Venue: Council Chamber, Kilmory, Lochgilphead
Contact: Fiona McCallum Tel. No. 01546 604392
Note | No. | Item |
The Chair referred to a decision made by the previous Planning, Protective Services and Licensing Committee on 21 March 2012 regarding Private Hire Licensing – List of Approved Vehicles. In terms of Standing Order 16.1 and 16.2.2, the Chair ruled, and the Committee agreed, that there had been a material change in circumstances to allow the Committee to revisit this item in respect of trikes within a period of 6 months as the main focus of the previous decision related to another type of 3 wheeled vehicle. A report in respect of this issue is dealt with at item 4 of this Minute. |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies for absence were intimated from Councillors George Freeman, David Kinniburgh, Robert G MacIntyre and Donald MacMillan. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minutes: None declared. |
Planning, Protective Services and Licensing Committee 30 May 2012 Minutes: The Minutes of the Planning, Protective Services and Licensing Committee of 30 May 2012 were approved as a correct record. |
PRIVATE HIRE LICENSING - LIST OF APPROVED VEHICLES PDF 566 KB Report by Head of Governance and Law (to follow) Additional documents: Minutes: A report was considered advising that Argyll and Bute Council licensing section have received requests to consider including trikes on the list of vehicles approved for use as taxi and private hire cars licensed by Argyll and Bute Council. Decision Agreed to include trikes on the list of vehicles approved for use as private hire cars subject to the conditions attached at appendix 1 of the report. (Reference: Report by Head of Governance and Law, tabled) |
Report by Head of Planning and Regulatory Services Additional documents:
Minutes: The Principal Planning Officer spoke to the terms of the
report advising that this proposal seeks detailed planning permission for the
erection of a detached single storey dwelling to be used as a ‘river
watcher’s/water baliff’s’ accommodation to facilitate the management of this
part of Dunlossit Estate. The
application site is located within an area of ‘sensitive countryside’
immediately to the south of, and largely contained by, a sharp bend in the Decision 1. Agreed that sufficient locational need had been established to outweigh the general policy presumption against such development in the sensitive countryside; 2. Agreed the Area Capacity Evaluation (ACE) appended to the report be adopted as a material consideration in the determination of this application and any future application within the defined area of common landscape character; and 3. Agreed to grant planning permission subject to the Applicant entering into an appropriate Section 75 Legal Agreement and subject to the following conditions and reasons:- (a) The proposed development shall be carried out in accordance with the details specified in the application form dated 5th November 2010; and the approved drawings numbered 1 of 6 to 6 of 6; and stamped approved by Argyll and Bute Council. Reason: In order to ensure that the proposed development is carried out in accordance with the details submitted and the approved drawings. Standard Note: In terms of
condition 2 above, the council can approve minor variations to the approved
plans in terms of Section 64 of the Town and Country Planning ( (b) Prior to the commencement of development, details of the proposed finished floor levels of the dwellinghouse relative to an identifiable fixed datum located outwith the application site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority. The development shall thereafter be implemented in accordance with the duly approved details. Reason: In the interests of
visual amenity and to assist in the integration of the development into its
surroundings. (c) Development shall not begin until details of a woodland management programme and a scheme of hard and soft landscaping works has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority. The woodland management programme shall cover the area of land identified within a green line boundary appended to the plan hereby attached. The required details shall include: i) existing landscaping features, trees and vegetation to be identified and retained, except for those trees required to be removed in order to facilitate the development, these to be clearly identified; ii) location and design, including materials, of any walls, fences and gates; iii) soft and hard landscaping works, including the location, type and size of each individual tree and/or shrub; iv) programme for completion and subsequent on-going maintenance. All the hard and soft landscaping works shall be carried out in accordance with the scheme approved in writing by the Planning Authority. All planting, seeding or turfing as may be comprised in the approved details shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding seasons following the commencement of the development unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Planning Authority. Any trees or plants within the identified woodland management area which within a period of ten years from the completion of the development die, for whatever reason are removed or damaged shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of the same size and species, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure the implementation of a
