Agenda and minutes

Argyll and Bute Council - Thursday, 22 October 2020 10:30 am


Contact: Sandra Campbell Tel: 01546 604401 

No. Item

The Depute Provost asked the Council to join him in a minute’s silence to mark the passing of a respected colleague and long standing member of this Council, the late Councillor Ellen Morton who sadly passed away on Saturday 3 October 2020. He sent the Councils love and sympathy to her family and to Councillor Aileen Morton, her daughter, of whom she was so proud.




Apologies for absence were received from Councillors McKenzie and Scoullar.




Councillor McCuish declared a financial interest in item 3 of the agenda (Scottish Government Town Centre Funding to Argyll and Bute) due to being a board member of Bid4Oban. He left the meeting and took no part in the discussion of this item of business.


Councillors Douglas and Robertson each declared a non-financial interest in item 3 of the agenda (Scottish Government Town Centre Funding to Argyll and Bute) due to their involvement in Helensburgh Community Hall and Bid4Oban respectively. They both left the meeting and took no part in the discussion of this item of business.


The Depute Provost vacated the Chair and Standing Order 5.2 states that “if the Provost is absent from a meeting the Depute Provost will preside, if they are both absent, another Councillor chosen by the Members will preside. Members were invited to nominate a Chair and Councillor Mulvaney, seconded by Councillor Green nominated Councillor Robin Currie and this was unanimously agreed by the Council.



Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Development and Economic Growth

Additional documents:


The Council gave consideration to a report concerning the utilisation of £444,000 of town centre capital funding distributed by the Scottish Government as part of their 2020-21 economic recovery stimulus package.




The Council agreed the list of capital projects, attached as Appendix A to the submitted report, that comply with the Scottish Government Guidance.


(Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Development and Economic Growth dated October 2020, submitted)


Councillor Freeman having moved an amendment which failed to find a seconder, required his dissent recorded for this item of business.



Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Roads and Infrastructure


The Council gave consideration to a report providing an analysis of 11 options published by Transport Scotland in order to move beyond the landscape mitigation strategy and provide an alternative solution to the ongoing landslip problems at the Rest and Be Thankful.  The report invited Members to consider the Council’s response to the consultation on the 11 options.




The Council –


1.    Welcomed the Scottish Government’s commitment to move beyond the landscape mitigation strategy and to look at options which provide an alternative solution to the ongoing problems at the Rest and Be Thankful.


2.    Approved the consultation response as drafted at Appendix 1 of the submitted report, noting in particular that:-

a.    The councils calls for a permanent solution to be delivered within the term of the next Scottish Parliament {2021-2026];

b.    The Council considers the realistic solution to be Option 1, delivered as a permanent solution and not as a continuation of the ongoing mitigation measures. Option 1 should be progressed as a priority.

c.    The Council considers Option 5 may provide merit for longer term consideration to further improve connectivity and resilience into and out of Argyll and Bute.

d.    The Council also calls for other improvements along the A83 to deal with substandard alignment and drainage/flooding issues both of which can impact on availability of the route.


3.    Agreed that the Leader of the Council should write to the Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure and Connectivity and request clarity on the governance and decision making process for a permanent solution, and, in particular, to request that the Council should be represented on any project board or similar group.


(Reference:  Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Roads and Infrastructure Services dated October 2020, submitted)




Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Development and Economic Growth


The Council gave consideration to a report inviting response to a consultation seeking views on the Islands Communities Impact Assessment Guidance under the Islands (Scotland) Act 2018.




The Council –


1.     Agreed to the draft response to the Islands Communities Impact Assessment (ICIA) consultation as included in the submitted report.

2.     Agreed the points raised in paragraph 5.10 of the submitted report.

3.     Agreed that a formal request is made to Scottish Government that the financial memorandum is revisited and amended to reflect the significant impact on council resources from the ICIA process.

4.      Agreed to delegate the final formal council response to the Director with Responsibility for Development and Economic Growth in consultation with the Leader of the Council and Leader of the Opposition to allow any further comments to be added in advance of the deadline of 9 November. This will allow consideration to be taken of the discussion at the Islands Sounding Board on 5 November which will be attended by members of the Scottish Government Islands Team.

(Reference:  Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Economic Growth dated 22 October 2020, submitted)




Update by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support


The Council considered a report which noted the sad passing of Councillor Ellen Morton which gave rise to a number of vacancies in its political management arrangements. The Council were invited to consider appointments to these vacancies and to also make an appointment to the board of the Nadair Trust.




