Venue: Council Chambers, Kilmory, Lochgilphead. View directions
Contact: Adele Price-Williams Tel: 01546 604480
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies for Absence were intimated on behalf of Iain J MacNaughton and Councillor Richard Trail. |
Local Licensing Forum PDF 65 KB Minutes of the Local Licensing Forum as held on Tuesday 9 February 2016. Minutes: Minutes of the Local Licensing Forum held on Tuesday 9 February 2016 were approved as a correct record. |
Joint Licensing Board and Local Licensing Forum PDF 69 KB Minutes of the Joint Meeting of the Argyll and Bute Licensing Board and Argyll and Bute Local Licensing Forum held on Wednesday 9 December 2015. Minutes: Minutes of the Joint meeting of the Argyll and Bute Licensing Board and Local Licensing Forum held on Wednesday 9 December 2015 were approved as a correct record. |
Note of Inquorate meeting of the Local Licensing Forum on 8 November 2016 Minutes: The Joint Group noted the Inquorate meeting note of the Local Licensing Forum on Tuesday 8 November 2016. |
ALCOHOL LICENSING IN YOUR COMMUNITY - HOW YOU CAN GET INVOLVED PDF 2 MB Toolkit Resource published by Alcohol Focus Scotland Minutes: The Joint Group gave consideration to a report by Alcohol Focus Scotland designed as a toolkit to assist anyone who would like to have a say on how alcohol impacts on their community. The toolkit explained how the licensing process works in Scotland and provided some practical tips to help people who wish to get involved and is available on the Council’s website for members of the public or license holders to access. The Group discussed how the toolkit is a useful publication to be used as a point of reference should Members be approached by constituents looking for direction if they wish to raise an objection as well as being a helpful reference document to license holders in aiding their understanding of the processes that may affect them. Decision The Joint Group noted the report. (Reference: Report by Alcohol Focus Scotland, submitted) |
Copy of Report submitted to the Council Meeting on 21 April 2016 with Extract of Minute PDF 1 MB Minutes: The Joint Group gave consideration to a report submitted to Council in April 2016 which provided an update by the Licensing Board on the current issues relating to the membership of the Local Licensing Forum. The report outlined proposals to review a range of businesses, agencies and local groups participating in the Forum in order to optimise its effectiveness. The Council approved the proposals to refresh and extend the scope of the Forum membership as detailed in section 4.4 of the submitted report. Decision The Joint Group noted the report and minute extract. (Reference: Report to Council by Executive Director – Customer Services with Extract of Minute dated 21 April 2016, submitted) |
Note on possible methods of attracting new Members PDF 77 KB Minutes: Consideration was given by the Joint Group to a note on a draft advert / flyer to be circulated at various location in order to extend the scope of the Forum’s membership and noted that this detail will be included in a report by the Chair to be brought back to the Forum’s next meeting. Discussion focused on how inquorate meetings are uneconomical and that after May’s local elections and in advance of the Licensing Policy Statement review, a view should be sort on reducing membership to a few core members of no more than 10. Roanna Clark updated the Joint Group on the current focus on issues facing young people tending to focus on the education of legal highs and internet safety, rather than alcohol, although Young Scot would welcome the opportunity of taking part in a pilot scheme whereby young people could be invited into licensed premises for an educational visit. It was highlighted to the Joint Group that Wendy Brown, Education Officer for Helensburgh and Lomond, has been visiting schools showing a presentation on helping to educate children about alcohol which has been well received Other possible methods of attracting new members and increasing the function of the Forum that were discussed included that the Licensing Board can request input from the Forum to help inform Licensing decisions; the possibility of a Member of the Licensing Board also to sit on the Forum as a Member and that a draft workplan to facilitate forward planning for the Forum may be of benefit. Decision The Joint Group agreed to: i) request that the Education Officer for Helensburgh and Lomond circulate her presentation to Members of the Joint Group; ii) support Young Scot in working in conjunction with license holders to pilot an educational visit to licensed premises and report back to a future meeting of the Local Licensing Forum; and iii) to feedback any comments and suggestions on attracting new Members to the Chair via Susan Mair. |
VERBAL REPORT BY THE CHAIR Minutes: The Chair spoke to the Joint Group about his concerns for the future direction and membership of the Local Licensing Forum. He had been in communication with the Scottish Government and reported that they are keen to support Forums and are looking at a new alcohol strategy to include the possibility of the National Licensing Board or equivalent to interface between Forums and the Scottish Government with an input from Alcohol Focus Scotland. Items for discussion could then filter down to the Forums for local contribution which in turn could pass information back to the Scottish Government. The Group noted that there is a statute reason why the Forums need to exist and there is a need to be given a meaningful remit from the Scottish Government, though it was also felt that Members prefer to decide their own agenda for the Forum. The Chair informed the Joint Group that Alcohol Focus have events across Scotland and they can be invited to take an active part in Forums and training days. Examples of Aberdeen and Fife were given as having successful Forum’s with active co-operation with Alcohol Focus. Roanna Clark raised the issues that some young people were having with licence holders not accepting their Young Scot card as a proof of identity. Angela Walker confirmed that there is currently a debate around Young Scot cards and whether or not they are listed under the Identities Act as an accepted method of identity. Decision The Joint Group agreed: i) that the Chair will formalise his findings from his meetings with Scottish Government and todays Joint meeting and bring a report back to the next meeting of the Local Licensing Forum; and ii) to seek confirmation around the Young Scot card being listed under the Identifies Act as an acceptable form of identity. |
FUTURE MEETING DATES Minutes: The Joint Group noted that they will be notified of prospective future meeting dates in due course. |