Contact: Sandra Campbell Tel: 01546 604401
Note | No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Following a Eulogy the Depute Provost asked the Council to join him in a minute’s silence to mark the passing of a respected colleague and long standing member of this Council, the late Provost Len Scoullar who sadly passed away on Sunday 15 November 2020. He sent the Councils love and sympathy to his family. |
The Depute Provost announced that he would be altering the order of business to take Item 15 of the Agenda, Political Management Arrangements after item 4, Minutes of Committees and before The Leader’s Report. |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: There were no apologies for absence intimated. |
NOTICE OF MOTION UNDER STANDING ORDER 14 The following Notice of Motion had been
submitted as a matter of urgency under the provisions of Standing Order 14- A83 Rest and Be Thankful/Old Military Road
Diversion – ongoing impact of closures In the past few weeks, as a result of heavy
rainfall, the Old Military Road diversion route has, like the lifeline route it
replaces, been closed due to the risk of landslides. This includes closures
overnight, from 6pm until first light and, even more concerning, complete
closure on a number of occasions and most recently on Monday 23rd
November, day and night. The impact of decades of disruption at the main A83
is already severe enough. For the secondary diversion route to be similarly
affected is utterly unacceptable to the remote, rural and islands communities
of Argyll and Bute. At a time of unprecedented challenge, Argyll and Bute’s
recovery, let alone its future, demands urgent action – now. Last week’s meeting of A83 stakeholders heard that
putting a permanent solution in place, once agreed, could require five or more
years to secure the necessary permissions and wayleaves even before
construction could start. Then, construction itself would take a number of
years more. This effectively asks Argyll and Bute to sustain another decade of
the kind of disruption experienced over the last few weeks. This, again, is
unsustainable and unacceptable. The Council therefore:
Moved by Councillor Currie, seconded by Councillor Taylor The Depute Provost ruled that he considered this item to be urgent by reason of the serious issue for Argyll and Bute. The Council agreed to consider the motion and this is dealt with at item 24 of this Minute. |
NOTICE OF MOTION UNDER STANDING ORDER 14 The following Notice of Motion had been
submitted as a matter of urgency under the provisions of Standing Order 14- Background Argyll
and Bute Council agrees that should Caledonian MacBrayne move forward
with their intention to withdraw the operation of their loose
freight carriage service there will be an immediate detrimental impact to
both healthcare services and businesses on the Isle of Bute as they will be
forced into the business of couriers who may not open small accounts and who may
not be able to provide the rapid service of almost door to door transfer of
medical samples, urgent medicines and goods to and from the Isle of Bute. The
motion is urgent because of Cal Mac only notifying islanders of their intention
to end this service on December 28th 2020 by an e mail from their
Area Operations Manager (Clyde) on Monday evening 23rd
November at 2000 hours. This withdrawal notice was served without any
form of consultation with communities nor the Argyll and Bute HSCP who are
daily users of this service for medical and health related parcels. There will
be no further opportunity for the Council to consider such a motion until the
next meeting of the Council in 2021 hence its urgency. Motion
: Argyll
and Bute Council instructs the Chief Executive to write to the Chief
Executives of both David MacBrayne and Caledonian MacBrayne expressing
the Council’s grave concerns over the impacts of the proposed decision to
withdraw its loose freight service on the Rothesay to Wemyss
Bay return service. There will be impacts on the Bute communities
healthcare service , and the communities fragile businesses and economy. The
letter should urge David MacBrayne and Caledonian MacBrayne to stop the
process of ending this service and cancel this most damaging of decisions. It
should further request of David MacBrayne and Caledonian MacBrayne that
Island Impact Assessment should be carried out as they should do to
