Agenda and minutes

Planning, Protective Services and Licensing Committee - Monday, 18 June 2012 10:30 am

Venue: Gibson Hall, Garelochhead

Contact: Fiona McCallum Tel. No. 01546 604392 

No. Item




Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Colville, Freeman, Hall, Kinniburgh, MacMillan, McNaughton and McQueen.




Councillor George Freeman had declared a non-financial interest in the application prior to the meeting as he was objecting to it; he had also submitted his apologies to the meeting to allow him to speak as an objector.



Report by Head of Planning and Regulatory Services

Additional documents:


The Chair welcomed those present to the meeting and asked the Committee to make introductions.  He invited Mr Reppke to outline the procedure that would be followed during the meeting. 


Mr Reppke outlined the procedure and then asked those who wished to speak to make themselves known to the Committee.


Richard Kerr, Principal Planning Officer, advised that the application had been considered by the Committee at their meeting on 31 May 2012.  It had been referred to the Committee due to the number of representations received and had been continued by the Committee to a PAN41 Hearing as the application was recommended for approval subject to a minor departure from the Local Plan.  Mr Kerr advised that the Members of the Committee had visited the site earlier that morning.


Sandra Davies, Planning Officer, advised that the application was for the erection of a single dwellinghouse, installation of private sewage treatment facility and formation of new access at land North West of Finnart Farmhouse, Feuins Road, Portincaple.  She showed some slides to the Committee which showed the land designation in accordance with the Local Plan and the site over these designated areas.  She advised that 7% of the site was within a Countryside around Settlement area.  Sandra then described the development, which would be a 3 bedroom dwelling over 2 levels, and described the materials that would be used.  She advised that because the development was on the slope there would be some underbuilding required which would be balanced by the elevations of the house and which satisfied LP ENV 19.  Sandra then showed some photo montages that had been submitted by the applicant which showed the site from a number of different locations.  Sandra then advised that as 7% of the garden ground was in Countryside around Settlement area, a planning condition had been put in place to ensure that this garden ground remained undeveloped should the application be approved.  Sandra advised that the site was in an area of panoramic quality of open moor like character.  She advised that SNH were aware that this area was sensitive to change but had no objection to the application.  Sandra told the Committee that there were a large number of objections to the application relating to the positioning of the house, impact on panoramic views, traffic, drainage, environment and nature.  In terms of traffic she advised that the roads department had no objection to the proposal and the Flood Alleviation Officer was satisfied with drainage proposals.  Apart from the 7% of the site which was in the Countryside around Settlement area, the proposal was in accordance with the Local Plan and therefore she advised that they were recommending approval of the application subject to conditions.


Nick Wright, agent for the applicant introduced himself to the Committee.  He began by showing slides which demonstrated the zone for development and the surrounding Countryside around Settlement zone.  He advised that 93% of the site fell within the development zone.  He advised that the design of the house fitted in with the Local Plan and was in accordance with the Councils Detailed Design and Sustainable Design Guidance.  He advised that the Planners had been satisfied by the design that had been submitted; that they had been through a rigorous design process to fit this house in with other houses in Argyll and it would be built of sustainable materials.  He showed some slides showing different elevations of the house and a number of photo montages of how the house would be seen from different angles, with and without foliage.  He advised that he was aware that there had been a number of objections raised due to the site being in an area of panoramic quality due to the views across the loch towards Portincaple but added that the Local Plan allowed for development in these areas as long as it fitted in with planning guidance, which the application did.  With regard to traffic and drainage, he advised that both the Councils’ roads engineer and its flooding engineer had no objection to the proposal.  He told the Committee that previously Councillor Freeman had raised concerns over the first application regarding flooding but these issues had been resolved in consultation with the Flood Alleviation Officer.  With regard to the 7% of the site that was within the Countryside around Settlement area he advised that a condition had been put in place by planners to address this.  Mr Wright quoted part of the Scottish Government Planning Policy 2010 which advised that a Development Plan should support small scale housing development and added that he believed the Argyll and Bute Development Plan supported this and so did the application.  He asked that the Committee stand by Planning Policy and approve the application.


Campbell Divertie, Roads and Amenity Services, advised that the proposed driveway joined the Feuins Road on an approximately 250m straight section of road.  He advised of various widths at different points of the access road and advised that the forward visibility was well beyond the minimum requirements.  Mr Divertie told the Committee that he had been involved at an early stage in the design process; with the applicant.  He advised that the driveway gradients were in accordance with the Council’s guidelines and that parking and turning areas were in accordance with LP TRAN 6.  He advised that he had no objection to the proposal.


Colin Smith spoke on behalf of the Community Council.  He advised that they were not against development in a settlement area but were opposed to the proposed development in an area of panoramic quality.  He advised that the proposal would block the view of the entrance to Loch Goil and Loch Long in the only area that this could be seen.  He advised that a number of vehicles regularly stop on the road at that particular spot to take in the view and to take photographs.  He advised that by moving the designated settlement area down the hill it would mean  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.