satisfactory scheme of landscaping and retention and management of existing
trees in order to ensure that the development remains appropriately screened
from view from the B8016 public road. (d) Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2011, (or any Order revoking and re- enacting that Order(s) with or without modifications), nothing in Article 2(4) of or the Schedule to that Order, shall operate so as to permit, within the area subject of this permission, any development referred to in Part 1 and Classes 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D and 3E of the of the aforementioned Schedule, as summarised below:
PART 1: DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE CURTILAGE OF A DWELLINGHOUSE Class 1A: Any enlargement of a dwellinghouse by way of a single storey ground floor extension, including any alteration to the roof required for the purpose of the enlargement. . Class 1B: Any enlargement of a dwellinghouse by way of a ground floor extension consisting of more than one storey, including any alteration to the roof required for the purpose of the enlargement. Class 1C: The erection, construction ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Report by Head of Planning and Regulatory Services Additional documents: Minutes: The Principal Planning Officer spoke to the terms of the
report advising that this application was due to be presented to the PPSL
Committee in February 2012 recommended for refusal. On the request of the Applicant, it was
agreed that the application be continued to allow further information to be
submitted and which has now been supplied.
The dwelling is required for operational purposes to service a bareland
croft and is supported by an appropriate Croft Development Plan. The dwelling has been sited in a location
which represents the best opportunity to accommodate a house within the
holding. Although situated within PDA
allocation 5/5, where a comprehensive approach to development is normally
required, the individual circumstances and topography of the site mean it is
unlikely to be required to allow for the Decision Agreed that, subject to the prior conclusion of a Section 75 Legal Agreement, the application be granted as a minor departure from the adopted development plan subject to the following conditions and reasons:- 1. That this permission is granted in terms of Section 59 of the undernoted Act for planning permission in principle and further approval of the Planning Authority shall be required for matters specified in conditions, such application must be made before whichever is the later of the following:- (a) the expiration of a period of 3 years from the date of this permission (b) the expiration of a period of 6 months from the date on which an earlier application for the requisite approval was refused (c) the expiration of a period of 6 months from the date on which an appeal against such refusal is dismissed And in the case of b and c above only one such application can be made after the expiration of the period of 3 years from the original planning permission in principle. Reason: In accordance with Section 59 of the Town and Country Planning
( 2. No development shall commence on site until the following information has been submitted by way of an application(s) for approval of matters specified in conditions and approval has been given in writing by the Planning Authority: (a) A detailed site layout plan at a scale of 1:500 showing the proposed dwellinghouse and residential curtilage; (b) Access, parking, water supply and drainage arrangements; (c) Plans and elevations of the proposed dwellinghouse which shall incorporate the following elements: · Be situated within the north-eastern end of the croft and not extending more than 40 metres away from the north-eastern site boundary at any point; · Be single storey in height (with or without rooms in the roof); · Incorporate windows with a strong vertical emphasis; · Have walls finished in timber cladding, white wet dash render or smooth cement render; · Have a symmetrically pitched roof finish of dark grey natural slate or high quality artificial slate; and, · If chimneys are proposed they will be set squarely on the building ridge. Reason: In the interests of
visual amenity and in order to maintain the character of the area and integrate
the proposed dwellinghouse with its surroundings. 3. The occupation of the dwelling house hereby approved shall be limited to a person(s) carrying on, or last carrying on, the crofting activities at the croft at Highfield Croft, Glencruitten, Oban (Agricultural Code Number 174/0053) (the site), or a dependant of such person residing with him or her, or a widow or widower of such a person. Reason: To underpin the locational/operational need which justified the
approval of a house at the site, where a general presumption against housing
