidence of any counterfeit cards. |