Venue: on a hybrid basis by Microsoft Teams and in the Council Chambers, Kilmory, Lochgilphead
Contact: Lynsey Innis, Senior Committee Assistant; Tel: 01546 604338
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. There were no apologies for absence intimated. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: Councillor Dougie Philand declared a non-financial interest in agenda item 5 (Lochgilphead CARS – Recommendation of Grant Award) due to members of his family having tendered for works to be carried out in relation to this project. |
Minute of the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee held on 7 September 2022 Minutes: The Minute of the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee meeting, held on 7 September 2022 was approved as a correct record. |
Public Question Time Minutes: There were no public questions submitted. |
Having declared a non-financial interest in the following item of business, Councillor Philand left the room and took no part in discussion of this item. . |
Lochgilphead CARS - Recommendation of Grant Award Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Development and Economic Growth Minutes: Consideration was given to a report which provided an update on the progress of the Lochgilphead CARS project and sought the approval of a grant offer to the owners of 3 – 17 Colchester Square, Lochgilphead. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee:- 1. approved the grant offer of up to £241,808.68 to the owners of 3 – 17 Colchester Square, Lochgilphead; and 2. agreed to delegate the issue of the grant contract to the Executive Director with responsibility for Development and Economic Growth in consultation with the Chair of the Area Committee only once all necessary checks have been completed. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Development and Economic Growth, dated 7 December 2022, submitted) |
Councillor Philand re-joined the meeting for the remainder of the business. . |
Area Performance Report - FQ2 2022/23 Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Customer Support Services Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the Area Performance Report for financial quarter 2 of 2022/23 (July to September 2022) which illustrated the agreed performance measures for this period. Members expressed their dissatisfaction that no officer was in attendance to speak to this item. Having noted the approach taken in relation to this item was a historical operational agreement that dated back to the previous Council term, Members requested that the Governance Manager feedback their concerns to relevant officers and to the next meeting of the Area Chairs and Vice Chairs. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee:- 1. noted and considered the performance and supporting commentary as presented; 2. agreed that upon receipt of the Quarterly Performance Report, the Area Committee contact either the Responsible Named Officer or Sonya Thomas with any queries; 3. noted that work was ongoing and to respond to Sonya Thomas with requests or comments regarding the layout and format of the Performance Report; and 4. requested that the Governance Manager feedback the concerns of the Committee to relevant officers and to the next meeting of the Area Chairs and Vice Chairs. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Customer Support Services, dated 7 December 2022, submitted) |
Performance Report Update Presentation by Corporate Support Manager Minutes: The Corporate Support Manager provided a short presentation on the Performance Excellence project. He outlined the findings of the Council’s Best Value Audit which took place in 2020 and highlighted key points from the Best Value Improvement Action Plan. Mr Green advised that as a result of recommendations agreed by Council in September 2021, a new suite of Corporate Outcome Indicators will be reported on annually and that other improvements to the system were underway. He outlined the new hierarchy of performance reporting and confirmed that the Pyramid system previously used for performance reporting will be decommissioned by the end of this financial year. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee agreed to note the information provided. (Reference: Presentation by Business Support Manager, submitted) |
A&B HSCP Annual Performance Report 2021 Report by Head of Strategic Planning, Performance and Technology, Argyll and Bute HSCP Additional documents: Minutes: Having noted that there was no officer in attendance to present this item, the Committee gave consideration to a report which presented the Argyll and Bute HSCP Annual Performance Report for 2021. Members expressed their dissatisfaction that there was no officer in attendance and requested that the Governance Manager feedback a number of questions in relation to the report. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee considered and noted the Annual Performance Report for the Health and Social Care Partnership for the year 2021, which was presented to the Integration Joint Board (IJB) at its meeting on 23 November 2022. (Reference: Report by Head of Strategic Planning, Performance and Technology, dated 7 December 2022, submitted) |
Presentation by Chief Executive, ACHA Minutes: Consideration was given to a presentation by the Chief Executive of ACHA, which provided an update on a number of areas including the investment programme for 2022/23; the Warm Homes Fund; the Business, Energy, Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Whole House Retrofit Programme; the replacement of wet electric heating systems; the Exemplar Estates initiative and a number of new build and refurbishment sites across the locality. Further information was provided in respect of Welfare Rights; the Rent Consultation for 2023/24; ACHA’s 10 10 10 initiative and ACHA’s Community Action Fund. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee agreed to note the information provided. (Reference: Presentation by Chief Executive of ACHA, submitted) |
