Agenda and minutes

Budget Meeting 2021/22, Argyll and Bute Council - Thursday, 25 February 2021 11:00 am

Venue: Via Skype

Contact: Hazel MacInnes Tel: 01546604269 

Note No. Item




Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Donald Kelly.




Councillor Graham Archibald Hardie declared a non-financial interest in item 5 of the Agenda (Budgeting Pack 2021/22) by virtue of his appointment by the Council to the Live Argyll Board.  He claimed the dispensation contained at Section 5.18 (2) of the Councillors Code of Conduct to allow him to remain in the meeting and to speak and vote on this item of Business.


Councillor Jim Findlay declared a non-financial interest in item 5 of the Agenda (Budgeting Pack 2021/22) by virtue of his appointment to the Rothesay Pavilion Board.  He claimed the dispensation contained at Section 5.18 (2) of the Councillors Code of Conduct to allow him to remain in the meeting and to speak and vote on this item of Business.


Councillor Jim Anderson declared a non-financial interest in item 5 of the Agenda (Budgeting Pack 2021/22) by virtue of his appointment by the Council to the Live Argyll Board and by virtue of his appointment to the Board of CHARTS.  He claimed the dispensation contained at Section 5.18 (2) of the Councillors Code of Conduct to allow him to remain in the meeting and to speak and vote on this item of Business.


Councillor Jim Lynch declared a non-financial interest in item 5 of the Agenda (Budgeting Pack 2021/22) by virtue of his appointment by the Council to the Live Argyll Board.  He claimed the dispensation contained at Section 5.18 (2) of the Councillors Code of Conduct to allow him to remain in the meeting and to speak and vote on this item of Business.



MINUTES pdf icon PDF 393 KB

Argyll and Bute Council of 26 November 2020


The Minutes of the Meeting of Argyll and Bute Council held on 26 November 2020 were approved as a correct record.




Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee of 3 December 2020 pdf icon PDF 208 KB


The Minutes of the Meeting of the Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee held on 3 December 2020 were noted.


Community Services Committee of 8 December 2020 pdf icon PDF 233 KB


The Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Services Committee held on 8 December 2020 were noted.



Policy and Resources Committee of 10 December 2020 pdf icon PDF 234 KB

E2        Full decision wording from exempt item 20 of the Minute

Additional documents:


The Minutes of the Meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee held on 10 December 2020 were noted.


Arising from item 4 (Financial Reports Monitoring Pack – 31 October 2020) the Council approved the revenue virements over £0.200m during September and October.


Arising from item 8 (Draft Service Plans 2021/22) the Council noted that this recommendation would be picked up as part of the consideration of the Budgeting Pack 2021/22.


Arising from item 9 (Procurement Strategy 2021/22 and Sustainable Procurement Policy 2021/22 – Final Documents and Consultation) the Council agreed the revised final Procurement Strategy 2021/22 and Sustainable Procurement Policy 2021/22 be published on the Council’s website in April 2021.


Arising from item 10 (ICT and Digital Strategy 2021-2021) the Council approved the ICT and Digital Strategy for 2021-24.


Arising from item 11 (Pension Discretions Policy under the Local Government Pension Scheme (Scotland) Regulations 2018) the Council approved the proposed amendments to the Pensions Discretions Policy.


Arising from item 12 (Proposed Space Flight Trials Competition at Machrihanish Airbase Community Company – Request for Funding) the Council approved the funding request for £26,985 from the Rural Resettlement Fund as its contribution to the Mach-21 National Spaceflight Education Conference and CanSat Competition.


Arising from tem 15 (EU Exit: Charging Regime for Export health Certificates) the Council –


1.    Noted that the existing charging model for export health certificates as detailed at 4.5 of the submitted report had been applied to EU Certification as of 1 January 2021.

2.    Approved the new fee for attestations either based on the national fee, or in its absence, a local charge of £100 per attestation, plus full costs for recovery for additional interventions or inspections.


The Council noted that in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, any discussion on the exempt appendix, contained at page 45 of the agenda pack, in relation to the following exempt minute item would require the exclusion of the press and public on the grounds that it was likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 8&9 respectively of Part 1 of Schedule 7A to the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973.


Arising from item 20 (Third Sector Recycling) the Council agreed the recommendations from the Policy and Resources Committee held on 10 December 2020 as contained within the exempt appendix at page 45 of the agenda pack.



Policy and Resources Committee of 18 February 2021 pdf icon PDF 208 KB


The Minutes of the Meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee held on 18 February 2021 were noted.


Arising from item 4 (Financial Reports Monitoring pack – 31 December 2020) the Council approved the revenue virements over £0.200m during November and December.


Arising from item 5 (Budgeting Pack 2021/22) the Council noted that this would be dealt with as a substantive item at item 5 of the agenda.


Arising from item 6 (Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy) the Council noted that this would be dealt with as a substantive item at item 6 of the agenda.


Arising from item 10 (Scottish Crown Estate Funding Proposals) the Council noted that the item would be dealt with as a substantive item at item 11 of the agenda.


BUDGETING PACK 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 21 MB

1.    Introductory Report and Recommendations


2.    Revenue Pack

a.    Budget Consultation – Findings

b.    Service Plans

c.    Assessing Equality and Socio Economic Impact

d.    Revenue Budget Overview (Appendix 9 is marked exempt E1)

e.    Fees and Charges

f.     Financial Risks Analysis

g.    Reserves and Balances


3.    Capital Plan

a.    Capital Plan Summary Report (Appendix 4 is marked exempt E2)

b.    Corporate Asset Management Strategy

c.    Corporate Asset Management Plan including Asset Group Summaries


Additional documents:


The Council considered the Revenue Budget and Capital Budget papers as contained within the budgeting pack, considered such other appropriate resolutions in relation to these papers and fixed the Council Tax for the year to 31 March 2022 which had been referred without recommendation by the Policy and Resources Committee held on 18 February 2021.


The Council resolved in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the press and public to allow consideration of Appendix 9 to item 2(d) and Appendix 4 to item 3(a) of the Budgeting Pack 2021/22 on the grounds that they were likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 6; and 8 & 9 respectively of Part 1 of Schedule 7A to the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973.




In relation to Appendix 4 to item 3(a) of the Budgeting Pack 2021/22 -


Argyll & Bute Council notes with concern the contents of the report and agrees to pause this project until such time as officers have consulted / negotiated with current funding partners on the implications of cancelling this project so that any additional costs that the Council may face with regards to having to repay funding in part or full can be identified.


A further report should be brought to a future meeting of the Council with an update provided by officers on the consultation / negotiations with current funding partners so that the Council can then take an informed decision of this project. 


Moved Councillor George Freeman, seconded Councillor Dougie Philand.




That the Council considers this matter as part of the Budgeting Pack 2021/22.


Moved Councillor Gary Mulvaney, seconded Councillor Robin Currie.


As the meeting was being held on a virtual basis the vote required to be taken by calling the Roll and Members voted as follows –


Motion                                                Amendment  

Councillor George Freeman               Councillor Jim Anderson

Councillor Dougie Philand                  Councillor John Armour

                                                            Councillor Gordon Blair

                                                            Councillor Rory Colville

                                                            Councillor Robin Currie

                                                            Councillor Mary Jean Devon

                                                            Councillor Lorna Douglas

                                                            Councillor Jim Findlay

                                                            Councillor Audrey Forrest

                                                            Councillor Bobby Good

                                                            Councillor Kieron Green

                                                            Councillor Graham Hardie

                                                            Councillor Anne Horn

                                                            Councillor David Kinniburgh

                                                            Councillor Jim Lynch

                                                            Councillor Donnie MacMillan

                                                            Councillor Roddy McCuish

                                                            Councillor Julie McKenzie

                                                            Councillor Yvonne McNeilly

                                                            Councillor Jean Moffat

                                                            Councillor Barbara Morgan

                                                            Councillor Aileen Morton

                                                            Councillor Gary Mulvaney

                                                            Councillor Iain Shonny Paterson

                                                            Councillor Alastair Redman

                                                            Councillor Alan Reid

                                                            Councillor Elaine Robertson

                                                            Councillor Sandy Taylor

                                                            Councillor Richard Trail

                                                            Councillor Andrew Vennard




The Amendment was carried by 30 votes to 2 and the Council resolved accordingly.


The Press and Public were invited to re-join the meeting.


Councillor George Freeman left the meeting at this point.




Argyll and Bute Council:

1) Acknowledges and welcomes the contributions from our communities to the Council’s budget planning consultation, noting that after taking into account feedback from the public, a number of savings proposals under consideration were not pursued. 

2) Approves all service plans, subject to updating the budget figures in line with the budget agreed for 2021-22.

3) Approves the revenue estimates for 2021-22 and that consequently the local tax requirement estimated at £52.859m is funded from Council Tax. Approve the following rates and charges for the year, 2021-22:

a) Council Tax to be paid in respect of a chargeable dwelling in Band “D” of £1,367.73 representing a 0.00% increase. 

b) Council Tax to be paid in respect of a chargeable dwelling in each of the other valuation bands in accordance with Section 74(1) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 as amended.

c) Business Rates as determined by Scottish Ministers.

4) Approves the revenue budget for 2021-22 as set out in the Revenue Budget Overview Report and subject to the decisions outlined below and set out in the Administration’s Budget Model provided at Appendix 1. 

5) Approves a base allocation to the Health and Social Care Partnership of £62.211m for 2021-22. Approve indicative base allocations for 2022-23 and 2023-24 to be £62.211m. The level of future years funding is subject to the level of Scottish Government funding and the Council’s overall financial position in future years.

6) With reference to the HSCP request for a deferral of £1m of the £1.2m that is due to be paid in 2021-22, agrees this in principle, subject to the proviso that the amount to be deferred be reduced by the amount of any HSCP underspend in 2020-21.

7) Approves the 10% reduction to the Live Argyll Management Fee, resulting in a management fee in 2021-22 of £3.418m.  


a) Rejects the following policy savings options totalling £135,000:

·         R&I 02 – flower bed planting- £30,000

·         R&I 13 – grass cutting service specification - £100,000

·         R&I 14 – fuel and utility sales - £5,000

b) Accepts all other policy savings options proposals (set out in Appendix 6 of the Revenue Budget Overview report) totalling £557,500. 

c) Endorses the management/operational savings outlined in Appendix 5 of the Revenue Budget Overview report. 

9) Agrees a total of £6.784m investments in Argyll and Bute’s future, as set out in the Administration Budget Model in Appendix 1:

Investing in Argyll and Bute’s Opportunities - £0.830m


Staycation Argyll and Bute - Supporting recovery and renewal by maximising the potential for growth in Argyll and Bute’s camping and campervan staycation market

Additional funds to be spent across 2021/22 and 2022/23 to support the delivery of a range of facilities across Argyll and Bute necessary to support camping and caravan staycations.  This will include provision of additional waste disposal facilities to be available prior to the summer of 2021 and other facilities that will be informed by the Motorhome and Informal Camping Survey.  Additional wardens to be employed over the period April to October 2021 to raise awareness in respect of camping responsibly.



Marketing Argyll and Bute as Scotland’s premier staycation destination – targeted marketing and promotion activity to highlight Argyll and Bute’s opportunities for growth

In addition, £300k investment in marketing Argyll and Bute as Scotland’s premier staycation destination, with funds to be spent  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.

Margaret Anderson left the meeting at this point.





Report by Section 95 Officer


The Council gave consideration to a report which sought approval of the proposed Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy which set out the Council’s Strategy for borrowing and investment for the forthcoming year. The report also set out the policy for the repayment of loans fund advances for 2021-22 which had been referred without recommendation by the Policy and Resources Committee held on 18 February 2021.




The Council:-


1.    Approved the proposed Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy and the indicators contained within and noted that the figures within the Strategy will be updated to reflect the budget decisions agreed at Council.


2.    Approved the continued use of the asset life method for the repayment of loan fund advances using a 5.1% annuity interest rate, with the exception of spend to save schemes where the funding/income profile method could be used.


3.    Approved the proposed asset repayment periods as detailed within section 2.6 of the Treasury Management Strategy Statement.


4.      Approved the ability to continue to use countries with a sovereign rating of AA- and above, as recommended by Link Asset Services.


(Reference:  Report by Section 95 Officer dated 8 February 2021, submitted)



Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support


The Council gave consideration to a report advising of a change to the political composition of the Council following written notification that Councillor Roderick McCuish was now a member of the Independence for Scotland political party, and confirmation of Councillor Robin Currie as Leader of the Argyll, Lomond and the Islands Group.  The report also invited the Council to approve a change to the members nominated by the Council to serve on the Board of Live Argyll, following a change in Shadow Policy Lead roles.


The Executive Director advised of a typographical error in that the initials for the Independence for Scotland Party should actually be ISP.




