Venue: on a hybrid basis in the Council Chamber, Kilmory, Lochgilphead and by Microsoft Teams
Contact: Shona Barton Tel: 01436 657605
Note | No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of Councillors Julie McKenzie, Gary Mulvaney and Iain Shonny Paterson. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest intimated. |
Argyll and Bute Council held on 28 September 2023 Additional documents: Minutes: The Minute of the meeting of Argyll and Bute Council, held on 28 September 2023 was approved as a correct record. |
MINUTES OF COMMITTEES Additional documents: |
* |
Policy and Resources Committee held on 12 October 2023 Additional documents: Minutes: The Minute of the meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee, held on 12 October 2023 was noted. Arising from item 4 of this Minute (Financial Reports Monitoring Pack – 31 August 2023) the Council approved the revenue virements over £0.200m during July and August. Arising from item 5 of this Minute (Budget Outlook 2024-25 to 2028-29) the Council agreed that the budget for winter maintenance was right sized by utilising £0.326m of the £1.4m contingency that was set aside for inflationary increases as part of the 2023-24 budget setting process. |
Report by Leader of the Council Additional documents: Minutes: The Council gave consideration to a report providing an update on the activities of the Council Leader, Councillor Robin Currie for the period 8 September to 10 November 2023. The report also included notes on activities relating to the Leader’s Policy Lead portfolio of Strategic Development. The Leader noted the recent
announcement by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in his Autumn Statement that
there would be £80 million of Levelling Up Funding allocated to 4 Local
Authority Areas in Scotland. He further
advised that confirmation has now been received that Argyll and Bute will be one
of the areas to benefit from this funding allocation. Decision The Council – 1. noted the content of the report; and 2. noted that any reports, briefings or copy correspondence referred to in the report could be requested as appropriate through the Leadership Support Manager, noting that some confidential reports provided by external organisations such as COSLA may be restricted. (Reference: Report by Leader of the Council, dated 10 November 2023, submitted) |
POLICY LEADS REPORT Report by Policy Leads Additional documents: Minutes: The Council gave consideration to a report providing an update on key areas of activity for each Policy Lead Councillor for the period 28 September to 10 November 2023. The report aimed to provide updates from all Policy Leads to ensure that all members were informed, up to date and able to engage with current issues. Decision The Council agreed to note the content of the report. (Reference: Report by Policy Lead Councillors dated 10 November 2023, submitted) |
WARD 1 SOUTH KINTYRE BY-ELECTION RESULT Report by Returning Officer Additional documents: Minutes: The Council gave consideration to
a report advising of the results of the Ward 1 – South Kintyre By-election held
on 2 November 2023. Decision The Council noted the election of
Jennifer Mary Kelly as Councillor in Ward 1 – South Kintyre at the by-election
held on 2 November 2023. (Reference: Report by Returning Officer dated 3 November
2023, submitted) |
POLITICAL MANAGEMENT ARRANGEMENTS Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support Additional documents: Minutes: The Council gave
consideration to a report which outlined a number of vacancies on committees
and other organisations and included an update on the Political Composition of
the Council following the By-election in Ward 1, South Kintyre, which took place
on 2 November 2023. The Executive Director with
responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support noted that the Political
Composition of the Council included at Appendix 1 should reflect that
Councillor Dougie Philand was now the only member of
Argyll First and as such the reference to him being Leader of that Group should
be removed. Motion The
Council: 1. Appoints Councillor Graham Hardie
to the vacant position on the Environment, Development and Infrastructure
Committee. 2. Appoints Councillor William Sinclair as one of the
council’s representatives on the A83 Taskforce. 3. Agrees that Councillor Fiona Howard will replace
Councillor Ian MacQuire on the Argyll and Bute
Harbour Board. 4. Notes that Councillor Jennifer Kelly will become a
Trustee for the Campbeltown Common Good Fund and the
Kintyre Education Trust. 5. Notes the updated Political Composition of the
Council. Moved by Councillor Robin Currie, seconded by Councillor Yvonne McNeilly. Amendment The
Council: 1. Appoints Councillor Jennifer Kelly to the vacant
position on the Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee. 2. Appoints Councillor John Armour as one of the
council’s representatives on the A83 Taskforce. 3. Agrees that Cllr Fiona Howard will replace
Councillor Ian MacQuire on the Argyll and Bute
Harbour Board. 4. Notes that Councillor Jennifer Kelly will become a
Trustee for the Campbeltown Common Good Fund and the
Kintyre Education Trust. 5. Notes the updated Political Composition of the
Council. Moved by Councillor
Jim Lynch, seconded by Councillor John Armour. As the meeting was
being held on a hybrid basis, the vote required to be taken by calling the Roll
and Members voted as follows – Motion Amendment Councillor Garret
Corner Councillor John
Armour Councillor Maurice
Corry Councillor Gordon
Blair Councillor Robin
Currie Councillor Jan
Brown Councillor Kieron
Green Councillor Math
Campbell-Sturgess Councillor Amanda Hampsey Councillor
Audrey Forrest Councillor Daniel Hampsey Councillor
Fiona Howard Councillor Graham Hardie Councillor
Willie Hume Councillor Andrew Kain Councillor
Mark Irvine Councillor Paul
Donald Kennedy Councillor
Jennifer Kelly Councillor Liz
McCabe Councillor Reeni Kennedy-Boyle Councillor Yvonne McNeilly Councillor
Jim Lynch Councillor Ross
Moreland Councillor Luna
Martin Councillor Gemma Penfold Councillor
Ian MacQuire Councillor Alastair
Redman Councillor Dougie McFadzean Councillor William
Sinclair Councillor Dougie Philand Councillor Andrew Vennard Councillor Peter
Wallace No Vote Councillor Tommy
McPherson Decision The Motion was
carried by 17 votes to 15 and the Council resolved accordingly. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with
responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support, dated 6 November 2023,
submitted) |
DRAFT PROGRAMME OF MEETINGS 2024-25 Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support Additional documents: Minutes: The Council’s Standing Orders for
meetings require the Council to approve a Programme of Meetings for the Council
and its Committees every year. The Council gave consideration to a draft
programme of meetings for the year 2024-25 based on the current committee
cycle. Decision The Council approved the draft
Programme of Meetings for the year 2024-25. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with
responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support dated 15 November 2023,
submitted) |
REVIEW OF POLLING DISTRICTS AND POLLING PLACES 2023/24 Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support Additional documents:
Minutes: Having noted that the Representation of the People Act 1983 and the Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013 requires Argyll and Bute Council to undertake a review, between the dates of 2 October 2023 and 28 January 2025, of polling districts and polling places within the Argyll and Bute area for the purposes of the UK Parliamentary, Scottish Government and Local Government elections, the Council gave consideration to a report which provided information on the work carried out to date in this regard. Decision The Council – 1. noted that polling districts and polling places will continue to be reviewed on an on-going basis by the Returning Officer to whom authority has already been delegated to make alterations in response to changing circumstances; 2. noted that under the provisions of the Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013 a further formal review of polling districts and polling places will require to be carried out by the end of January 2030 and on a 5 yearly basis thereafter; 3. approved the Scheme of Polling Districts and Polling Places detailed in appendix 1 of the report; and 4. noted the representations received during the consultation period, as detailed in appendix 2 of the report, together with the Returning Officer comments thereon. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support, dated November 2023, submitted) |
POLICY FOR EMPTY PROPERTY RELIEF FOR NON-DOMESTIC RATES Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Financial Services Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to a report which provided an update on progress being made with regard to a new Empty Property Relief Policy on Non-Domestic Rates. It was noted that the purpose of this is to incentivise the owners of empty business premises in Argyll and Bute to do all that they can to bring the property back into use. Decision The Council – 1. approved Option A, Empty Property Relief provisions as outlined in paragraph 3.19 of the report; 2. agreed the creation of an Empty Property Officer post for a period of 2 years as outlined in paragraph 3.21 of the report; and 3. agreed that the remaining Empty Property Relief funding is used towards a Business Grant Scheme with officers to bring forward the detail to the Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee meeting in March 2024 for approval. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Financial Services, dated 25 October 2023, submitted) |
CHARGING OF DOUBLE COUNCIL TAX ON SECOND HOMES Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Financial Services Additional documents: Minutes: The Council gave consideration to a report which outlined the Scottish Government consultation on Council Tax charges for Second Homes and Long-Term Empty properties, which ran from 17 April to 11 July 2023. The report provided information on the review of the consultation results and the proposed changes for consideration by Leaders and Ministers. Decision The Council – 1. agreed to implement the double charge, 100% Council Tax premium on second homes from 1 April 2024 should the legislation granting those powers be passed; and 2. agreed that £0.020m of one-off costs are funded from existing earmarkings within the Service that are no longer required and recurring costs of £0.098m for staffing and system maintenance associated with the implementation of this charge be funded from the additional income recovered in excess of the £4m already built into the Budget Outlook. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Financial Services, dated 25 October 2023, submitted) |
ROYAL NATIONAL MOD - OBAN FUNDING REQUEST Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Development and Economic Growth Additional documents: Minutes: Having noted that the Royal National Mod (RNM) will take place from 11 – 19 October 2024 in Oban and the significant economic impact expected for Oban as a result, the Council gave consideration to a report which outlined the requests for additional funding from both Live Argyll and An Comunn Gaidhealach (An Commun). Decision The Council – 1. agreed a financial resource of up to £25,000 to Live Argyll to provide staffing for the use of the Corran Halls for the duration of the RNM to be funded from the unallocated general fund; and 2. agreed the additional funding request of up to a maximum of £20,000 to An Commun to be funded from the unallocated general fund. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Development and Economic Growth, dated October 2023, submitted) |