The Council:-

a)     notes with sadness the passing of Cllr Ellen Morton who made such a significant contribution to council life and business over her 21 years of service.

b)     notes the following Policy Lead and Depute Policy Lead Councillor appointments:



Policy Lead

Depute Policy Lead

The Economy and Rural Growth

Cllr Robin Currie

Cllr Gary Mulvaney

Financial Services and Major Projects

Cllr Gary Mulvaney

Cllr Andrew Vennard


Cllr Yvonne McNeilly

Cllr Kieron Green

Health and Social Care

Cllr Kieron Green

Cllr Graham Hardie

Roads and Infrastructure Services

Cllr Rory Colville

Cllr Bobby Good 

Support Services

Cllr Mary Jean Devon

Cllr Alan Reid

Planning and Regulatory Services

Cllr David Kinniburgh

Cllr Rory Colville

Business, Regeneration and Commercial Development  

Cllr Alastair Redman

Cllr Sir Jamie McGrigor


c)     In light of the vacancies arising from Cllr Ellen Morton’s passing, and to reflect the changes to Policy Lead roles listed at (b) the council agrees the following appointments:


i)                 Area Committee membership and roles:


Area Committee

New Appointment

Previous Appointment

Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee - Chair

Cllr Rory Colville

Cllr Robin Currie

Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee - Chair

Cllr Barbara Morgan

Cllr Ellen Morton

Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee – Vice Chair

Cllr Graham Hardie

Cllr Barbara Morgan





ii)                Strategic Committee membership and roles


New Appointment

Previous Appointment

Business Continuity Committee (in the event that it requires to reconvene) - Chair

Cllr Robin Currie

Cllr Aileen Morton

Policy and Resources Committee - Member

Cllr Mary Jean Devon

Cllr Ellen Morton

Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee – Member and Vice Chair

Cllr Rory Colville

Cllr Ellen Morton

Community Services Committee - Member

Cllr Alastair Redman

Cllr Rory Colville

Planning, Protective Services and Licensing Committee/Licensing Board - Member

Cllr Kieron Green

Cllr Robin Currie

Argyll and Bute Harbour Board - Member

Cllr Rory Colville

Cllr Ellen Morton

Argyll and Bute Harbour Board - Chair

Cllr Rory Colville

Cllr Robin Currie

Climate Change Environmental Action Group – Chair

Cllr Rory Colville

Cllr Aileen Morton

Climate Change Environmental Action Group – Member and Vice Chair

Cllr Alastair Redman

Cllr Aileen Morton


iii)              Appointments to Outside Bodies

Outside Body

New Appointment

Previous Appointment

Nadair Trust

Cllr Elaine Robertson

Not applicable

Argyll and Bute Renewables Alliance (ABRA)

Cllr Robin Currie

Cllr Aileen Morton

Argyll and the Isles Strategic Tourism Partnership

Cllr Robin Currie

Cllr Alastair Redman

A83 Taskforce

Cllr Rory Colville

Cllr Roddy McCuish

A83 Taskforce

Cllr Alan Reid

Cllr Ellen Morton

Highlands and Islands European Partnership

Cllr Robin Currie

Cllr Aileen Morton

Highlands and Islands Territorial Committee

Cllr Robin Currie

Cllr Aileen Morton

Programme Monitoring Committee

Cllr Robin Currie

Cllr Aileen Morton

Northern Roads Collaboration

Cllr Rory Colville

Cllr Robin Currie

Northern Roads Collaboration

Cllr Bobby Good

Cllr Ellen Morton

Local Plan Flood District Clyde and Lomond

Cllr David Kinniburgh

Cllr Ellen Morton

Local Plan Flood District Highland and Argyll

Cllr Rory Colville

Cllr Robin Currie

COSLA Convention

Cllr Robin Currie

Cllr Aileen Morton

COSLA Environment and Economy Board

Cllr Robin Currie

Cllr Aileen Morton


iv)              Invites the Leader of the SNP Group, as the largest opposition group, to nominate members for the following appointments:

1.     Cllr Iain Paterson as the council’s Local Member Representative on the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority, with appointment to be confirmed subsequently by Scottish Ministers;

2.     Cllr Jim Findlay to the Argyll Islands Sounding Board, in place of Cllr Aileen Morton;

3.     Cllr Iain Paterson on Argyll and Bute Care and Repair Agency, in place of Cllr Robin Currie.


v)               Appointments to Statutory Bodies

Statutory Body

New Appointment

Previous Appointment

Scotland Excel – substitute representative

Cllr Alastair Redman

Cllr Ellen Morton

West of Scotland European Forum

Cllr Robin Currie

Cllr Aileen Morton

vi)              Notes that all other external appointments and committee positions will remain unchanged.


(Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support dated 19 October 2020, submitted)