Agenda and minutes

Planning, Protective Services and Licensing Committee - Monday, 17 June 2013 10:30 am

Venue: Main Hall, Craignish Village Hall, Ardfern

Contact: Fiona McCallum Tel. No. 01546 604392 

No. Item




Apologies for absence were intimated from Councillors George Freeman and Robert G MacIntyre.




None declared.



Report by Head of Planning and Regulatory Services

Additional documents:


The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made.


Charles Reppke, Head of Governance and Law, advised of two letters that had been handed to him prior to the start of the hearing, one from Erica Thornhill and the other from Brian Sutherland.  He advised that they were unable to attend the hearing today due to work commitments but wished to indicate their support for this application.  Mr Reppke then outlined the hearing procedure that would be followed and invited anyone who wished to speak at the meeting to identify themselves. 


The Chair then invited the Planning Officer to set out his recommendations.




Peter Bain presented the case on behalf of the Head of Planning and Regulatory Services.  He advised that the application sought detailed planning permission for 11 dwellings, formation of 4 vehicular accesses, highway improvements and the installation of a private sewage treatment system.   He advised that the applicant was the Church of Scotland General Trustees although there was a partnership arrangement with Fyne Homes who intended to undertake the affordable housing element of the development.  He advised that the application related to a site area of almost 1 hectare located adjoining the southern built limits of Ardfern.  The application site was bounded to the north by the grounds of Ardfern House and Craignish Parish Church – both of which were B listed buildings.  The application site was adjoined by the B8002 public road to the east with an open aspect over Loch Craignish; to the west the site was contained by a steeply rising, wooded escarpment.  The site terminated in the south at a wooded common boundary with the existing detached single storey dwelling, Traighmhor which formed the northern limit of the loose cluster of residential development at Barfad.   Referring to the earlier site inspection, he advised that Members would be aware that the application site was an undeveloped edge of settlement location which lay between the edge of Ardfern and the loose, dispersed grouping of residential development at Barfad to the south. The gap between the existing Ardfern settlement edge and Barfad was similarly evident from further afield when viewed in the panoramic views of Loch Craignish.  He advised that the application site itself was essentially a long, narrow strip of some 260 metres in length which varied in width from 25 metres to 55 metres.  In terms of the proposed site layout he advised that the application sought detailed planning permission for 11 dwellings in total which included 6 affordable units which would be contained in 2 blocks located in the northern third of the application site with each block containing 2 flats and 1 house.  He advised that the affordable housing would be served by a single new vehicular and pedestrian access onto the B8002 with a shared parking court located between and slightly in front of the two housing blocks and with private garden areas adjoining each of the properties.  He advised that the proposal also included 5 private dwellinghouses to be located within sizeable plots which would occupy the southern half of the application site.  He advised that access to the private housing would be via new shared accesses to plots 2&3, 4&5 with plot 1 served by a new access which would also provide agricultural access to the Upper Glebe land to the north west. The existing field access in the south of the application site would be closed off.  He advised that the proposal as submitted included some minimal road widening works and provision of pedestrian refuge points with the intention of seeking to avoid introducing an urban footpath into this rural location.  Water supply would be by connection to the existing public water main and it was noted that Scottish Water have not raised objection.  In relation to foul water, he advised that the proposal included the installation of 2 biodisc sewage treatment plant with a combined outfall to Loch Craignish and that SEPA have not raised objection to the proposed drainage arrangements.  He advised that since its original submission the proposal has been augmented by detailed proposals for the management of the adjoining woodland areas which would be affected by the development. These proposals include for the removal of up to 25 trees which are either dangerous or in poor health and longer term management of these areas include replanting with native species.  He then went on to explain in detail the proposed design of each of the housing units.   He advised that the Head of Planning & Regulatory Services report of handling dated 3 May and accompanying supplementary reports dated 21 May and 12 June set out the material considerations which have been taken into account by Officers in addition to the provisions of the Development Plan in assessing this planning application and in making a recommendation to Members.  He highlighted on the Argyll and Bute Local Plan 2009 Policy Map the extent of the Potential Development Area 12/80 which the site lay within and also Ardfern ‘settlement’ area and the Knapdale/Melfort Area of Panoramic Quality which the site was also located within.  He referred to the key Development Plan policy considerations which were relevant to the proposed development and advised that a detailed assessment of the proposal in relation to these policies was set out in the report of handling.  He advised that these policies could be loosely broken down into the following issues: Settlement Strategy, Landscape, The Historic Environment, The Natural Environment, Development Design, and Access and Servicing.   He advised that Policies STRAT DC 1 and LP HOU 1 set out a general presumption in favour of up to and including ‘medium’ scale residential development on appropriate locations subject to compliance with all other relevant provisions of the Development Plan.  He advised that the Local Plan sets out within PDA 12/80 a requirement for 100% affordable, high density housing with open space provision and that these aspirational provisions of the PDA were also echoed in the Craignish Community Plan 2012.  He  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.