STRATEGIC HOUSING INVESTMENT PLAN (SHIP) 2024/25 TO 2028/29 Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Development and Economic Growth Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to a report which provided details of the annual Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) covering the period 2024/25 – 2028/29 and summarised the proposals for the revised SHIP, in line with statutory requirements and the latest guidance. Decision The Council approved the Strategic Housing Improvement Plan for 2024/25 – 2028/29, and noted that this will be submitted to the Scottish Government as the Council’s approved Strategic Housing Improvement Plan document. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Development and Economic Growth, dated November 2023, submitted) |
NOTICE OF MOTION UNDER STANDING ORDER 13 The UNCRC is an international treaty made up of 54
articles that aims to articulate the ‘civil, political, economic, social and
cultural rights that all children everywhere are entitled to’, as well as the
steps that governments must take to secure these rights. The UK ratified the UNCRC in 1991, and legislation
has been enacted by the Scottish Parliament which will see these rights
enshrined in Scots Law. The Council, as a body, who has responsibilities
for children and young people should act consistently with the UNCRC, and as a
forward thinking body, reaffirms its aspiration and responsibility to continue
to try to ‘Get It Right For Every Child’ in all aspects of its business. It
acknowledges that it is not only in Education that Children’s Rights are
important but that all parts of the Council business can impact on our children
and young people and that they should be considered in all decision making
processes. Therefore, Council agrees to add ‘The Rights of The
Child’ as a field to be completed to the Implications section at the end of all
Council and Committee reports. Moved
by Councillor Forrest Seconded
by Councillor McFadzean Additional documents: Minutes: The Council gave consideration to
the following Notice of Motion under Standing Order 13 that had been submitted
by Councillor Audrey Forrest, and seconded by Councillor Dougie McFadzean – The UNCRC is an international treaty made up of 54 articles that aims to articulate the ‘civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights that all children everywhere are entitled to’, as well as the steps that governments must take to secure these rights. The UK ratified the UNCRC in 1991, and legislation has been enacted by the Scottish Parliament which will see these rights enshrined in Scots Law. The Council, as a body, who has responsibilities for children and young people should act consistently with the UNCRC, and as a forward thinking body, reaffirms its aspiration and responsibility to continue to try to ‘Get It Right For Every Child’ in all aspects of its business. It acknowledges that it is not only in Education that Children’s Rights are important but that all parts of the Council business can impact on our children and young people and that they should be considered in all decision making processes. Therefore, Council
agrees to add ‘The Rights of The Child’ as a field to be completed to the
Implications section at the end of all Council and Committee reports. Decision The Council agreed the terms of
the Motion. (Reference: Notice of Motion under Standing Order 13 by
Councillor Audrey Forrest, seconded by Councillor Dougie McFadzean,
submitted) |
almost a decade since Scotland’s last appearance in golf’s prestigious Ryder
Cup tournament. This year, though, a young golfer from Oban gave the
traditional home of golf an opportunity to be part of it and to celebrate again
as he played his part in Team’s Europe’s Ryder Cup victory. Robert MacIntyre is undoubtedly one of golf’s most amazing young
talents on an international level and is certainly one of the finest players
that Scotland has seen in many years. At the age of 27, his list of sporting
achievements is considerable and inspirational.
Despite his amazing success, his commitment and attachment to his home
town of Oban remains as strong and enthusiastic as it was when he first started
his golf career at Glencruitten Golf Club, where he
is still a member. He is a
tremendous ambassador for Scotland and for Oban in particular, and the town is
especially – and rightly - proud of its famous sporting son. In
recognition of his sporting success, and his commitment to his local community
of Oban, Council is asked to consider awarding the Freedom of Argyll and Bute
to Robert MacIntyre and, if so minded, to request
that the Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory
Support makes the necessary arrangements in this regard. Moved by Councillor
Jim Lynch Seconded by
Councillor Robin Currie Additional documents: Minutes: The Council gave consideration to
the following Notice of Motion under Standing Order 13 that had been submitted
by Councillor Jim Lynch, and seconded by Councillor Robin Currie – It is
almost a decade since Scotland’s last appearance in golf’s prestigious Ryder
Cup tournament. This year, though, a young golfer from Oban gave the
traditional home of golf an opportunity to be part of it and to celebrate again
as he played his part in Team’s Europe’s Ryder Cup victory. Robert MacIntyre is undoubtedly one of golf’s most amazing young
talents on an international level and is certainly one of the finest players
that Scotland has seen in many years. At the age of 27, his list of sporting
achievements is considerable and inspirational.
Despite his amazing success, his commitment and attachment to his home
town of Oban remains as strong and enthusiastic as it was when he first started
his golf career at Glencruitten Golf Club, where he
is still a member. He is a
tremendous ambassador for Scotland and for Oban in particular, and the town is
especially – and rightly - proud of its famous sporting son. In
recognition of his sporting success, and his commitment to his local community
of Oban, Council is asked to consider awarding the Freedom of Argyll and Bute
to Robert MacIntyre and, if so minded, to request
that the Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory
Support makes the necessary arrangements in this regard. Decision The Council agreed the terms of
the Motion. (Reference: Notice of Motion under Standing Order 13 by
Councillor Jim Lynch, seconded by Councillor Robin Currie, submitted) |
and Bute Council, already home to refugees from across the world,
calls on the UK Government to fully support a cease fire in Gaza and support
the immediate establishment of a humanitarian corridor for the displaced and the
distribution of essential supplies of food and life saving medication. The
people of Argyll and Bute will continue to support refugees in our
communities in a caring, peaceful, just and fair society. Proposed
by Councillor Gordon Blair Seconded
by Councillor Mark Irvine Additional documents: Minutes: The Council gave consideration to
the following Notice of Motion under Standing Order 13 that had been submitted
by Councillor Gordon Blair, and seconded by Councillor Mark Irvine. Motion Argyll
and Bute Council, already home to refugees from across the world, calls on the
UK Government to fully support a cease fire in Gaza and support the immediate
establishment of a humanitarian corridor for the displaced and the distribution
of essential supplies of food and life-saving medication. The
people of Argyll and Bute will continue to support refugees in our
communities in a caring, peaceful, just and fair society. Amendment Argyll
and Bute Council are dismayed to see the situation in the Middle East and call
on the International Community to continue to engage in constructive dialogue
to reach a solution to this fast moving situation as quickly as possible. Argyll
and Bute Council continue to support refugees in our communities through the
Refugee Resettlement Programme and welcome the multi-agency partnership
approach to integration support across the authority to ensure they are enabled
to fully participate in community life. Moved
by Councillor Andrew Kain, seconded by Councillor
Yvonne McNeilly. As
the meeting was being held on a hybrid basis, the vote required to be taken by
calling the Roll and Members voted as follows – Motion Amendment Councillor
John Armour Councillor
Garret Corner Councillor
Gordon Blair Councillor
Maurice Corry Councillor
Jan Brown Councillor
Robin Currie Councillor
Math Campbell-Sturgess Councillor Kieron Green Councillor
Audrey Forrest Councillor
Amanda Hampsey Councillor
Fiona Howard Councillor
Daniel Hampsey Councillor
Willie Hume Councillor
Graham Hardie Councillor
Mark Irvine Councillor
Andrew Kain Councillor
Jennifer Kelly Councillor
Paul Donald Kennedy Councillor
Reeni Kennedy-Boyle Councillor
Liz McCabe Councillor
Jim Lynch Councillor
Yvonne McNeilly Councillor
Luna Martin Councillor
Ross Moreland Councillor
Ian MacQuire Councillor Gemma Penfold Councillor
Dougie McFadzean Councillor
Alastair Redman Councillor
Dougie Philand Councillor
William Sinclair Councillor
Andrew Vennard Councillor
Peter Wallace No
Vote Councillor Tommy McPherson Decision The Amendment was carried by 17
votes to 15 and the Council resolved accordingly. (Reference: Notice of Motion under Standing Order 13 by
Councillor Gordon Blair, seconded by Councillor Mark Irvine, submitted) |
. The Council resolved in terms of
Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the
press and public for the following item of business on the grounds that it was
likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph
1 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A to the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973. . |
E1 |
Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support Minutes: The Council gave consideration to
a report seeking approval of an ongoing absence from Council business of an
elected member for a period up to 29 June 2024. Decision The Council approved the absence
from Council business of an elected member until 29 June 2024, or until their
return to business, whichever is the earlier. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with
responsibility for Legal and Regulatory support dated 6 October 2023,
submitted) |
E1 Paragraph
1 Information relating to a particular employee, former employee
or applicant to become an employee of, or a particular office-holder, former
office-holder or applicant to become an office-holder under the authority. |