Venue: Kintyre Community Education Centre, Campbeltown
Contact: Iona Campbell, Senior Committee Assistant; Tel: 01436 658 801
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of Councillor Rory Colville. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: Councillor Anne Horn declared a non-financial interest in Agenda item 7 (Supporting Communities Fund Report), with specific reference to the application from PACT MAK as she is a member of the Committee for this organisation. Councillor Horn advised that she would leave the room if the Committee agreed to take the applications individually. Councillor Douglas Philand declared a non-financial interest in Agenda item 7 (Supporting Communities Fund Report) with specific reference to the application from Heads UP Mid Argyll as he is a member of this group. Councillor Philand advised that he would leave the room if the Committee agreed to take the applications individually. |
Minutes |
Minutes: The Minute of the meeting of the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee, held on Wednesday, 4 December 2019 was approved as a true record. |
Public and Councillors Question Time Minutes: Valerie Nimmo, Campbeltown Community Council, enquired as to what plans had been made by the Council to bring Dalintober Primary School buildings up to 21st century conditions and what support is being provided to Campbeltown Grammar School staff in light of the poor inspection report received recently. The Committee Manager agreed to pass this query to the Heads of Education and provide Ms Nimmo and Members with details of the response to same. Councillor Currie advised that a report on Dalintober Primary School would be heard at the next Community Services Committee. Councillor Kelly noted that a meeting was due to take place on Monday, 9 March 2020 at Campbeltown Grammar School including local councillors and the Head of Education to discuss the recent inspection report for Campbeltown Grammar School and agree appropriate steps going forward. Councillor Kelly further advised that he had proposed a motion regarding Dalintober Primary School which would be considered later in the meeting. Ms Nimmo raised the issue of required repairs to roads in Campbeltown and asked what plans the Council had made to address this, in particular for the road at the Esplanade. Ms Nimmo agreed to pass details of any roads requiring repairs to Jim Smith who would arrange for investigation and repair of sites where necessary. Neil MacFarlane confirmed that Transport Scotland had plans to repair the footpath and carriageway in front of Campbeltown Picture House and confirmed that he was aware of drainage issues in this area. John Bakes, Southend Community Council, advised that he had witnessed road repair teams in the area using patch repair techniques which were being washed away after approximately 24 hours and asked the roads departments to consider using alternative techniques to adequately repair the roads. Councillor Kelly expressed his disappointment that the Roads Capital Programme had not come forward to the Area Committee today. Councillor Currie noted that this report would be considered at the Environment, Development and Infrastructure (EDI) Committee on Thursday, 5 March 2020. Mr Smith advised that following agreement at the EDI Committee, confirmation would be sent to all local councillors by the end of the week to advise of works agreed to be carried out in the local area. Councillor Kelly suggested that more opportunities for input to the programme be available to local and community councillors in future to highlight local issues prior to the report being put forward for agreement to the EDI Committee. Mr Smith noted that the service recognised the input of local and community councillors and was working within the confines of funding restraints and with a backlog of required maintenance to be carried out to bring roads to an acceptable standard. Mr Smith advised that the report being considered at the EDI Committee exhibited the best return for the available funding and included projects made possible by the additional £700,000 of funding made available at the recent budget meeting. Councillor Redman advised that he had received a number of concerned reports from constituents in relation to the road at Skipness and asked that this be prioritised for repair. Mr Smith provided assurance that he was aware of issues at this location and this was included in the programme for works in the upcoming financial year which would hopefully be agreed at the next meeting of the EDI committee. Councillor Redman raised concerns regarding the condition of the Islay High School building. Councillor Currie advised that the next meeting of the Area Committee would take place on Jura and the Islay High School teacher would be attending this meeting. Councillor Currie suggested that it may be beneficial to have a report on the condition of Islay High School at the next meeting. The Committee Manager agreed to pass this request to relevant officers. Councillor Redman advised that at his last surgery in Carradale, local community councillors had advised that the drains in Carradale had become blocked and asked about works which could be carried out to prevent this from happening in future. Mr Smith advised that the department were currently working on a programme for climate change which would result in more intelligent gully cleaning which should assist with the drainage issues, although there are increased issues with blocked drains and standing water in winter months. Councillor Redman advised that a number of constituents had been concerned that a drain had been tarmacked over by the roads department. Councillor Horn advised that she had received assurances that this would be rectified and inclement weather had unfortunately delayed this. Councillor Horn commended the work which had been done at Garvel Road in Tarbert and expressed thanks on behalf of the community to James Lafferty, Project Manager. Councillor Taylor noted concerns about Scottish Water’s poor attendance at Committee meetings of the Council and expressed disappointment that a number of his constituents would be unable to ask questions to the service at the Area Committee in June due to the meeting being held on