Agenda and minutes

Argyll and Bute Community Planning Partnership - Management Committee - Friday, 25 April 2014 10:00 am

Venue: Council Chambers, Kilmory, Lochgilphead. View directions

Contact: Samantha Quarton 01546 604703 

No. Item


Welcome and Apologies - Paul Connelly


Apologies received from

Councillor Dick Walsh

Barry McEwan          Police Scotland

Sally Loudon             Argyll and Bute Council

Andrew Campbell     Scottish Natural Heritage

Garry Fraser            Scottish Ambulance Service



Introductions were made and Rona Gold, Community Planning Manager was welcomed to the Community Planning Partnership.



Minute of the CPP Management Committee Meeting 19th February 2014 pdf icon PDF 61 KB


The minutes from the meeting of 19th February 2014 were agreed and proposed by Douglas Cowan, seconded by Donald MacVicar.



Action Tracker pdf icon PDF 45 KB


The Action Tracker was updated and approved. It was agreed that the Action Tracker would continue to be circulated in advance of the meeting and alongside the Minutes.



Outcome 1: In Argyll and Bute the economy is diverse and thriving


Final Delivery Plan for sign-off pdf icon PDF 180 KB


Douglas Cowan advised that he felt the Members Seminar was a positive and challenging event and that he had amended the Delivery Plan following this. Douglas suggested that it would be helpful to define what the population aspiration was in the SOA itself as this would benefit several outcomes and targets. Discussion ensued on whether sections of the population that required focus needed to be articulated or whether the aspiration could remain high-level.



Outcome 2: We have infrastructure that supports sustainable growth


Final Delivery Plan for sign-off pdf icon PDF 174 KB


Donald MacVicar gave an overview of the delivery plan. It was noted that there were still a few gaps however these should be filled over the next few days. It was suggested and agreed that SPT and Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park should be included as key partnerships. Samantha to update.


2.8 – Douglas Cowan felt that there was a wider issue here and it was agreed that he would speak to Fergus Murray further regarding this to determine a performance indicator and appropriate target.


2.1.2 – Elaine Garman queried whether the infrastructure action plan would include the transport of people for health. Donald MacVicar believed that the plan should cover all transport needs but that this would be checked.



Outcome 3: Education, skills and training maximises opportunities for all


Final Delivery Plan for sign-off pdf icon PDF 182 KB


Cleland Sneddon gave an overview and description of the short term outcomes. Cleland advised of the partnership focus to transitions, the links to the work of early years in other outcomes and of the appropriate focus to the vulnerable with the responsibility being placed on the CPP in relation to these.


Glenn requested that the completion dates in 3.6.2 be reduced by one year. Samantha to adjust.


Douglas asked whether an action was required in relation to Regional Skills with Fraser keen for something specific to be included. It was agreed that Fraser would contact Morag Brown in relation to this.



Outcome 4: In Argyll and Bute children and young people have the best possible start


Final Delivery Plan for sign-off pdf icon PDF 188 KB


Elaine presented this on behalf of Pat Tyrrell and advised that it covered most of the Integrated Children’s Plan and that there was some fine tuning required on some targets and timescales.


It was agreed that any further amendments should be submitted by 5.00 on Thursday 1st May.



Outcome 5: People live active, healthier and independent lives


Final Delivery Plan for sign-off pdf icon PDF 178 KB


Elaine advised that there had been some consolidation of the timescales and targets and had submitted minor amendments to Samantha already. It was noted that there was a gap at 5.4.2 which Elaine would follow up.



Argyll and Bute Alcohol and Drugs Partnership Update Report - Cleland Sneddon pdf icon PDF 235 KB


Cleland updated the group on the work of the Alcohol and Drugs Partnership (ADP) and highlighted the successes of the partnership such as reduced waiting times and meeting 94% of the national target. He advised that there had been changes in governance structures and that they were currently developing an appropriate scorecard. Cleland also gave an overview of some of the challenges facing the ADP.


The group agreed to the recommendations at 2.1 of the paper.



Outcome 6: People live in safer and stronger communities


Final Delivery Plan for sign-off pdf icon PDF 178 KB


Gail McClymont gave an update on the delivery plan for this outcome. It was noted that there were a few areas where targets were not complete, Donald MacVicar explained the reasons for the delay. It was agreed that Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park should be included as a key partnership here too. Samantha to update.