applies in the adopted Development Plan. 4. No development shall commence or is hereby authorised until, the polytunnel(s) necessary for the crofting enterprise have been provided at the site and are in active use for the growing of market garden products, and livestock has been re-introduced to the croft all as per the Croft Development Plan. For the avoidance of doubt, this planning condition is not a substitute for planning permission or prior notification procedures as are necessary to authorise the erection of the said polytunnel(s) at the holding. Reason: To ensure the credible working of the croft to underpin the special case proposed in support of the development. 5. As details pursuant to condition 2 above, full details of existing ground levels, proposed ground levels, and proposed finished floor levels for the house hereby approved, all relative to a fixed datum point shall be submitted to the Planning Authority. The development shall be completed in strict accordance with such details as are approved prior to the initial occupation of the house hereby approved. Reason: To ensure the development integrates with its landscape setting in an acceptable, unobtrusive manner. 6. As details pursuant to condition 2 above, full details of the proposed means of foul drainage including the capacity, treatment and outfall arrangements of the proposed private drainage system, shall be submitted to the Planning Authority. The development shall be completed in strict accordance with such details as are approved prior to the initial occupation of the house hereby approved. Reason: To ensure that foul drainage arising from the development is safely and hygienically disposed of. 7. As details pursuant to condition 2 above, full details of the proposed means of surface water drainage disposed shall be submitted to the Planning Authority. The development shall be completed in strict accordance with such details ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Report by Head of Planning and Regulatory Services Additional documents: Minutes: The Principal Planning Officer spoke to the terms of the report advising that the proposal seeks the erection of 1 No. 5 kilowatt, 15 metre (to hub) wind turbine on an area of land to the north east of Torrbreac, Dervaig, Isle of Mull. In terms of the Argyll and Bute Local Plan (2009) the site is situated within a Rural Opportunity Area where Policy STRAT DC 4 of the approved Argyll and Bute Structure Plan (2002) gives encouragement to ‘small scale’ development on suitable sites which, in terms of siting and design, will visually integrate with landscape. It is considered that the Applicant has demonstrated that the proposed wind turbine has been sited as close to the property it is intended to serve as is safely and technically possible and therefore is an appropriate association between them. It is also considered that the proposed wind turbine will have no materially adverse impact upon the character and visual amenity of the site or its wider landscape context and is consistent with Policies STRAT DC 4, STRAT DC 7, STRAT DC 8, STRAT RE 1 and STRAT SI 1 of the approved Argyll and Bute Structure Plan (2002) and Policies LP ENV 1, LP ENV 6 and LP REN 2 of the adopted Argyll and Bute Local Plan (2009). The scale and siting of the turbine accord with advice set out in the Council’s Landscape Wind Energy Capacity Study 2012 in respect of ‘micro-small’ turbines. Having due regard to the Development Plan and all other material considerations, including issues raised by third parties, it is recommended that planning permission be granted subject to conditions and reasons detailed in the report. Decision Agreed to grant planning permission subject to the following conditions and reasons:- 1. No development shall commence on site until full details of the proposed finishing colours for the proposed tower, rotors and turbine are submitted and approved in writing by the Planning Authority. The development shall thereafter be installed and maintained in perpetuity in strict accordance with such details as are approved. Reason: In the interests of visual amenity. 2. Upon the permanent cessation of the use of the wind turbine, or in the event of electricity not having been generated for a continuous period in excess of six months, the turbine and any ancillary equipment shall be dismantled and removed from the site and the land reinstated in accordance with details to be submitted and approved in writing by the Planning Authority. Reason: In the interests of visual amenity on the basis of ensuring that the structure does not remain on the site beyond the period during which it is required for the purposes of electricity generation. 3. No development shall commence on site until full details of a landscaping scheme for the site has been submitted and approved in writing by the Planning Authority in consultation with the Biodiversity Officer. Such a scheme shall show mixed planting in an informal fashion along the southeast boundary of the site incorporating the following species: Downy birch (d), Sessile oak (d), any of the following willow species (d), Woolly willow, Salix lanata, Downy willow, Salix lapponum; Rowan (d), Wild cherry (d) and Scots pine where soil conditions are suitable. The landscaping scheme shall incorporate tree tubes (approximately 1.2 metres high) to protect the deciduous species. All planting shall be carried out in the first planting season following the commencement of the development unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Planning Authority. Reason: In order to protect
