Agenda and minutes

Argyll and Bute Community Planning Partnership - Management Committee - Wednesday, 19 February 2014 2:00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 1, Kilmory, Lochgilphead. View directions

Contact: Samantha Quarton Email: 

No. Item


Welcome and apologies - Barry McEwan


Apologies received from

Derek Leslie                            NHS Highland

Glenn Heritage                        Third Sector Partnership

Elaine Garman                        NHS Highland

Alexandra Rosenburgh           Scottish Government


Barry McEwan (BM) welcomed all to the meeting and explained the changes in business in relation to the CPP and the agenda for today.


Introductions were made by all.


BM asked that an action log was prepared for all actions noted at the meeting and included as an agenda item at future meetings.


It was agreed that a member of the Council’s Communications team was invited to attend future meetings.


Minutes of the Management Committee - 24 October 2013 pdf icon PDF 189 KB


The minutes from the meeting of 24th October 2013 were agreed and proposed by BM, seconded by Sally Loudon (SL).


Outcome 1. In Argyll and Bute the economy is diverse and thriving


Draft Delivery Plan pdf icon PDF 111 KB


It was noted that all 6 outcome delivery plans were scrutinised in detail at a workshop with all outcome leads that morning and various changes and amendments were agreed for all.


Douglas Cowan (DC) presented the 8 short term outcomes included within option 1.


The discussion on option 1 and the economy in general led to an agreement that all the initial building block actions were within the delivery plan. However, a greater impetus is required to provide a significant step change in the economy of Argyll and Bute to increase the population and consideration would be given to setting up a strategic task force to take this forward in tandem with the activities set out in the action plan.


Area Based Economic Development Action Plan 2014-18 Ishabel Bremner pdf icon PDF 65 KB


Ishabel Bremner (IB) presented report – it was noted that consultation has already been carried out and the relevant information incorporated into the delivery plans and the local EDAP’s.


It was agreed that the EDAP’s should be brought to future CPP meetings for scrutiny.


Action – Fergus Murray (FM) and IB to prepare draft EDAP’s by end of March, circulate to outcome leads and include as an agenda item for April CPP meeting.


Outcome 2. We have infrastructure that supports sustainable growth


Draft Delivery Plan pdf icon PDF 90 KB


FM presented the 8 short term outcomes included within outcome 2.

SL noted that TIF was not included in the plan, FM to incorporate TIF outcomes and actions.


Outcome 3. Education, skills and training maximises opportunities for all


Draft Delivery Plan pdf icon PDF 198 KB


Cleland Sneddon (CS) gave an overview and description of the short term outcomes.

A measure around older people and training will be included.

Overlaps with other outcomes will be addressed.


Outcome 4. In Argyll and Bute children and young people have the best possible start


Draft Delivery Plan pdf icon PDF 738 KB


BM explained that the detail from the Integrated Children and Young People plan will be incorporated into the same template as the other outcomes.

As Elaine Garman had been unable to attend the meeting CS gave an updated on the details of the plan.



The Early Years Collaborative - Cleland Sneddon pdf icon PDF 111 KB


CS also explained the background to The Early Years Collaborative paper and the developmental milestones. A programme manager has been appointed to move this forward. Senior leaders have been requested to undertake planned visits to centres and engage with practitioners to gain visible understanding.


CS explained that a meeting was arranged for early March where a detailed programme will be worked on and agreed. Partners will be contacted to arrange co-ordinated visits to facilities to meet staff and children and to allow an understanding of the process.


The group agreed the action plan as recommended.


Donald Henderson (DH) asked for future feedback on the process. CS will take this forward.


Outcome 5. People live active, healthier and independent lives


Draft Delivery Plan pdf icon PDF 95 KB


CS presented the update for outcome 5.



Outcome 6. People live in safer and stronger communities


Draft Delivery Plan pdf icon PDF 89 KB


Marlene Baillie (MAB) presented the 6 short term outcomes and the detail of performance information relating to each one.

The Community Safety Strategy will underpin the delivery plan for outcome 6.


BM explained the points that came out of the outcome leads meeting that morning and that everyone should be aware of possible cross overs with other outcomes.


Local Area Community Planning Events - verbal update on programme


Donald MacVicar (DMV) updated the group in relation to the recent area community planning events. There were 13 events with over 500 attendees and 400+ responses to the online survey.


There were lessons learnt with the process and two key points noted are that:

∙ We are not engaging with people under the age of 40

∙ Outcomes 1 and 2 were seen as the most important, underpinned by the other outcomes.


Summary information will be available by the 7th March and will be passed out to outcome leads with the full detailed report being available early April.

BM noted the issue with engaging with under 40’s and suggested the possibility of a new group dealing with communication and consultation which could gather information from all CPP partners.


Resource Planning - Bruce West pdf icon PDF 43 KB


SL presented the paper on financial resource planning and described the mechanism for aligning budgets to the 6 outcomes. Bruce West will work on a report after the delivery plans are finalised.

BM explained that he could easily work on a budget in relation to Argyll and Bute but splitting budgets across outcomes could be challenging.

Paul Connelly (PC) agreed with BM and also raised an issue about quantifying costs where budgets cover more than one authority. Future guidance to follow in the summer.


Action – all parties are to complete the template


Elected Members Seminar 17th March 2014


The elected members seminar on CPP will now be held on the 17th March 2014 between 11am and 1pm.

To allow for updated delivery plans to be available for members the following timescale was agreed:

  • Guidance and amended template issued to outcome leads by 21st February
  • Outcome lead return updated plans by 7th March
  • Quality assurance and issue to members on 12th March
  • Note taken of any amendments from members seminar on 17th March
  • Completed draft delivery plans by 28th March


Action – The 6 outcome leads will attend the seminar to present their delivery plans and field questions.


BM asked leads to thank all staff involved for their inputs to the delivery plans.


Population Summit


FM explained that Jane Fowler (JF) will lead on organising the Population Summit, an important event for Argyll and Bute which will take place April/May.

John Swinney will attend for debate along with a key facilitator and 6 panel members. Suggested that this could be twinned with an exhibition of our successes.

SL stated that this was now more of a national event than previously intended and work requires to be done with a range of Partner Agencies.


Action – JF to get a date in diary


Feedback for CPP Area Meetings - Shirley MacLeod pdf icon PDF 226 KB


Shirley MacLeod (SML) asked for the committee to note the report in relation to the CPP area meetings. The groups are moving forward with real opportunities for progression. A review of terms of reference is required for the groups to link with the 6 SOA outcomes. The next step will be to develop local action plans and agendas will be focused on the 6 outcomes locally.




BM asked for opinions on the approach taken re agenda items and format and everyone agreed that the format allowed the Management Committee to focus on key issues.


Action – Action Plans and Scorecards will be discussed at the next meeting.


DMV asked about requests coming into Council from Government to disseminate information to all partners across Argyll and Bute. Historically CPP was an appropriate mechanism for this though often leading to very long agendas. It was agreed that each request would be looked at on individual merits and signposted accordingly.


SL noted Derek Leslie’s forthcoming retirement and it was agreed that a letter thanking him for his contribution to the group would be sent from BM, Dick Walsh, and SL.


BM stated that the Community Resilience Project was on track for at least a Silver award at the COSLA award ceremony in March and thanked the project team on behalf of the management committee.


Date of next meeting - Friday 25th April 2014


The next meeting will take place on Friday 25th April 2014