Local Housing Strategy (LHS) 2022-27 - Annual Update Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Development and Economic Growth Minutes: Members gave consideration to a report which presented the Argyll and Bute Local Housing Strategy (LHS) Annual Report for 2022. It was noted that a further report with area specific information would be provided to the Committee at their meeting in March 2023. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee considered and noted the contents of the report. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Development and Economic Growth, dated 7 December 2022, submitted) |
Roads and Infrastructure Services Update Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Roads and Infrastructure Services Minutes: The Committee gave consideration to a report which provided an update on the recent activities of Roads and Infrastructure Services and highlighted works being undertaken which were relevant to the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands area. Discussion took place in respect of the Roads Resurfacing Programme and in particular to the lack of white lining on the B842, Campbeltown to Southend Road and on a number of roads on Islay. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee considered and noted the contents of the report and provided feedback on the proposed new format. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Roads and Infrastructure Services, dated 7 December 2022, submitted) |
The Chair moved and the Committee agreed to adjourn for a short comfort break. On resuming at 1:40pm, all Members were in attendance as per the sederunt. . |
Cemetery Asset Report Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Roads
and Infrastructure Services Additional documents:
Minutes: Having requested an update on cemetery provision and maintenance at their last meeting, the Committee gave consideration to the Cemetery Asset Report that was presented to the Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee at their meeting on 1 December 2022. Discussion was had in relation to the information contained within the report presented, with Members expressing their extreme concern that this was not what had been requested at their last meeting on 7 September 2022. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee:- 1. agreed that no decision would be taken on the report before them for consideration; 2. requested that a further report be brought to the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee meeting in March 2023, providing the detailed information requested by the Area Committee at their meeting on 7 September 2022; and 3. noted that in the interim period, a Business Day session would be held to consider cemetery asset, provision and maintenance. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Roads and Infrastructure Services, dated 7 December 2022, submitted) |
Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Roads and Infrastructure Services Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to a report which provided an update on the proposed Traffic Regulation Order “Argyll and Bute Council (Off-Street Parking and Charges) (Inveraray) Order 202_” (hereafter, the “TRO”) and provided detail of the objections to the draft TRO. Discussion took place in respect of the proposal to introduce all year round charging, with it being noted that the Committee could amend the conditions contained within the Schedule if they so wished. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area
Committee agreed that the draft “Argyll and Bute Council (Off-Street Parking
and Charges) (Inveraray) Order 202_” TRO can be made, subject to an amendment
to the Schedule to remove the change to all year charging, retaining the
seasonal arrangement for all chargeable car parks in Inveraray. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Roads and Infrastructure Services, dated 7 December 2022, submitted) |
Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Roads
and Infrastructure Services Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to a report which provided an update on the proposed Traffic Regulation Order “Argyll and Bute Council (Off-Street Parking and Charges) (Mid Argyll, Kintyre and Islay) Order 202_” (hereafter, the “TRO”) and provided detail of the objections to the draft TRO. Discussion took place in respect of the confusion
of the terminology used within the draft TRO, particularly in relation to
tariffs and charging hours and the possibility that this may cause undue
concern for communities who require the use of the car parks outlined within
Schedule 1 of the draft TRO for their day-to-day living. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee agreed that the draft “Argyll and Bute Council (Off-Street Parking and Charges) (Mid Argyll, Kintyre and Islay) Order 202_” TRO can be made, subject to the insertion of the words “free of charge” at Schedule 1. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Roads and Infrastructure Services, dated 7 December 2022, submitted) |
Charitable Trusts, Bequests and Trust Funds Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee gave consideration to a report which
provided details of a number of Trusts and Bequests that remain active in the
Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands area and sought agreement on the proposed
distribution methods. It was noted that there was an error in the name of
the “Hutcheson Memorial Trust” which should be the “Hutcheon Memorial Trust”. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area
Committee:- 1. noted the
financial position of the Charitable Trusts, Bequests and Trust Funds as of