the natural heritage interests of the area. 4. The development shall be implemented in accordance with the details specified on the application form dated 05/1211 and the approved drawing reference numbers: Plan 1 of 6 (Location Plan at scale of 1:10000) Plan 2 of 6 (Location Plan at scale of 1:10000 showing distances to properties) Plan 3 of 6 (Site Plan at scale of 1:1250) Plan 4 of 6 (Site Plan at scale of 1:1250 showing extent of built development) Plan 5 of 6 (Turbine Elevation) Plan 6 of 6 (Turbine Specification Data) unless the prior written approval of the planning authority is obtained for an amendment to the approved details under Section 64 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 (as amended). Reason: For the purpose of clarity, to ensure that the development is implemented in accordance with the approved details. (Reference: Report by Head of Planning and Regulatory Services dated 1 June 2012, submitted) |
Councillors Alex McNaughton and James McQueen left the meeting. |
Report by Head of Planning and Regulatory Services Additional documents: Minutes: The Principal Planning Officer spoke to the terms of the
report advising that this application follows on from an unimplemented consent
granted for a windfarm on this site in 2008.
This application is for the development of an alternative design of wind
farm and associated infrastructure on a forested site in a remote location in Decision Agreed to grant planning permission subject to a revised Section 75 Legal Agreement to secure: decommissioning bond, the implementation of a habitat management plan and the provision of a financial contribution to the Mountain Bothy Association the following conditions and reasons:- 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 58 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997, the wind farm hereby permitted shall be operational within five years from the date of this approval unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Council as Planning Authority, following which, by virtue of there having been no start on the development hereby permitted, this consent will be considered to have lapsed. Development which has been commenced but which remains uncompleted and has not resulted in an operational windfarm within this five year timescale (or otherwise agreed timescale) shall be fully restored in accordance with the applicant’s statement of intentions (i.e. Environmental Statement dated December 2011) and as provided for by conditions attached to this permission. Reason: In order to reduce unnecessary blight over wind catchment areas
and other potential sites which, cumulatively, may result in an adverse
environmental impact, but individually might otherwise receive the benefit of
planning permission. 2. The permission shall be for a period of 25 years from the commencement of the commercial operation of the wind farm, the date of which shall be notified in writing to the Council as Planning Authority. Within 12 months of the end of that period, unless a further planning application is submitted and approved, all wind turbines, ancillary equipment and buildings shall be dismantled and removed from the site and the land reinstated in accordance with the applicant’s statement of intentions and conditions listed below, to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority. Reason: In order that the Planning Authority has the opportunity to
review the circumstances pertaining to the consent, which is of a temporary
nature and in the interests of the visual amenity of the area. 3. The development shall be implemented in accordance with the details specified on the application form dated 16/12/11 and the approved drawing reference numbers: Plan 1 of 10 (Figure 1 Regional Location); Plan 2 of 10 (Figure 2 Local Location); Plan 3 of 10 (Figure 3 Application Site); Plan 4 of 10 (Figure 4 Wind Farm Layout); Plan 5 of 10 (Figure 5 Indicative Wind Turbine Design) Plan 6 of 10 (Figure 6 Permanent Meteorological Mast); Plan 7 of 10 (Figure 8 Substation Control and Operations and Maintenance Facility -Site Plan); Plan 8 of 10 (Figure 8 Substation Control and Operations and Maintenance Facility - Plan); Plan 9 of 9 (Figure 8 Substation Control and Operations and Maintenance Facility - Elevations); Plan 10 of 10 (Figure 4b Microsited Layout around Turbine 8). unless the prior written approval of the planning authority is obtained for other materials/finishes/for an amendment to the approved details under Section 64 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 (as amended), and the operator shall at all times deal with the areas forming the subject of this approval in accordance with the provisions of the application and statement of intentions (i.e. Environmental Statement dated December 2011) except as otherwise provided by this approval, and shall omit no significant part of the operations provided for therein except with the prior written approval of the Planning Authority. Reason: For the purpose of clarity, to ensure that the development is
implemented in accordance with the approved details. 4. For the avoidance of doubt, this permission should not be construed as conferring consent for the working of any borrow pits within the application site, the provision of which would require to be the subject of separate applications to the Council as Planning Authority for mineral planning consent. Reason: For the avoidance of doubt, and having regard to the need for
separate planning permission. 5. Prior to development commencing, details of the turbine model selected for installation on the site and confirmation of the final micro-siting of turbines shall be submitted to the Council as Planning Authority. Prior to the turbines first being brought into use, the developer shall submit to the Council as Planning Authority, location details for each turbine as erected in the form of Global Positioning System co-ordinates. Reason: In order to demonstrate that the windfarm has been constructed
in accordance with the approved plans. 6. If, by reason of any circumstances not foreseen by the applicant, it becomes necessary ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
Report by Head of Planning and Regulatory Services Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Planning and Regulatory Services spoke to the
terms of the report advising that the application sought planning permission
for the refurbishment of the bandstand within Motion To agree to grant planning permission subject to conditions and reasons detailed in the report. Moved by Councillor Sandy Taylor, seconded by Councillor Mary-Jean Devon Amendment To agree to continue consideration of this application in order to obtain clarity on maintenance of the bandstand and to receive further advice on the sustainability of the building materials and sustainability of the site. Moved by Councillor Rory Colville, seconded by Councillor Richard Trail. Decision The Amendment was carried by 5 votes to 3 and the Committee resolved accordingly. (Reference: Report by Head of Planning and Regulatory Services dated June 2012, submitted) |
Councillor Gordon Blair left the meeting. |
Report by Head of Planning and Regulatory Services Additional documents: Minutes: The Principal Planning Officer spoke to the terms of the report advising that the application was for planning permission for the formation of a multi-use/short stay transit marina, plus diesel berth, managers office, provision for small day boats/ribs and limited use for overwintering at Oban Bay, Oban and gave a description of the development. This application follows on from an unimplemented Planning Permission and a subsequent withdrawn application. This application proposes various amendments to the originally approved development 08/01049/DET which formed the basis of Planning Application 11/02443/PP (since withdrawn), together with further amendments which resulted from consultee and third party feedback to that application. 136 letters of representation had been received; 131 letters in support and 5 of objection. The proposal was consistent with the provisions of the Development Plan and that all other material considerations had been taken into account, including the views of third parties, none of which were of such weight that they could not be overcome by suitable planning conditions. He advised that approval of the application was recommended subject to the conditions and reasons as detailed in the report. Decision Agreed to grant planning permission subject to the following conditions and reasons:- 1. The proposed development shall be carried out in accordance with the details specified in the application form dated 22nd March 2012; and the approved drawings numbered: L03 (B) – Site Plan; L-01 (B) – Plan As Proposed; and, L02 (B) – Sections A-A & B-B As Proposed; and stamped approved by Argyll and Bute Council. Reason: In order to ensure that the proposed development is carried out in accordance with the details submitted and the approved drawings. 2. The use of the marina shall be restricted to short-stay/transient 60 berth pontoons and no single vessel shall berth at the pontoons for a period longer than 7 days within any calendar month, with the exception of over-wintering vessels, which shall be limited to a maximum number of 20 berths at any one time, which shall only be occupied for such purpose between the beginning of October and the end of March. Vessels over-wintered shall not be used to provide live-aboard residential accommodation. An up to date detailed log of the arrival and departure of all vessels using the marina shall be kept for the lifetime of the development and shall be made available to the Planning Authority for inspection upon request. Reason: In accordance with the use applied for, in that a permanent berth marina in this location by reason of lack of onshore facilities and car parking would be unacceptable. 3.