The Council –


1.    Noted the updated Political Composition of Argyll and Bute Council attached at Appendix 1 to the submitted report.


2.    Agreed to appoint Councillor Audrey Forrest to replace Councillor Jim Lynch on the Live Argyll Board.


(Reference:  Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support dated 11 January 2021, submitted)



Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal Regulatory Support


In response to the Covid 19 pandemic the Business Continuity Committee had previously considered and approved a number of  temporary departures from the Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils in light of the Covid-19 pandemic to facilitate Community Council’s in continuing to fulfil the important role of representing and supporting local communities during the pandemic. The Council gave consideration to a report providing an update on the temporary departures and proposing a further extension. The report also sought approval of a further temporary departure with regards to the timescales and arrangements for AGMs.




The Council –


1.    Approved the following temporary departures from the Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils:

a)    That where possible the 2021 AGMs take place on a remote basis or are otherwise held by 31st December 2021 with automatic approval for office bearers to retain positions held for 8 years or more without seeking approval from the Executive Director.

b)    That the minimum number of meetings per annum continue to be set aside for 2021, on the understanding that regular patterns of meetings will recommence when current government restrictions on public gatherings are lifted.           

c)    That community councils able to meet remotely continue to do so with the expectation that they have put in place consultative measures to engage with their communities and that where unable to meet remotely, they continue to be in a position to reach consensus views by email until such time as the restrictions on public health are lifted. This is on the basis that such decisions or actions detail where community views cannot be obtained and that this is reflected in any responses submitted and that the Community Council Liaison Officer (CCLO) must be informed of any decisions made on this basis.


2.    Agreed that that the maximum membership of co-optees revert back with immediate effect to the level of 1/3, as set out within the Scheme, in view of the by-elections having taken place in November 2020.


3.    Noted that the National Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils is currently being reviewed to include provision for all community council meetings to take place remotely and any subsequent review of our Scheme will take account of any recommendations in this regard.


(Reference:  Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support dated 15 January 2021, submitted)




Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education


The Council gave consideration to a report advising on the appointment of a Chief Education Officer for Argyll and Bute Council, following the retirement of Anne Paterson, OBE.




The Council noted the appointment of Louise Connor as Chief Education Officer for Argyll and Bute Council.


(Reference:  Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Education dated January 2021, submitted)



Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Customer Support Services


The Council gave consideration to a report inviting the establishment of an Appointments Panel for the Head of Financial Services.  The report also invited the Council to note the progress in relation to four other Chief Officer positions.




The Council –


1.    Appointed the Leader and Depute Leader as substantive members from the Administration with Councillor Aileen Morton and Councillor Andrew Vennard as substitute members; and appointed Councillor Sandy Taylor from the Opposition with Councillor Jim Findlay as a substitute member, to the Appointments Panel for the Head of Financial Services


2.    Agreed the appointment of Kirsty Flanagan as the Council’s Chief Financial Officer in terms of paragraph 4.4.3 of the submitted report.


3.    Noted the recruitment for the position of HSCP Chief Officer was moving forward.


4.    Noted the Appointment Panel for the position of the Head of Education, Lifelong Learning and Support had been agreed and was moving forward.


5.      Noted that the Appointment Panel for the Head of Children and Families, and HSCP Head of Finance and Transformation had been agreed.


(Reference:  Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Customer Support Services dated 25 February 2021, submitted)


The Council resolved in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the press and public for the following item of business on the grounds that it was likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 6 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A to the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973.




Additional documents:


The Council gave consideration to a recommendation from the Policy and Resources Committee held on 18 February 2021 in respect of proposals for the use of Scottish Crown Estate funding received within financial year 2020-21.




The Council agreed that Crown Estate funding as specified be allocated to the projects identified within paragraphs 4.2.2 to 4.2.16 of the submitted report as per the recommendation by the Policy and Resources Committee.


(Reference:  Recommendation from Policy and Resources Committee held on 18 February 2021 and report by Executive Director with responsibility for Development and Economic Growth dated 16 February 2021, submitted)

E1       Paragraph 6  Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (other than the authority).

E2       Paragraph 8  The amount of any expenditure proposed to be incurred by the authority under any particular contract for the acquisition of property or the supply of goods or services.

Paragraph 9  Any terms proposed or to be proposed by or to the authority in the course of negotiations for a contract for the acquisition or disposal of property or the supply of goods or services.