Venue: By Microsoft Teams
Contact: Fiona McCallum Tel. No. 01546 604392
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Audrey Forrest, Mark Irvine and Andrew Kain. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Blair declared a non-financial interest in planning application reference 22/02479/PP as his daughter worked with a company involved in the erection of pylon lines. Having taken note of the updated Standards Commission Guidance in relation to declarations (issued on 7 December 2021) with specific reference to section 5.4(c), he did not consider that he had a relevant connection and as such would remain in the meeting and take part in the consideration of this application which is dealt with at item 5 of this Minute. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: a) The Minute of the Planning, Protective Services and Licensing Committee held on 19 April 2023 at 10.30 am was approved as a correct record. b) The Minute of the Planning, Protective Services and Licensing Committee held on 19 April 2023 at 2.00 pm was approved as a correct record. |
Report by Head of Development and Economic Growth Additional documents:
Minutes: The Major Applications Team Leader spoke to the terms of the report and to supplementary reports numbered 1 and 2 which advised of late representations, a representation of support that had been withdrawn and further comment from Nature Scot and the Applicant. This application is for the siting and operation of a new salmon fish farm located within the Kilbrannan Sound. The site would be served by sea from the existing shore base at Carradale Harbour. At the time of writing the report this application has attracted 232 objections, 2 representations and 45 expressions of support. Objections have also been raised by Argyll District Salmon Fishery Board, Tarbert and Skipness Community Council, Fisheries Management Scotland, and the Clyde Fishermen’s Association. The proposal is considered to be consistent with the relevant provisions of the Development Plan. However, given the level of interest in the application and the complexity of the issues raised, it was recommended that a discretionary pre-determination hearing be held for this application in advance of determining this application. Decision The Committee agreed: 1. to hold a discretionary pre determination hearing at the earliest opportunity on a hybrid basis within the Council Chamber, Kilmory, Lochgilphead and by Microsoft Teams; and 2. to hold a site visit in advance of the date of the hearing. (Reference: Report by Head of Development and Economic Growth dated 12 May 2023 and supplementary reports 1 and 2 dated 23 May 2023, submitted) |
Report by Head of Development and Economic Growth Additional documents:
Minutes: The Senior Planning Officer spoke to the terms of the report. The proposal is for the erection of a 275kV gas
insulated switchgear substation to connect into the recently completed overhead
line between Inveraray and Crossaig. The proposal is part of a number of infrastructure
proposals to “maintain an efficient, co-ordinate and economical electrical
transmission system” and is required to allow connection for renewable energy
generation in the area across the wider electricity network. It is considered that the proposal would accord with the principles and
policies contained within the Local Development Plan and National Planning
Framework 4 and is acceptable in terms of all other applicable in full with the
material considerations. It was recommended that planning permission be approved subject to
conditions detailed in the report of handling. Decision The Committee agreed to grant planning permission subject to the
following conditions and reasons: 1.
development shall be implemented in accordance with the details specified on
the application form dated 16th December 2022; the Environmental
Appraisal (November 2022), supporting information and, the approved drawings
listed in the table below unless the prior written approval of the planning
authority is obtained for an amendment to the approved details under Section 64
of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.
For the purpose of clarity, to ensure that the development is implemented in
accordance with the approved details. 2.
construction works shall be commenced until a Finalised Construction
Environmental Management Document [CEMD] has been submitted to and approved in
writing by the Planning Authority, in consultation with SEPA and other
consultees, as appropriate. The development shall then proceed in accordance
with the approved CEMD unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Planning
Authority. The CEMD shall include: a) An updated Schedule of Mitigation (SM)
highlighting mitigation set out within each chapter of the Environmental
Appraisal (EA), and the conditions of this consent; b) Processes to control/ action changes
from the agreed SM; c) Construction Environmental Management
Plans (CEMPs) for the construction phase covering: i)
and species protection, including ECoW Details,
surveys and species protection plans; ii)
and Mitigation Restoration Plan including compensatory planting (refer to Condition
9); iii)
prevention and control; iv)
management, including construction activity and vehicle movements; v)
noise and vibration vi)
site lighting; vii)
crossings; viii)
waste management ix)
and ground water management, including: drainage and sediment management
measures from all construction areas including access tracks, mechanisms to
ensure that construction will not take place during periods of high flow or
high rainfall; and a programme of water quality monitoring; x)
Management and Peat Management Plan xi)
of borrow pits and associated habitats identified for restoration; xii)
Non-Native Species Management Plan xiii)
Response Plans; xiv)
for post construction restoration/ reinstatement of the temporary working areas
and construction compound; and xv)
relevant environmental management as may be relevant to the development d) A statement of responsibility to ‘stop
the job/ activity’ if a breach or potential breach of mitigation or legislation
occurs; and e) Methods of monitoring, auditing,
reporting and the communication of environmental management on site and with
client, Planning Authority, and other relevant parties. Reason:
To ensure protection of surrounding environmental interests and general
amenity. 3.
development shall commence until a Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP)
and Phased Delivery Plan have been prepared and approved in writing by the
Local Authority, in consultation with the Roads Authority, and Transport
Scotland as the trunk roads Authority. The Plan shall include details of: a) Approved access routes, b) Agreed operational practises (including
avoidance of convoy movements, specifying conduct in use of passing places, identification
of turning areas, information of wheel cleansing facilities, signage to be
installed on the A83 warning of construction traffic, signage or temporary
traffic control measures to include for larger or abnormal loads, reporting of
verge damage); c) The provision of an appropriate Code of
Practice to drivers of construction and delivery vehicles. d) Abnormal load route surveys and
finalised plan (including any accommodation measures required including the
removal of street furniture, junction widening, traffic management). The development shall be implemented in accordance with the duly
approved Traffic Management Plan Reason:
To minimise the interference with the safety and free flow of traffic on the
trunk road and to ensure that the transportation of abnormal loads will not
have any detrimental effect on the trunk road network. 4. No development or ground breaking works shall commence until a programme of archaeological works in accordance with a written scheme of investigation, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority in consultation with the West of Scotland Archaeology Service. The scheme shall be prepared by a suitably qualified person and shall provide for the recording, recovery and reporting of items of interest or finds within the application site. Thereafter the development shall be implemented in accordance with the duly approved details with the suitably qualified person being afforded access at all reasonable times during ground ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Report by Head of Development and Economic Growth Additional documents:
Minutes: The Senior Planning Officer spoke to the terms of the report. This is a Section 42 application which is an
application for a new planning permission for a development but with different
conditions from those attached to a previous permission for that
development. In determining such an
application, the planning authority can only consider the changes to the
conditions on the previous permission.
The principle of development is not under consideration and the original
permission remains live. Planning permission in principle was approved for this development
following a hearing on 26 January 2017.
The site is located to the north of the settlement of Cardross and is bounded by Darleith
Road to the west and a private access to the east. This private access is a continuation of Barrs Road. The
applicant has applied to vary Condition 2 to alter the finished floor levels of
the dwellings. It is considered that the proposal accords with the principles and
policies contained within the Local Development Plan and it was recommended
that planning permission be granted subject to the conditions and reasons
detailed in the report of handling. Decision The Committee agreed to grant planning permission in accordance with
Section 42 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 subject to the
following conditions and reasons: 1.
and particulars of the matters specified in conditions
2,3,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,15,16 and 17; below shall be submitted by way of
application(s) for Approval of Matters Specified in Conditions in accordance
with the timescales and other limitations in Section 59 of the Town and Country
Planning (Scotland) Act 1997, as amended. Thereafter the development shall be
completed wholly in accordance with the details contained within the approved
plans and particulars. Reason:
To accord with Section 59 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997,
as amended. 2.
to Condition 1 – unless otherwise approved in writing by the Planning
Authority, no development shall commence in respect of any individual plot
until plans and particulars of the site layout, design and external finishes of
the development have been submitted to and approved by the Planning Authority.