Prior to the use of
the pontoon system for the over-wintering of boats, engineering evidence shall
be submitted to substantiate the marina’s structural integrity to accommodate
20 boats (maximum length 14 metres) during the over-wintering period provided
for by condition 2 above. This evidence
shall be accepted in writing by the Council as Planning Authority prior to any
use of the pontoon system for the purposes of over-wintering during that
period. Reason: It has not been confirmed beyond doubt that
the marina is designed to a sufficient specification allowing for any
additional stress to the pontoon structure when overwintering boats are berthed
during storm conditions, in circumstances where loss of integrity could
compromise navigational safety. 4.
Prior to commencement
of development, a detailed a design & build programme incorporating a site
specific Construction Method Statement shall be submitted to and agreed in
wring by the Planning Authority in consultation with SEPA, SNH and CMAL. The
method statement shall be prepared in consultation with CMAL in its capacity as
Statutory Harbour Authority and shall address construction risks and indicate
the timing, duration, method and expected noise levels in relation to the
proposed piling operations. It shall also address management of waste, control
of pollution and minimisation of disturbance to wildlife. Once agreed, all piling and other
construction works shall comply with the duly approved details. Reason: In the interests of safeguarding amenity and
in the interests of nature conservation as insufficient information has been
provided in respect to these works and to ensure that 5.
Prior to commencement of development, a Safe
Management System which manages the hazards and risks along with any
preparations for emergencies shall be
prepared in accordance with the Department of Transport Marine Safety
Code (October 2009) and shall be submitted for the further written approval of
the Planning Authority, in consultation with CMAL. Thereafter, the Safe Management System shall
be implemented and maintained in accordance with the final approved details to
the satisfaction of the Planning Authority. Reason: To
secure a systematic way of identifying hazards and controlling risks and
provide assurance that risk controls are effective in the interests of safety in accordance with the Risk Management Report, developed by
Abbott Risk Consulting, May 2011and the
Department of Transport Marine Safety Code (October 2009). 6. The operators of the marina shall participate in any Marine Safety Risk Assessment Workshop as may be convened periodically by the Council on behalf of users of Oban harbour in order to address ongoing issues relating to navigation interests and marine safety. In the event that any specific risks arising from the presence and operation of the marina facilities are identified, the operator should implement any management control measures (physical & operational) identified by the Risk Assessment Workshop, in accordance with details and a programme of implementation to be approved in writing by the Council as Planning Authority immediately following the conclusion of that Risk Assessment Workshop. Reason: To
ensure that the operators of the marina, as stakeholders within Oban harbour, can
in partnership with other stakeholders, contribute to the safe development of
marine interests in the harbour, and to provide a framework within which future
operational risks can be identified and mitigated so as not to risk the future
safe operation of the marina and Oban harbour. 7. Prior to commencement of development, the exact positioning of the external ... view the full minutes text for item 10. |
Report by Head of Planning and Regulatory Services Additional documents: Minutes: The Principal Planning Officer spoke to the terms of the
report advising that planning permission was sought by Argyll and Bute Council
for the erection of a single storey extension and formation of a secure play
area at Decision 1. Agreed to grant planning permission as a minor departure to the provisions of the Development Plan subject to the following conditions and reasons:– (a) No development shall commence on site until full details of all external finishing materials have been submitted and approved in writing by the Planning Authority. Thereafter the development shall be implemented in accordance with the duly approved details. Reason: In the interests of visual amenity to ensure the proposed
extension integrates with its surroundings. (b) The development shall be implemented in accordance with the details specified on the application form dated 28/03/12 and the approved drawing reference numbers: Plan 1 of 7 (Drawing Number L(00)001) Plan 2 of 7 (Drawing Number L(00)002) Plan 3 of 7 (Drawing Number L(00)003) Plan 4 of 7 (Drawing Number L(00)003) Plan 5 of 7 (Drawing Number L(00)004) Plan 6 of 7 (Drawing Number L(00)005) Plan 7 of 7 (Drawing Number D(9-)001) unless the prior written approval of the planning authority is obtained for other materials/finishes/for an amendment to the approved details under Section 64 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 (as amended). Reason: For the purpose of clarity, to ensure that the development is