August 2021; 2. agreed that
the Hutcheon Memorial Trust and May Paterson Trust prizes be limited to £30; 3. agreed that
all other charities and trust funds, that have historically been awarded to
Council Departments and Allied partners, are awarded on the basis outlined in
paragraph 5.5 and defined within appendix 1; and 4. noted that
officers are in ongoing dialogue with representatives from the Lord Advocates
office to establish appropriate methods of distributing those funds that have
no established distribution arrangements. (Reference:
Report by Executive Responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support,
dated 7 December 2022, submitted) |
Appointment to Outside Organisations Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support Minutes: The Committee gave consideration to a report which outlined a number of vacancies on outside organisations specifically, Campbeltown Ferry Committee and Islay and Jura Community Enterprise Ltd. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee agreed that Councillor Dougie McFadzean would be appointed to the Campbeltown Ferry Committee and Councillor Alastair Redman would be appointed to Islay and Jura Community Enterprise Ltd. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support, dated 7 December 2022, submitted) |
Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee Workplan For discussion and updating Minutes: The Committee gave consideration to the Area Committee workplan for future meetings. Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee considered and noted the contents of the workplan. (Reference: Area Committee Workplan, dated 7 December 2022, submitted) |
Notice of Motion under Standing Order 13 Despite the best efforts of the
Council both Dalintober and Castlehill Primary
Schools in Campbeltown which are in a poor condition
continue to be in my and many others opinion no longer fit for purpose. They are both outdated 19th
Century buildings which have been and continue to be patched up on a yearly
basis which is a constant drain on limited council resources. This is not best
value for the Council or the Council Taxpayer. These buildings continue to have
numerous problems with leaking roofs (which was the subject of unexpected
ceiling collapses in Dalintober fortunately at a
weekend when the school was closed) dampness throughout the school (which is
apparent for all to see) roofing insulation appearing on children’s desks,
windows sealed shut in classrooms, broken windows now being replaced by plywood
(instead of glass) etc. the list goes on. Approx. 20 years ago like many
other communities in Argyll and Bute Campbeltown was
offered a joint Campus facility due to the nature of the offer this was
dismissed out of hand by the community after a full public consultation. The wider community now feel that
the time has come for the council to be forward thinking and make the initial
preparations for a new Campbeltown Primary School
ensuring that we have a shovel ready project as and when funding becomes
available. This view is shared by many
parents, staff and children and even some of the businesses who have worked on
the schools over the past number of years - hence this motion. Motion That the MAKI Area Committee
request 1. That the Community Services Committee who exercise
the functions of the Council as the Education Authority request that the
Executive Director with responsibility for Education prepares an initial report
outlining the way forward and potential for a proposal in terms of the school
(consultation Act 2010) which would allow for an initial business case to be
formulated with a view to replacing the existing outdated Campbeltown primary schools of Dalintober
and Castlehill. 2. That the completed report is presented to a meeting
of the Community Services Committee for deliberation in early 2023. Proposed Cllr Donald Kelly Seconded Cllr John Armour Minutes: The Committee gave consideration to the following Notice of Motion under Standing Order 13 that have been submitted by Councillor Donald Kelly and seconded by Councillor John Armour:- Despite the best efforts of the
Council both Dalintober and Castlehill Primary
Schools in Campbeltown which are in a poor condition
continue to be in my and many others opinion no longer fit for purpose. They are both outdated 19th
Century buildings which have been and continue to be patched up on a yearly
basis which is a constant drain on limited council resources. This is not best
value for the Council or the Council Taxpayer. These buildings continue to have
numerous problems with leaking roofs (which was the subject of unexpected
ceiling collapses in Dalintober fortunately at a
weekend when the school was closed) dampness throughout the school (which is
apparent for all to see) roofing insulation appearing on children’s desks,
windows sealed shut in classrooms, broken windows now being replaced by plywood
(instead of glass) etc. the list goes on. Approx. 20 years ago like many
other communities in Argyll and Bute Campbeltown was
offered a joint Campus facility due to the nature of the offer this was
dismissed out of hand by the community after a full public consultation. The wider community now feel that
the time has come for the council to be forward thinking and make the initial
preparations for a new Campbeltown Primary School
ensuring that we have a shovel ready project as and when funding becomes
available. This view is shared by many
parents, staff and children and even some of the businesses who have worked on
the schools over the past number of years - hence this motion. Motion That the MAKI Area Committee
Decision The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee
agreed the terms of the Motion. (Reference: Notice of Motion under Standing Order 13 by Councillor Donald Kelly, seconded by Councillor John Armour, submitted) |