Venue: On a Hybrid Basis in The Studio Theatre, Corran Halls, Corran Esplanade, Oban and by Microsoft Teams
Contact: Fiona McCallum Tel. No. 01546 604392
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Daniel Hampsey and Paul Kennedy. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Report by Head of Development and Economic Growth Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting,
which held on a hybrid basis. For the
purposes of the sederunt Iain Jackson, Clerk to the Committee today, read out
the names of the Members of the Committee and asked them to confirm their
attendance. In advance of the meeting today, interested
parties confirmed they would make presentations to the Committee. Mr Jackson read out the names of those
representatives and asked them to confirm their attendance. Mr Jackson also clarified that there was no one
else in attendance today that wished to speak. The Chair explained the hearing procedure
that would be followed and invited the Planning Officer to present the case. PLANNING On behalf of the Head of Development and
Economic Growth, Fiona Scott, Planning Officer, made the following presentation
with the aid of power point slides. SLIDE 1 This application is seeking to secure
planning permission for the erection of a cafe with incidental ‘drive-thru’
takeaway facility and associated landscaping including a viewpoint, seating,
interpretive signage and play park on an area of land to the west of Inverlusragan, Connel. SLIDE 2 This slide shows an extract from the adopted
‘Local Development Plan’ showing the application site within the defined Minor
Settlement Zone of Connel shown in pink. The site is overlain with blue hatching which
delineates an Open Space Protection Area designation, which I will reference as
OSPA for the purposes of this presentation.
The OSPA is the hatched area limited to the coastal strip with the
opposite diagonal hatching denoting the extent of Loch Etive. SLIDE 3 This slide shows a further extract from the
‘Local Development Plan’ showing the network of OSPAs in blue hatching along
the shore side of Connel adjacent to Loch Etive. SLIDE 4 This slide shows the site and location plan submitted with the application. The site is served by a central access point
spurring from the A85 Trunk Road, with the proposed café building contained
along the eastern boundary of the site, and the parking and turning provision
to the west. The proposed play park, viewpoint, seating
and interpretive signage is proposed within the north-eastern corner of the
site. SLIDE 5 This slide shows the elevations of the
proposed café building along with some perspective views showing a contemporary
designed, mono-pitch roofed structure finished in a natural stone cladding with
elements of white render and a dark metal roof. SLIDE 6 This slide shows a photomontage submitted
with the application giving an indication of how the development will appear
within the site. The following slides show some images of the
application site. SLIDE 7 This slide shows a view of the proposed
access point into the site from the A85 Trunk Road. SLIDE 8 This slide shows a view of the site from the
A85 Trunk Road with the neighbouring dwellinghouse Inverlusragan
visible centrally within this view. SLIDE 9 This slide shows a view of the site from the
public footway adjacent to the A85 Trunk Road. SLIDE 10 This slide shows a view from within the site
looking out towards Loch Etive. SLIDE 11 This slide shows a further view from within
the site looking back towards Connel Bridge. SLIDE 12 This slide shows a view of the site from the
North Connel/Bonawe public road with the red arrow
indicating the position of the site. SLIDE 13 This final slide shows an aerial view of the
site overlaid with the application site boundary. SUMMARY To conclude, in
summary, the determining factor in the assessment of this application is
whether the proposed café development is consistent with the provisions of the
adopted National Planning Framework 4 as underpinned by the Local Development
Plan and the emerging Local Development Plan 2. As set out in the
Report of Handling before Members, the OSPA within which the development is
proposed, has been designated to provide visual amenity functions by helping
preserve the open aspect on the seaward side of the A85 Trunk Road and with it,
public views across Loch Etive. The primary
purpose of the OSPA is to preserve the remaining open land adjacent to the
Trunk Road and to protect it from built development, in acknowledgement of the
fact that these open areas are a key component of the landscape character of
Connel and are an important part of the local distinctiveness of the
settlement. These OSPAs,
including the one the subject of the current planning application, were
introduced at the request of the community at the time of the adoption of the
2009 Local Development Plan following appeal refusal decisions for residential
development on adjacent land. The OSPAs followed
through into the current 2015 Local Development Plan and are proposed to
continue into the emerging Local Development Plan 2, a proposal that received
no objections following public consultation and one that is supported by the
Scottish Government and expects to be adopted as part of the new Development
Plan in due course. The development the subject of this
application would introduce built development and infrastructure into a
greenfield site, which has been designated as an OSPA for its visual amenity
functions, resulting in an adverse environmental impact eroding the open aspect
of the site and the associated public views across it, thereby materially
harming the open, visual landscape character of this part of Connel, and
eroding the local distinctiveness of the settlement to an unacceptable extent,
whilst undermining the OSPA designation of the site and setting a harmful
precedent for the remaining coastal OSPA land, contrary to the provisions of
National Planning Framework 4 and adopted and emerging Local Development Plan
Policy. It is recommended that planning permission
for this proposal be refused – thank you. APPLICANT Shaun Sinclair Mr Sinclair gave
the following presentation: Good morning and
thank you for allowing me to discuss by application with you. I have submitted
this application to provide employment in the village and to ensure a future
for my children and grandchildren in this community. Kirsty is my daughter and ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |