Agenda and minutes

Argyll and Bute Council - Thursday, 24 February 2022 10:30 am

Venue: by Teams

Contact: Sandra Campbell Tel: 01546 604401 


Note No. Item



Additional documents:


Apologies for absence were intimated from Councillors Collins and Kelly and from Sandy MacPherson (religious representative) and Lorna Stewart (teacher representative).



Additional documents:


Councillor Hardie declared a non-financial interest in item 5 of the Agenda (Budgeting Pack 2022/23) by virtue of his appointment by the Council to the NHS Highland Board and Live Argyll Board.  He advised that with reference to the Standards Commission Guidance in relation to declarations and specifically  Section 5.4 (c) of the Councillors Code of Conduct he did not consider he had a relevant connection and as such would remain in the meeting and speak and vote on this item of Business.


Councillor Forrest declared a non-financial interest in item 5 of the Agenda (Budgeting Pack 2022/23) by virtue of her appointment by the Council to the Live Argyll Board.  She advised that with reference to the Standards Commission Guidance in relation to declarations and specifically  Section 5.4 (c) of the Councillors Code of Conduct she did not consider she had a relevant connection and as such would remain in the meeting and speak and vote on this item of Business.


Councillor Anderson declared a non-financial interest in item 5 of the Agenda (Budgeting Pack 2022/23) by virtue of his appointment by the Council to the Board of CHArts and Live Argyll Board.  He advised that with reference to the Standards Commission Guidance in relation to declarations and specifically  Section 5.4 (c) of the Councillors Code of Conduct he did not consider he had a relevant connection and as such would remain in the meeting and speak and vote on this item of Business.


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 246 KB

Minute of Argyll and Bute Council of 25 November 2021

Additional documents:


The Minutes of the Meeting on Argyll and Bute Council held on 25 November 2021 were approved as a correct record.



Additional documents:


Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee of 2 December 2021 pdf icon PDF 127 KB

Additional documents:


The Minutes of the Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee of 2 December 2022 were noted.



Policy and Resources Committee of 9 December 2021 pdf icon PDF 235 KB

Additional documents:


The Minutes of the Policy and Resources Committee of 9 December 2021 were noted.


Arising under Item 4 (Financial Reports Monitoring Pack – 31 October 2021) the Council agreed that the revenue virements over £0.200m during September and October 2021 were approved.


Arising under Item 12 (Procurement Strategy 2022-25 and Sustainable Procurement Policy 2022-25 Draft Documents and Consultation) the Council agreed the revised final Procurement Strategy 2022/25 and Sustainable Procurement Policy 2022/25 to be published on the Council’s website in April 2022.


Special Policy and Resources Committee of 9 December 2021 pdf icon PDF 106 KB

Additional documents:


The Minutes of the Special Policy and Resources Committee of 9 December 2021 were noted.


Community Services Committee of 16 December 2021 pdf icon PDF 155 KB

Additional documents:


The Minutes of the Community Services Committee of 16 December 2021 were noted.



Policy and Resources Committee of 17 February 2022 pdf icon PDF 145 KB

Additional documents:


The Minutes of the Policy and Resources Committee of 17 February 2022 were noted.


Arising under Item 5 (Budgeting Pack 2022/23) the Council noted that this would be dealt with as a substantive item at item 5 of the agenda.


Arising under Item 6 (Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy) the Council noted that this would be dealt with as a substantive item at item 6 of the Agenda.


Arising under Item 9 (Strategic Events and Festivals Fund – Round 4 – 2022/23 Fund) the Council agreed that any remaining underspend following the call for further applications from SEF Round 4 (2022/23) is earmarked and used to augment a future SEF round for 2024/25 – Round 6.


BUDGETING PACK 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 11 MB

Reports by Section 95 Officer


1.    Introductory Report and Recommendations for Budget Papers


2.    Revenue Pack


a.    Revenue Budget Overview

b.    Covid 19 Financial Position

c.    Fees and Charges

d.    Financial Risks Analysis 2022-23

e.    Reserves and Balances – Updated for Budget Pack 2022-23


3.    Capital Plan


a.    Capital Plan Summary

b.    Corporate Asset Management Strategy

c.    Corporate Asset Management Plan including Asset Group Summaries

Additional documents:


The Council considered the Revenue Budget and Capital Budget papers as contained within the budgeting pack, considered such other appropriate resolutions in relation to these papers and fixed the Council Tax for the year to 31 March 2023 which had been referred without recommendation by the Policy and Resources Committee held on 17 February 2022.




Argyll and Bute Council:

1) Approves the revenue budget for 2022/23 as set out in the Revenue Budget Overview Report and subject to the decisions outlined below and set out in the Administration’s Budget Model provided at Appendix 1. 

2) Approves a base allocation to the Health and Social Care Partnership of £69.005m for 2022/23. Approves indicative base allocations for 2023/24 and 2024/25 to be £69.005m. The level of future years funding is subject to the level of Scottish Government funding and the Council’s overall financial position in future years.

3) Agrees to defer the proposed 3% reduction to the Live Argyll management fee, resulting in a total management fee for 2022/23 of £4.075m. Notes that this will be applied in 2023/24 and will be subject to any future budget decisions. Agrees to engage in early discussions with Live Argyll management in relation to future approach to support effective longer term financial planning.


a) Rejects policy savings option R104 - Burials and Cremations, totalling £80k;

b) Accepts all other policy savings options proposals, set out in Appendix 6 of the Revenue Budget Overview report, totalling £279.5k.

c) Endorses the management/operational savings, set out in Appendix 5 of the Revenue Budget Overview report, totalling £2.442m. 

5) Agrees the following additional investments in line with Argyll and Bute Council’s Priorities, as set out in the table below and also in the Administration Budget Model at Appendix 1:

Keeping Argyll and Bute Connected - £3.153m

One-off or Recurring

Funded From



Continuing a multi-million pound investment programme over the life of this council by providing an additional £2.653m to maintain and improve Argyll and Bute’s rural, remote, island and urban roads network, to guarantee an overall Roads Reconstruction Budget of £8m for 2022/23.


General Fund/COVID Monies


Active Travel

In support of the council’s agreed priorities, allocates an additional £0.5m for active travel, including further improvements for footpaths and pavements and supporting safer routes to schools across Argyll and Bute. Requests that officers bring forward a report setting out scheme proposals to the Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee.


General Fund

Investing  in Our Places - £0.537m




Street Lighting

Allocates £300k to deliver a programme of street lighting column replacement and improvement across Argyll and Bute, prioritised based on condition, with funding for at least 260 lighting columns.


General Fund


Litter Bin Replacement Programme

Invests £100k in Argyll and Bute’s litter bin replacement programme and infrastructure, providing almost 200 new/better bins across the area where required due to condition/need and with a focus on town centres and prominent locations, to support cleaner communities.  Requests that officers explore options for use of new and innovative litter disposal solutions for future consideration.  


General Fund


Staycation Boost

Augments the 2021/22 £0.5m staycation initiative with an additional investment of £100k, including support for community groups and partners in the provision of facilities which can support increasing staycation visitor numbers during the 2022/23 season.


From Recovery and Renewal Fund


Seasonal public toilets

Agrees provision of £17k to allow all seasonal public toilets to remain open all year round. These facilities are at Kilchattan Bay, Ulva, Ganavan, Crinan, Sandy Beach and Glenmorag. This means that, going forward, all public toilets will be open all year round.

Recurring (to be baselined)

Revenue Budget


Festive parking

Agrees that, going forward, all off-street parking charges will be suspended across Argyll and Bute for the two-week period prior to Christmas Day, to encourage residents to support local shops in the lead-up to Christmas, noting that in 2022 this will be from 9th to 24th December inclusive.

Recurring (to be baselined)

Revenue Budget

Safeguarding Our Future - £1.5m




Learning Estate Investment Programme

Allocates £1m to help safeguard and support future funding for Argyll and Bute’s Learning Estate Investment Programme.



One-off – put into provision

General Fund


Climate Change Projects

Provides additional funding of £0.5m, building on previous £1.1m investments, for climate change, including projects within Argyll and Bute’s schools.


General Fund

Supporting Growth in Partnership - £0.165m




Argyll and the Isles Tourism Co-operative

In recognition of the importance of effective marketing of Argyll and Bute to maximise staycation opportunities and boost recovery and growth, approves the funding request from AITC and, to support future targeted/strategic activity as part of the overall focus on recovery, requests that officers engage with AITC to put in place a programme of regular evaluation and update reporting.


Existing Staycation Earmarking



Agrees to the request to provide investment of £75k for 2022/23 to support the organisation in delivering targeted support, in communities, to the culture, arts and heritage sector as part of its plans to contribute to overall economic recovery.


From Recovery and Renewal Fund


Our Isles and Oceans

Agrees the request for a contribution of £15k to assist the organisation in delivering a second round of sailing-focused youth development programmes based in Argyll and Bute.


Existing Staycation Earmarking

Total investment in Argyll and Bute Priorities - £5.355m




6) Notes the announcement of the Scottish Government's £80m Local Authority Covid Economic Recovery (LACER) Fund, to support local economic recovery and cost of living impacts on low income households, and which will be distributed to local authorities to deliver in ways which best meet local needs. In order to ensure that this support reaches communities as quickly as possible, agrees to delegate the arrangements for Argyll and Bute's allocation of this funding to the Leader, Depute Leader and Leader of the largest Opposition Group.


7) Agrees £90,000 base funding for Strategic Events and Festivals for 2023/24, in order that the application  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.



Report by Section 95 Officer

Additional documents:


The Council gave consideration to a report which sought approval of the proposed Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy which set out the Council’s Strategy for borrowing and investment for the forthcoming year. The report also set out the policy for the repayment of loans fund advances for 2022-23 which had been referred without recommendation by the Policy and Resources Committee held on 17 February 2022.




  1. Approve the proposed Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy and the indicators contained within. Note that the figures within the Strategy will be updated to reflect the budget decisions agreed at Council.


  1. Approve the continued use of the asset life method for the repayment of loan fund advance using a 5.1% annuity interest rate, with the exception of spend to save schemes where the funding/income profile method could be used.


  1. Approve the proposed asset repayment periods as detailed within section 2.6 of the Treasury Management Strategy Statement.


  1. Approve the ability to continue to use countries with a sovereign rating of AA- and above, as recommended by the Council’s external treasury management advisors.


(Ref: Report by Section 95 Officer dated 10 February 2022 submitted)



Report by Returning Officer

Additional documents:


The Council gave consideration to a report by the Returning Officer in respect of the results of the by-election held on 16 December 2021 for Ward 9 – Lomond North.




The Council noted the election of Councillor Paul Collins to Ward 9 – Lomond North.


(Reference:  Report by Returning Officer dated 17 December 2021, submitted)



Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support

Additional documents:


The Council considered a report which gave an update on changes to the political composition of the Council following the election of Councillor Paul Collins to the Lomond North Ward. The report also advised of vacancies on the Community Services Committee and to the vacant substitute position on the Valuation Joint Board.




The Council:-


1.    Noted the updated Political Composition of Argyll and Bute Council attached at Appendix 1 to the report and;


2.    Agreed to appoint Councillor Gary Mulvaney to the Community Services Committee and to the vacant position on the Valuation Joint Board.


(Ref: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support dated 1 February 2022, submitted)



Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support

Additional documents:


In November 2021 the Council previously agreed to confer the Freedom of Argyll and Bute to Patrick Stewart CVO, MBE and the Council considered a report which set out matters in order to progress the arrangements for the award ceremony in light of ongoing public health guidance.




The Council:


  1. Instructed the Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Services, to make arrangements in conjunction with the Provost for a Special Meeting of the Council for the formal admission ceremony.


  1. Noted that this will be the only item on the Agenda for that Special Meeting of the Council, which will take place at a date, time and place to be determined as soon as possible.


  1. Agreed that the Special Meeting of the Council be conducted on a hybrid meeting basis.


(Ref: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support dated 7 February 2022, submitted)

The Council resolved in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the press and public for the following item of business on the grounds that it was likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 6 respectively of Part 1 of Schedule 7A to the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973.





Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Development and Economic Growth

Additional documents:


At its meeting on 24 January 2014, Council agreed to the principal of offering cash flow loans to third party organisations to assist with delivery of capital projects supported by the Council. The Council considered a report which outlined a request for a cash flow loan from Kilmartin Museum Company Limited (KMCL) to support the Kilmartin Museum Redevelopment project.


Councillor Freeman having moved an amendment to the recommendations which failed to find a seconder requested his dissent to be recorded.




The Council approved the recommendations as highlighted in the submitted report.


(Ref: Report by Executive Director for Development and Economic Growth dated 16 February 2022, submitted)

E1 Paragraph 6  Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (other than the authority).