fulfil the spirit of the Islands Act so that all are able to understand the
potential damage that this withdrawal could cause. The Chief Executive should
also write to the First Minister in similar terms and ask her to instruct David
MacBrayne and Caledonian MacBrayne to withdraw this very damaging proposal. Moved by Councillor Findlay, seconded by Councillor Moffat The Depute Provost ruled that he
considered this item to be urgent by reason of the serious issue for Argyll and
Bute. The Council agreed to consider the
motion and this is dealt with at item 25 of this Minute. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minutes: There were no declarations of interest intimated. |
Minute of Argyll and Bute Council 24 September 2020 Minutes: The Minutes of Argyll and Bute Council held on 24 September 2020 were approved as a correct record. |
Minute of Special Argyll and Bute Council 22 October 2020 Minutes: The Minutes of the Special Argyll and Bute Council held on 22 October were approved as a correct record. |
* |
Policy and Resources Committee held on 15 October 2020 Minutes: The Minutes of the Policy and Resources Committee held on 15 October were noted. Arising
from Item 4 (Financial Reports
Monitoring Pack – 31 August 2020) the Council approved the revenue virements over
£0.200m during July and August. Arising from Item 7 (Implementation of Domestic Abuse Policy) the Council approved the new Domestic Abuse Policy. |
POLITICAL MANAGEMENT ARRANGEMENTS Update by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support Minutes: The Council considered a report which noted the sad passing of Provost Len Scoullar and also to a number of changes in its political management arrangements. Motion The
Moved by Councillor Currie, seconded by Councillor Mulvaney. Amendment Agree to the Motion but with the following changes:- Appoint Councillor Audrey Forrest to the role of Provost within Argyll and Bute Council; Appoint Councillor Audrey Forrest to the vacancy on the Policy and
Resources Committee; and Appoint Councillor Jim Lynch as Vice-Chair of the
Argyll and Bute Harbour Board. Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Douglas. The vote was taken by calling the role and Members voted as follows:-
Decision 18 votes were received for the Motion, 12 for the Amendment and with 4 no votes, the Motion was carried and the Council resolved accordingly. (Ref: Report by Executive Director for Legal and Regulatory Support dated November 2020, submitted) The Depute Provost vacated the Chair and Provost David Kinniburgh chaired the meeting for the remainder of the meeting. |
Report by Leader of the Council Minutes: The Council considered a report which outlined the key activities undertaken by the Leader of the Council since his appointment on 24 September 2020 together with an update on the Policy Lead for Economy and Rural Growth. Decision The Council:- 1. Considered and noted the report and any further verbal updates from the Leader, and 2. Noted that the full Leader’s Report Pack was available in the Leader’s Office which included COSLA and other papers and briefings as referenced in the report. (Ref: Report by Leader of the Council dated 12 November 2020, submitted) |
POLICY LEADS REPORT Report by Policy Leads Minutes: The Council considered a report which provided an update on key areas of activity of Policy Lead Councillors, including updates since the last Council meeting on 22 October 2020. Decision The Council considered and noted the report and any further updates from Policy Leads. (Ref: Report by Policy Leads dated 12 November 2020, submitted) |
AUDITED ACCOUNTS 2019-2020 Recommendation by the Audit & Scrutiny Committee and Report by Section 95 Officer Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to a recommendation by the Audit and Scrutiny Committee and the report presenting the Audited Annual Accounts of the Council and Charitable Trusts for the year to 31 March 2020. The report highlighted the extension of the administrative deadlines for local government accounts by two months due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Decision 1. The Council noted the changes to the Council’s annual accounts and the Charitable Trust accounts and that they do not alter the reader’s understanding of the Council or Charitable trusts financial position. 2. The Council approved the Audited Annual Accounts of the Council and Charitable Trusts for the year to 31 March 2020. 3.
