Agenda and minutes

Planning, Protective Services and Licensing Committee - Friday, 12 November 2010 1:15 pm

Venue: Isle of Lismore Public Hall, Lismore

Contact: Melissa Stewart Tel. No. 01546 604331 

No. Item



Report by Head of Planning and Regulatory Services

Additional documents:


The Chair welcomed everyone to the hearing and asked his colleagues to introduce themselves to those present.


The Head of Governance and Law spoke to the procedure that would be followed at the meeting and asked the parties who wished to speak at the meeting to identify themselves.


Planning Authority


Mr Fair advised that the application site was within the Lynn of Lorne National Scenic Area and also within sensitive countryside.  He advised that within sensitive countryside policy supports small scale infill, rounding off, re-development and change of use.  The application before Members was for small scale re-development.


Mr Fair advised there had been 27 representations received in respect of the application, 15 of these had been timeously received.  The representations related to loss of trees, historical significance of the site, impact on the freshwater spring, loss of arable land, access to the beach, intended occupation of the properties, flood risk and visual impact.  Each of these issues had been addressed within the report by the Head of Planning and Regulatory Services.


Mr Fair reported that none of the statutory consultees approached had objected to the application although the Council’s Roads Authority and Environmental Health Officer, West of Scotland Archaeology Service (WOSAS) and Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) had requested that any consent be subject to conditions which addressed issues raised by the representees.


Mr Fair drew the attention of the Committee to an error within the report (page 13 of the agenda pack) which contained incorrect dimensions.  The dimensions contained within the report were approximately half of what were actually proposed, the actual ridge height should be 5.9m, width of 5.8m and length 22m.  He apologised for this error.


In conclusion Mr Fair advised that the proposal accorded with policy regarding small scale re-development and that the concerns raised were addressed by conditions.  He invited Members to approve the recommendation.




Mr Nicholl gave a brief overview of Lismore Estate advising that they had 4 long let farms, 2 long let properties and one self catering unit.  The idea behind this particular development was to raise funds to invest in 2 of the derelict properties which in turn would be let out.


Mr Nicholl advised that while they couldn’t control use of the 2 proposed dwellings, he could give an undertaking that locals would be given preference to purchase the homes.  If there were no offers, the preference would be for young families with children which could support the local school.


Mr Fleming advised that there had been a lot of discussion/consultation with Planners over the past year since the application had been submitted to allow them to come up with a recommendation for approval.  He noted all of the consultees had recommended approval, the most significant being West of Scotland Archaeology Service.  In terms of the development he advised it had been designed to be sensitive to the site and had taken cognisance of what was already there.  He considered that bringing these ruins back into habitation was a good thing.


Mr Fleming then spoke regarding the objections advising that the proposals would not diminish access to the beach, that the works proposed would not affect the spring (he offered to discuss this with the objectors to make sure this did not happen), he noted that there were conditions in place to protect loss of trees and the historical nature of the site.




Mr Heron confirmed that the access proposed was within guidelines and their recommendation was for approval.  He advised he would be happy to address any questions from the Committee later in the process.




Mr Wormleighton spoke regarding the impact on the landscape.  He advised that this development would affect an area of sensitive countryside.  He stated that the design guide suggests particular care should be taken when any development is proposed which can be justified by use of the “re-development” term.  In addition he commented that there were many “piles of stones” over Lismore which could be re-developed in this manner but as this proposal was 3 times the volume of the existing ruins there was little opportunity to protect Lismore’s landscape.


Mr Gloag spoke on behalf of Mr MacKinnon, Lismore Historical Society, who had submitted an observation sheet for consideration.  He stated that the main cause for objection was in relation to the first 2 items on this sheet (St Moulag’s landing on Lismore and the ancient chapel).  He advised there history tells us that this was a landing point for St Moluag although the Historical Society had been unable to fund an archaeological search.  He did not want to lose any of the heritage or artefacts which could potential be lost due to this development.


Questions by Committee


Councillor McCuish asked for confirmation that the finance from the developments would be invested in Lismore.  Mr Nicholl advised that the money raised would be invested in 2 properties that could be let out long term.  Councillor McCuish followed this up by asking what the benefit was.  Mr Nicholl advised that the Estate were approached all the time about letting properties along only had 2 properties to make available.


Councillor McCuish asked Mr Fair how WOSAS had submitted their comments asking if it they had used a map or visited the area.  Mr Fair advised it was a written response but was unable to confirm how they investigated the matter before responding.


Councillor McCuish asked Mr Gloag how the Lismore Historical Society had become aware of the application.  Mr Gloag advised there had been no formal contact made to advise of the application or for advice from the organisation.  Councillor McCuish asked if the Historical Society had contacted the applicants once they became aware of the application.  Mr Gloag advised they had not.


Councillor Reay asked about the undertaking to give preference to locals to purchase.  He wondered whether the houses would be within the affordable bracket.  Mr Nicholl advised he could not answer this as they did not know what the costs would  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.