implemented in accordance with the approved details. 2. Noted that the Head of Planning and Regulatory Services would ensure Officers within Education and Property services are made aware of Members’ concerns regarding the flat roof development and that more appropriate designs should be considered for future developments. (Reference: Report by Head of Planning and Regulatory Services dated 31 May 2012, submitted) |
Report by Head of Planning and Regulatory Services Additional documents: Minutes: The Principal
Planning Officer spoke to the terms of the report and advised that this retrospective
application before the Committee was for the erection of a single storey
extension at Decision Agreed to grant planning permission subject to the following condition and reason:– The development shall be implemented in accordance with drawing numbers 1655 04A and 1655-05 and stamped as approved by Argyll and Bute Council as the Planning Authority. Reason: To define the
terms of the permission and to ensure that the development is implemented in
accordance with the approved details. (Reference: Report by
Head of Planning and Regulatory Services dated 15 June 2012, submitted) |
Report by Head of Planning and Regulatory Services Additional documents: Minutes: The Principal Planning Officer spoke to the terms of the
report and advised that this application was for the renewal of Planning
Permission 07/00279/DET for the erection of a dwellinghouse at land south of
Heatherfield, Decision Agreed to grant planning permission subject to the following conditions and reasons:– 1.
No development
shall commence on site until full details of a scheme for the eradication of
Japanese Knotweed has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning
Authority. The scheme shall include a timetable for implementation and clearly
identify the extent of the Japanese Knotweed on a scaled plan. Reason: To
eradicate Japanese Knotweed from the development site and to prevent the spread
of this non-native invasive species through development works. 2.
No development
shall commence on construction of the dwellinghouse until the approved scheme
and timetable for the eradication of Japanese Knotweed referred to in condition
1 above have been implemented in full, and a validation report confirming
details the remediation treatment carried out and that the site is free of
Knotweed has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning
Authority. Reason: To
eradicate Japanese Knotweed from the development site and to prevent the spread
of this non-native invasive species through development works. 3. No development shall commence on site until full details, including a sample, of the proposed roof covering has been submitted for the written approval of the Council as a Planning Authority. Such details shall show natural slate or a good quality slate substitute. Reason: In the interests of visual amenity in order to integrate the
development into its surroundings. 4. The proposed on-site vehicular parking and turning areas shall be formed in accordance with the approved plans and brought into use prior to the first occupation of the dwellinghouse hereby approved. Reason: To enable vehicles to park clear of the access road in
the interests of road safety by maintaining unimpeded vehicular access over
that road. 5. The development shall be implemented in accordance with the details specified on the application form dated 12/04/12 and the approved drawing reference numbers: Plan 1 of 3 (Drawing Number 918/01 Revision A) Plan 2 of 3 (Drawing Number 918/10 Revision F) Plan 3 of 3 (Drawing Number 918/16 Revision E) unless the prior written approval of the planning authority is obtained for other materials/finishes/for an amendment to the approved details under Section 64 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 (as amended). Reason: For the purpose of clarity, to ensure that the development is
implemented in accordance with the approved details. (Reference: Report by Head of Planning and Regulatory Services dated 28 May 2012, submitted) |
Committee resolved in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government
(Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the public for the following item of business on
the grounds that it was likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information
as defined in Paragraph 13 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A to the Local Government
(Scotland) Act 1973. |
E1 |
ENFORCEMENT REPORT: 10/00319/ENAMEN Report by Head of Planning and Regulatory Services Minutes: Consideration was given to an update on enforcement case 10/00319/ENAMEN. Decision Noted and agreed the contents of the report. (Reference: Report by Head of Planning and Regulatory Services, tabled) |