Council recognised the commendable efforts of the Finance Team in the quality
and timeliness of the preparation of the accounts despite the challenging
circumstances they faced. (Ref: Report by Section 95 Officer dated 17 November and updated report dated 25 November, submitted) |
AUDIT SCOTLAND ANNUAL AUDIT REPORT 2019-20 Recommendation by the Audit & Scrutiny Committee and Report by Audit Scotland Additional documents: Minutes: The Council gave consideration to a recommendation by the Audit and Scrutiny Committee and to a report summarising the findings arising from an audit of the annual accounts and the consideration of the four audit dimensions that frame the wider scope of public audit set out in the Code of Audit Practice 2016 - financial sustainability; financial management; governance and transparency and value for money. Consideration was also given to the ISA 260/580 letters. Decision The Council approved the ISA 580 letter of representation for signing. (Ref: Report and ISA 260 Letter by Audit Scotland, and ISA 580 Letter by Section 95 officer dated 17 November 2020, submitted) |
AUDIT AND SCRUTINY ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20 Report by Chair of Audit and Scrutiny Committee Minutes: The Council considered the annual overview of the Audit and Scrutiny’s activities during financial year 2019/20 and a summary of key developments since the commencement of 2020/21. The report set out how the Committee has fulfilled its remit and provided assurances to the Council. Decision The Council reviewed and endorsed the Chair’s Annual Report. (Ref: Report by Chair of the Audit and Scrutiny Committee dated 26 November 2020, submitted) |
COUNCIL TAX ON EMPTY PROPERTIES - EXTENSION TO TEMPORARY AMENDMENT DUE TO COVID 19 Report by Interim Head of Financial Services Minutes: The Council considered a report which outlined a temporary policy amendment for the rate of Council Tax for long term empty properties. Decision The Council:- 1. Approved a temporary policy amendment to
allow management the discretion to
remove the double charge of Council Tax for a maximum of 6 months between 1
October 2020 and 31 March 2021 where there is conclusive evidence
that efforts have been made, or are
being made to, bring the empty
properties back into use and that the homeowners’ ability to bring the
home back into use is
affected by Covid-19. 2.
Approved a temporary
policy amendment to
allow management the discretion to remove
the double charge of Council
Tax for a maximum of 6 months
between 1 October 2020 and 31 March 2021 in exceptional
circumstances where there is conclusive evidence of financial hardship of the taxpayer caused by Covid-19. (Ref: Report by Section 95 Officer dated 9 November 2020, submitted) |
CHIEF SOCIAL WORK OFFICER ANNUAL REPORT 2019-2020 Report by Chief Social Work Officer, Health and Social Care Additional documents: Minutes: The Council considered a report which presented the Argyll and Bute Chief Social Work Officer report for the period 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020 which provided an oversight and accountability within the local authority for all social work and social care services delegated to the Integrated Joint Board. Decision The Council:-
(Ref: Report by Chief Social Work Officer dated 26 November 2020, submitted) |
by Chief Officer, Health and Social Care Partnership Additional documents: Minutes: The Council considered a report which presented the Children and Young People’s Service Plan for 2020 – 2023 which outlined the local priorities for achieving Argyll and Bute’s vision for all children and young people and made clear what services and partners need to do together to achieve them. Decision The Council: 1. Noted that both NHS Highland
and Argyll and Bute Council are jointly and equally responsible for children’s
services planning. 2. Approve Argyll and Bute’s
Children and Young People’s Services Plan which covers the period 2020-23 on
behalf of Argyll and Bute Council
subject to further scrutiny by the Community Services Committee. 3. Agreed to delegate any
amendments that are required to the Executive Director with responsibility for
Education in consultation with the Leader, Leader of the largest Opposition
Group and the Chair of the Community Services Committee. 4. Once approved by Council and
the Integrated Joint Board approve the publishing of the Children and Young
People’s Services Plan to Scottish Government, and 5. Note that Argyll and Bute’s
Children’s Strategic Group will oversee the delivery of the outcomes and
actions identified in the plan with annual performance and progress reports to
be presented to future meetings of the Community Services Committee and the
Integration Joint Board. (Ref: Report by Chief Officer, Argyll and Bute HSCP, dated 7 October 2020, submitted) |
Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support Additional documents:
Minutes: The Council considered a report which advised of a consultation which had been launched by the Scottish Government on a review of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct during the period from 19 October to 8 February 2021. Decision The Council:- 1. Noted the arrangements that are in place for a SG led consultation on a review of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, running from 19 October 2020 until 8 February 2021. 2. Agreed that delegation is given to the Executive Director, as Monitoring Officer, to prepare and submit a response, after consultation with the Leader and Depute Leader of the Council and the Leader of the largest Opposition Group within the designated timescales. (Ref: Report by Executive Director for Legal and Regulatory Support dated 29 October 2020, submitted) |
REVIEW OF THE HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INTEGRATION SCHEME Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support Additional documents: Minutes: The Council considered a report which presented the revised HSCP Scheme which contained details of the changes proposed by the Scottish Government. Decision 1.