These details shall incorporate proposed finished floor levels relative to an
identifiable fixed datum located outwith the
application site. These levels shall be at least 0.15 metres above finished
ground levels. Thereafter, the development shall be implemented in accordance
with the duly approved details which shall have regard to special needs access
requirements established by policies SG LTP TRAN 3 and SG LDP HOU 2. Reason:
To ensure that the development has a layout and design which is compatible with
its surroundings and in accordance with Local Development Plan policy. 3.
to Condition 1 – no development shall commence until a scheme for the provision
of affordable housing that is in accordance with the provisions of the
Council’s Development Plan Policy and Supplementary Guidance on Affordable
Housing has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning
Authority. The scheme shall: a)
that a minimum of 25% of the approved dwellings are affordable homes; b)
those dwellings that are to be used as affordable homes; c)
the timing of the provision of the affordable homes relative to the phasing of
the development, which shall ensure that works on the last 25% of those
approved dwellings that are not affordable homes are not commenced until the
affordable homes have been completed for occupation; d)
the arrangements to ensure the affordability of the affordable homes for both
initial and subsequent occupiers. The development shall be implemented and occupied thereafter in accordance
with the duly approved scheme for affordable housing. Reason:
To accord with the provisions of the development plan in respect of affordable
housing provision. 4.
otherwise agreed in writing by the Planning Authority in consultation with the
Road Network Manager, no development shall commence unless and until the
following improvements to Darleith Road have been
provided: i) The provision of a suitable traffic calming scheme (give and take priority) and the provision of three new off-street car parking spaces between Barrs Terrace and Mill Road. A drawing showing details of these provisions shall be submitted for prior written approval of the Planning Authority. ii) Road improvement between Mill Road and the proposed development site entrance as identified on plan TIAvcar2_SK002B. iii) The provision of a passing place immediately to the north of the proposed development site entrance in order to accommodate large vehicles passing in opposite directions. iv) Upgrade of the existing lighting between Mill road and the existing 30 mph speed restriction limit. Reason:
To provide improvements, including suitable traffic calming measures,
compensatory parking and a passing place for larger vehicles, in the interests
of road safety and to ensure a safe connection from the A814 to the site. 5.
otherwise agreed in writing by the Planning Authority, in consultation with the
Road Network Manager, no dwelling shall be occupied unless and until the
existing 30 miles per hour speed restriction on Darleith
Road has been extended and brought into effect to a location north of the Darleith Road access, the exact location to be agreed in
consultation with the Road Network Manager. Reason: In the interests of
road safety. 6.
to Condition 1 – no development shall commence until the following plans and
particulars have been submitted to and approved by the Planning Authority in
consultation with the Road Network Manager. Thereafter, the schemes shall be
carried out in accordance with the approved details. Such details shall
incorporate: i)
the A814 Main Road, Cardross, a scheme to enhance the
gateway features in both directions at the entrances into Cardross
village to be fully implemented in accordance with these details prior to
occupation of the first dwelling house. ii)
the A814 Main Road, Cardross, within the village
envelope a scheme to enhance traffic calming to be fully implemented in
accordance with these details prior to occupation of the first dwelling house. Reason: In the interests of ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
BRIEFING PAPER: SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT PROPOSALS REGARDING NEW NATIONAL PARKS PDF 111 KB Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Development and Economic Growth Additional documents: Minutes: A report raising awareness of the Scottish Government proposal regarding the selection and designation of a new National Park(s), with the nomination process proposed to be initiated in the summer 2023, was before the Committee for consideration. Decision The Committee considered and noted: 1. the role of National Parks; 2. the Scottish Government process for selection and designation of a new National Park(s); and 3. some of the potential issues related to the designation of a National Park. (Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Development and Economic Growth dated 18 April 2023, submitted) |