Argyll and Bute Local Policing Plan 2014-2017 pdf icon PDF 693 KB


Gail advised of the priorities within the Local Policing Plan and spoke of how it had gone to public consultation and strategic assessment. The Plan is currently out for comment and will be presented to the Performance Review and Scrutiny Committee at the end of May 2014. It was requested that any comments be sent straight to Barry McEwan’s team.


Cleland also took the opportunity to praise the style and content of the recent Police Newsletter.



Argyll and Bute Local Fire Plan 2014-2017 pdf icon PDF 858 KB


Paul presented the Local Fire Plan which highlights the priorities in Argyll and Bute for Scottish Fire and Rescue Service. It was noted that the map was to be amended prior to going to the PRS committee in May.


Any comments to be submitted directly to Paul.



SOA - update on minor amendments and reformatting pdf icon PDF 6 MB


Samantha gave a brief overview on the minor amendments to the formatting of the SOA and the inclusion of a contacts page. The changes were approved.



SOA Budget Alignment - update from partners pdf icon PDF 47 KB


Donald MacVicar explained that the template was not working for Police, Fire and the NHS. He advised that Sally Loudon was going to ask other Chief Executives how budget alignment was being tackled in other Community Planning Partnerships. Paul gave an overview of the difficulties that had arisen due to the recent merge and how budgets could cover 2/3 local authorities however these issues should be resolved over time.


It was agreed that Glenn would undertake the budget alignment exercise for the Third Sector Partnership.


Donald MacVicar confirmed that budget alignment was a long-standing request from the Scottish Government and needed to be resolved.



Scottish Fire and Rescue Service - Self-Assessment Pilot pdf icon PDF 66 KB


Paul gave an overview on the self-assessment pilot and explained that dates had not yet been set but SFRS were looking for people to approach. It was agreed that Paul would get dates to Rona and she would obtain names of three people from the council to participate.



Local Area Community Planning Events - detailed update pdf icon PDF 2 MB


Donald MacVicar spoke of the key findings of the report which showed that employment was seen as the top priority for residents and that family connections / lifestyle were  also important factors for people moving to the area. It was agreed that work of the CPP can  influence  lifestyle factors.


Douglas questioned whether the approach undertaken on community engagement was appropriate for future engagement.. It was agreed by all that it was a worthy exercise with many lessons learned and that alternative approaches would be considered for future to make best use of resources and increase participation.



Area Based Economic Development Action Plan 2014-2018 pdf icon PDF 334 KB


Ishabel Bremner advised that the Economic Development Action Plan’s (EDAP) had gone through another period of consultation and had recently been signed off by the Area Committees and SMT as working documents for the next 3 years. Ishabel has mapped the SOA outcomes onto each EDAP to reflect alignments. It was agreed that Ishabel would come back to the Management Committee in approximately 6 months’ time to update further on the work of delivering the EDAP’s which would mirror the Area Committees.


The group agreed to the recommendations at 2.1 of the paper.



Population Summit pdf icon PDF 52 KB


Jane Fowler updated everyone on the objectives of the Population Summit and gave an overview of the agenda with discussion following this. Jane confirmed that all CPP partners should receive a diary invite. As the Population Summit is imminent, it was suggested that any further ideas for participation and attendance should be given to Jane as soon as possible.



Community Planning Partnership Conference pdf icon PDF 81 KB


Donald MacVicar spoke of the upcoming CPP conference due to take place in Edinburgh in June. It was confirmed that there were 5 places available to each CPP and that Barry and Paul would be attending as part of the WDC contingent. It was agreed that Donald MacVicar, Rona and Glenn would attend. Elaine Garman advised that she would see if anyone could attend from the NHS and the last place was likely to be taken by Sally Loudon.





Donald MacVicar advised of the Policy Lead Briefing due to take place on the 14th May.


It was also agreed that the Short Term Outcome Leads would be contacted for data gathering and that Rona would be in touch with all Outcome Leads and Short Term Outcome Leads in due course to arrange meetings.


It was agreed that Jane Jarvie provide a communications options report for discussion at the next meeting.



Date of next meeting - Thursday 31st July 2014


It was agreed that as many of the partners would not be able to attend in July due to the Commonwealth Games that this meeting be deferred until August.


The meeting has been arranged for Tuesday 19th August 2014 in the Council Chambers, Kilmory.