the revised Integration Scheme (Appendix 1), which has been further updated to
take account of feedback received from the SG as part of their review. 2.
Noted that a similar
report is being tabled at the NHS Highland Board on 24 November for their approval. 3. Agreed that the Chief Executives of the two parent bodies jointly submit the revised Scheme to the Scottish Government for final approval. (Ref: Report by Executive Director for Legal and Regulatory Support dated 3 November 2020, submitted) |
DRAFT PROGRAMME OF MEETINGS 2021-22 Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support Additional documents: Minutes: The Council considered a report which outlined a draft programme of meetings for the year 2021-22 based on the current committee cycle. Decision The Council considered and approve the draft Programme of Meetings for the year 2021-22. (Ref: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support dated 26 October 2020, submitted) |
SUPPORTING COMMUNITIES FUND REVIEW Report by Chief Executive Minutes: The Council considered a report which highlighted changes to the Council’s Supporting Communities Fund to improve the process for communities which included clearer criteria for applications and an extension to the period to time awarded funds are able to be use by groups. Decision 1.
The Council agreed the four main
criteria for applications, as set out in 4.2 of the report, being: · Fairer Communities – tackling
poverty by sharing opportunities. · Resilient
Communities –
rebuilding and repairing from a pandemic;
noting that this is only in the
case of the group being
unable to access other specific funds for this, e.g. Scottish Government funding. · Greener,
cleaner communities – climate
change mitigation · Creative
Communities -
Creativity for Health and Wellbeing 2. Agreed
that all applicants awarded funding have 18 months to complete their project. 3. Agree
that all applicants awarded funding are to display the Council logo in
communications and promotions of their funded project. 4. Agree
that improvements are made to the application and end of monitoring report to
support the evaluation of the fund’s impact on reducing inequalities. 5. Agree
a fast track application process, as outlined in 4.6, be explored for financial
year 2022-23. 6. Agree
that the fund for 2021/22 opens for applications on 11 January 2021 and closes
on 20 March 2021. (Ref: Report by Chief Executive dated 3 November 2020, submitted) |
DANGEROUS BUILDING: 5-7 EAST CLYDE STREET, HELENSBURGH Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Development and Economic Growth Minutes: The Council considered a report which advised of the action taken by building standards at a private property on East Clyde Street, Helensburgh. Decision The Council: 1. Noted that officers had no option but to instruct
emergency works to the property to remove
the immediate danger to the public or adjacent buildings,
using our statutory
powers under the Building
(Scotland) Act 2003. These works were to stabilise
the building and provide
a short-term solution
with a potential that further interventions will be
necessary. 2.
Agreed that the best course of action at this stage was to stabilise the building, rather than demolish the property at considerable costs to the Council. Council further instructed officers to continue
to work with owners and other interested
parties to identify
a permanent solution.