Jura. Councillor Currie advised that it was hoped that Lync facilities could be in place across different locations at future Area Committee meetings, however this would not be possible for the meeting in June. Councillor Kelly advised that meetings had been held with the Health and Social Care Partnership regarding issues at Kintyre Care Centre. Councillor Kelly noted that there had been agreement that an officer would attend the meeting in March and noted his disappointment that this had not happened. Councillor Kelly suggested that it may be beneficial to request that an officer attend a future meeting of the Area Committee to allow Members to ask relevant questions regarding the ongoing situation. The Committee Manager agreed to highlight this to relevant officers. Councillor Kelly raised concerns that a representative from Scottish Water had previously committed to meeting local councillors regarding the odour issues at Meadowburn which occur during good weather and noted that this meeting had not yet taken place. The Committee Manager agreed to raise the matters relating to Scottish Water with the local contact. Councillor Kelly requested that, at a future meeting of the Area Committee, a representative attend to provide advice and information on how young people in the area who do not go on to further education are supported into a work setting, what other opportunities are available to young people leaving school and how employers are encouraged to provide apprenticeships for young people in the area. The Committee Manager agreed to pass this request to relevant officers. Councillor Kelly expressed concerns that, following an economic summit held in Campbeltown in November 2019, local councillors were not invited to the follow up meeting which was held on Monday 2nd March 2020. Councillor Kelly asked that the Area Committee write to the Scottish Government to ask why local councillors had not been invited to attend this meeting and contribute to the group. The Committee Manager agreed to write to the Minister in regard to Councillor Kelly’s concerns. Councillor Philand enquired about the possibility of staggering the annual reports from Secondary Schools at future meetings of the Area Committee to be heard throughout the year. Councillor Currie advised that the Heads of Education had been approached about this matter and had advised that the agreement to have all reports at the December Area Committee was reached in consultation with Head Teachers to ensure equity of reporting and changing this format was not something that they would be willing to consider. Councillor Philand noted that he was concerned about the current potential closure of the Knapdale Ward in the Mid Argyll area and advised that he would like to look at the level of HSCP reporting at Area Committee level. The Committee Manager noted that at present the HSCP have committed to providing bi-annual updates to the Area Committee. Councillor Currie advised that Members could discuss at the next Area Committee Business Day what representation they would like from the HSCP at Area Committee level. Councillor Kelly noted that he was concerned about the communication of the HSCP at a local level and Councillor Horn advised that she had been disappointed to have to insist that a Kintyre date be added to a recent consultation. Councillor Philand asked that information in relation to what impact on services the recent £1 million award to Rothesay Pavilion would have on the MAKI area be provided to Members. The Committee Manager agreed to request this information from the relevant officers. Councillor Redman asked that SSE be contacted by the Area Committee in relation to the frequency of power cuts on Islay and what steps were being taken to prevent this as constituents had raised concerns that this was affecting their businesses and the economic growth of the area. The Committee Manager agreed to get in touch with SSE regarding this issue. |
Argyll Community Housing Association Annual Update Report by Chief Executive, Argyll Community Housing Association Minutes: The Committee gave consideration to an annual update presentation for the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area by the Director of Finance and IT, Argyll Community Housing Association, including details of the Warm Homes Fund, Exemplar Estate Initiative, Stock Condition Survey and upcoming local projects. Discussion took place around issues delaying the progress of a development in Tarbert and a lack of shared equity housing in the area and it was agreed that Councillor Currie would raise these matters at an upcoming Strategic Housing Forum meeting. Further discussion took place around: mould and damp issues within properties; ongoing projects outlined within the presentation; the potential for rural housing programmes; ACHA’s current homeless policy and the Rapid Rehousing Scheme. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee agreed to note the contents of the presentation. (Reference: Presentation by Chief Executive, Argyll Community Housing Association, submitted) |
Transport Scotland Annual Update Report by North West Area Manager, Transport Scotland Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee gave consideration to an update provided by Transport Scotland’s North West Area Manager on works scheduled to be carried out on the A83. Discussion took place around: methods used to identify and repair issues along the A83; future plans to reconstruct the 800 metre stretch at the entrance to Campbeltown; future design projects for the A83; the possibility of a controlled crossing at the site of the Aqualbrium in Campbeltown and drainage issues. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee agreed to note the contents of the update. (Reference: Report by North West Area Manager, Transport Scotland, submitted) |
Supporting Communities Fund Report Report by Chief Executive Minutes: The Committee gave consideration to a report detailing the recomendations for the award of the Supporting Communities Fund to Third Sector organisations for Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands. The Committee discussed the current scoring criteria for the Supporting Communities Fund and the follow up support made available to those who were not successful in their application. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee agreed to award the grants as undernoted:
(Reference: Report by Chief Executive, dated 4 March 2020, submitted) |
Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Roads and Infrastructure Services Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee gave consideration to a Post Winter Update report seeking views and comments from the Area Committee in relation to potential policy change to be brought to a future meeting of the Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee. Discussions took place around the current Winter Policy and the upcoming Community Resilience Programme. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee: 1. considered the report; and 2. agreed to recommend to the Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee as part of the review of the 2020/21 Winter Policy that all Council school transport routes should be treated regardless of the number of children who travel on the Council school transport vehicle. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with Responsibility for Roads and Infrastructure Services, dated 4 March 2020, submitted) |
Area Scorecard - FQ3 2019-20 Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Performance and Improvement Minutes: The Committee gave consideration to a report presenting the Area Report and Scorecard for Financial Quarter 3 2019/20 (October-December 2019) and illustrating the agreed performance measures. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee agreed: 1. to note the performance presented on the Scorecard and supporting commentary; 2. that they would welcome the detailed Car Parking information as presented in the report on future Area Committee Performance Reports; 3. to the removal of the Positive Destinations success measure and the inclusion of the Participation in a Positive Destination measure; 4. that upon receipt of the Quarterly Performance Report the Area Committee contact either the Responsible Named Officer or Sonya Thomas with any queries; and 5. to note that work is ongoing and to respond to Sonya Thomas with requests or comments regarding the layout and format of the Report and Scorecard. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with Responsibility for Performance and Improvement, dated 4 March 2020, submitted) |
MAKI Area Committee - Venues for Meetings 2020/2021 Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support Minutes: The Committee gave consideration to a report detailing the agreed meeting dates for the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee from August 2020 to June 2021 and asking Members to give consideration to the venues for meetings. Discussion took place around public attendance at Area Committee meetings and it was agreed that the Committee Manager would investigate the possibility of future meetings being advertised on Argyll and Bute Council’s social media channels. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee agreed: 1. to note the agreed cycle of Area Committee meetings; and 2. that the locations for the meetings of the Committee between August 2020 and June 2021 would be as follows: Lochgilphead (September 2020), Lochgilphead (December 2020), Campbeltown (March 2021) and Colonsay (June 2021). (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support, dated 4 March 2020, submitted) |
Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee Workplan Minutes: The Committee gave consideration to the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee Workplan. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee agreed to note the contents of the Workplan. (Reference: Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee Workplan, dated 4 March 2020, submitted) |
Notice of Motion Under Standing Order 13 In light of the recent unfortunate incident at
Dalintober Primary School Campbeltown where a ceiling collapsed within the
school building resulting in emergency repairs being carried out to 10
classrooms. The Area Committee agree to recommend to the Council that a full, up to date structural and condition survey report relating to Dalintober Primary School is brought before the full Council by the Director of Community Services as a matter of urgency. This will help to provide the necessary reassurance to pupils, parents, staff and the wider community of Campbeltown that the building is currently fit for purpose and also aid the Council as it continues to look to the future in terms of providing fit for purpose education facilities for the community of South Kintyre. Proposed: Councillor Donald Kelly Seconded: Councillor John Armour Minutes: Councillor Kelly, seconded by Councillor Armour had given notice of the following motion: In
light of the recent unfortunate incident at Dalintober Primary School
Campbeltown where a ceiling collapsed within the school building resulting in
emergency repairs being carried out to 10 classrooms. The Area Committee agree to recommend to the Council that a
full, up to date structural and condition survey report relating to Dalintober
Primary School is brought before the full Council by the Director of Community
Services as a matter of urgency. This will help to provide the necessary
reassurance to pupils, parents, staff and the wider community of Campbeltown
that the building is currently fit for purpose and also aid the Council as it
continues to look to the future in terms of providing fit for purpose education
facilities for the community of South Kintyre. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee agreed the terms of the Motion subject to minor amendment as follows: The Area Committee agreed to recommend to the Community Services Committee that a full, up to date structural and condition survey report relating to Dalintober Primary School is brought before the full Council by the Executive Director with Responsibility for Education as a matter of urgency. This will help to provide the necessary reassurance to pupils, parents, staff and the wider community of Campbeltown that the building is currently fit for purpose and also aid the Council as it continues to look to the future in terms of providing fit for purpose education facilities for the community of South Kintyre. |