This will be the subject
of a future report to the appropriate Committee. (Ref: Report by Executive Director for Development and Economic Growth dated 9 November 2020, submitted) |
STRATEGIC HOUSING INVESTMENT PLAN (SHIP) 2021/22 - 2025/26 Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Development and Economic Growth Additional documents: Minutes: The Council considered a report which summarised the proposals for the revised Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) in line with statutory requirements and the latest guidance. Decision The Council approved the SHIP proposals summarised in this report which will then be submitted to the Scottish Government in December 2020. (Ref: Report by Executive Director for Development and Economic Growth dated November 2020, submitted) Councillor Mulvaney left the meeting at this point. |
HOUSING ANNUAL ASSURANCE STATEMENT 2020 Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Development and Economic Growth Minutes: The Council considered a report which presented the Annual Assurance Statement for approval. Decision The Council approved the Annual Assurance Statement contained in Appendix 1 of the report. (Ref: Report by Executive Director for Development and Economic Growth dated November 2020, submitted) |
TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OF OFF STREET PARKING CHARGES FOR FESTIVE SEASON 2020 Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Roads and Infrastructure Services Minutes: The Council considered a report which sought approval for the suspension of off-street parking charges across all areas of Argyll and Bute for the 2 week period 11 December 2020 to 24 December 2020. Councillors Freeman and Morgan left the meeting at this point. Motion The Council:- 1.
to suspend all off-street car parking charges across all areas of Argyll and
Bute between 11 December 2020 and 24 December
2020. 2.
the proposal from Oban BIDS and agrees to the principle that an organisation or
community group can pay the Council for additional days suspension of charging
and this will be dealt with by the Executive
Director with responsibility for Roads and Infrastructure Services. Moved by Councillor Currie, seconded by Councillor Colville. Amendment Agree to the Motion but with the change to the date in recommendation 1 from 24 December 2020 to 3 January 2021. Moved by Councillor Armour, seconded by Councillor Blair. The vote was taken by calling the role and Members voted as follows:-
Decision The Motion received 16 votes and the Amendment 15, the Motion was carried and the Council resolved accordingly. (Ref: Report by Executive Director for Roads and Infrastructure Services dated 10 November, submitted) |
RECOMMENDATIONS FROM SHORT LIFE WORKING GROUP OF 9 NOVEMBER 2020 Minutes: The Council considered the recommendations from the Climate Change and Environmental Action Group which were presented to the Council for approval. Decision The
from the Climate Change and Environmental Action Group agreed by Council: 1.
Noted the update to the Climate Change
and Environmental Action Group activity plan as detailed in Appendix1. 2. to deliver net zero emissions target
by 2045, as outlined in the Decarbonisation Plan 2021; 3. to review the ambition and 2045
target date within 12 months based on national direction of performance
monitoring and performance of the plan; 4. Agreed that a business case approach
to climate change investment is adopted through the Council’s Asset Management
Board; 5. Agreed that the Climate Change
Environmental Action Group is disbanded from November 2020 and replaced with
quarterly updates from the Climate Change Board being presented to Policy and
Resources Committee; 6. Noted specifically the commitments
outlined in the Decarbonisation Plan relating to engagement with our
communities and businesses through our communications and Community Planning
(Ref: Report by Executive Director for Commercial Services dated November 2020, submitted) Councillor Aileen Morton left the meeting at this point. |
DE-CARBONISATION PLAN Additional documents:
Minutes: The Council considered a recommendation from the Climate Change Environmental Action Group which presented the Council’s Decarbonisation Plan for approval. Decision The
(Ref: Report by Executive Director for Commercial Services dated November 2020, submitted) |
EXTENSION OF RELAXATION OF PLANNING ENFORCEMENT IN TOWN CENTRES Additional documents: Minutes: A recommendation from the Covid Leadership Group was before the Council for noting. Decision The Council noted the extension of the existing measures for
relaxation of planning enforcement in relation to recovery of town centre
business activity being extended until 31 March 2021, subject to periodic
review in the event of updated guidance being provided by the Scottish
Government. (Ref: Report by Executive Director for Development and Economic Growth dated 25 October 2020, submitted) |
EMERGENCY POWERS TO WAIVE FEES FOR USE OF PUBLIC SPACES BY BUSINESSES Additional documents: Minutes: A recommendation from the Covid Leadership Group was before the Council for noting. Decision The Council noted the recommendation to extend until 31
March 2021, a waive of fees for use of public spaces
for business space in relation to Covid-19. (Ref: Report by Executive Director for Development and Economic Growth dated 25 October 2020, submitted) |
YEAR 5 EVALUATION OF THE ARGYLL AND BUTE REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT PROGRAMME Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Refugee Resettlement Programme Additional documents: Minutes: A report providing an update on the refugee resettlement programme was before the Council for noting. Decision The Council:- 1. Noted the continued good work of the Refugee Resettlement Group and the local community in resettling Syrian refugees on the Island of Bute. 2. Noted that the Council continues to resettle refugees on the Island of Bute through the Home Office’s rebranded refugee resettlement scheme. (Ref: Report by Executive Director for refugee resettlement programme, dated October 2020, submitted) |
NOTICE OF MOTION UNDER STANDING ORDER 14 Minutes: The following Notice of Motion had been submitted under Standing Order 14 as a matter of urgency:- Motion A83 Rest and Be
Thankful/Old Military Road Diversion – ongoing impact of closures In the past few weeks, as a
result of heavy rainfall, the Old Military Road diversion route has, like the
lifeline route it replaces, been closed due to the risk of landslides. This
includes closures overnight, from 6pm until first light and, even more
concerning, complete closure on a number of occasions and most recently on
Monday 23rd November, day and night. The impact of decades of
disruption at the main A83 is already severe enough. For the secondary
diversion route to be similarly affected is utterly unacceptable to the remote,
rural and islands communities of Argyll and Bute. At a time of unprecedented
challenge, Argyll and Bute’s recovery, let alone its future, demands urgent
action – now. Last week’s meeting of A83
stakeholders heard that putting a permanent solution in place, once agreed,
could require five or more years to secure the necessary permissions and
wayleaves even before construction could start. Then, construction itself would
take a number of years more. This effectively asks Argyll and Bute to sustain
another decade of the kind of disruption experienced over the last few weeks.
This, again, is unsustainable and unacceptable.
The council therefore:
Moved by Councillor Currie, seconded by Councillor Taylor. Decision The Council unanimously agreed the terms of the Motion. |
NOTICE OF MOTION UNDER STANDING ORDER 14 Minutes: The following Notice of Motion had been submitted under Standing Order 14 as a matter of urgency:- Motion Background Argyll
and Bute Council agrees that should Caledonian MacBrayne move forward
with their intention to withdraw the operation of their loose
freight carriage service there will be an immediate detrimental impact to
both healthcare services and businesses on the Isle of Bute as they will be
forced into the business of couriers who may not open small accounts and who
may not be able to provide the rapid service of almost door to door transfer of
medical samples, urgent medicines and goods to and from the Isle of Bute. The
motion is urgent because of Cal Mac only notifying islanders of their intention
to end this service on December 28th 2020 by an e mail from their
Area Operations Manager (Clyde) on Monday evening 23rd
November at 2000 hours. This withdrawal notice was served without any
form of consultation with communities nor the Argyll and Bute HSCP who are
daily users of this service for medical and health related parcels. There will
be no further opportunity for the Council to consider such a motion until the
next meeting of the Council in 2021 hence its urgency. Motion
: Argyll
and Bute Council instructs the Chief Executive to write to the Chief
Executives of both David MacBrayne and Caledonian MacBrayne expressing
the Council’s grave concerns over the impacts of the proposed decision to
withdraw its loose freight service on the Rothesay to Wemyss
Bay return service. There will be impacts on the Bute communities
healthcare service, and the communities fragile businesses and economy. The
letter should urge David MacBrayne and Caledonian MacBrayne to stop the process
of ending this service and cancel this most damaging of decisions. It should
further request of David MacBrayne and Caledonian MacBrayne that Island
Impact Assessment should be carried out as they should do to fulfil the
spirit of the Islands Act so that all are able to understand the potential
damage that this withdrawal could cause. The Chief Executive should also write
to the First Minister in similar terms and ask her to instruct David MacBrayne
and Caledonian MacBrayne to withdraw this very damaging proposal. Moved by Councillor Findlay, seconded by Councillor Moffat. Decision The Council unanimously agreed the terms of the Motion. |