Venue: By Microsoft Teams
Contact: Fiona McCallum Tel. No. 01546 604392
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Gordon Blair, Daniel Hampsey, Mark Irvine, Andrew Kain and Paul Kennedy. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
CIVIC GOVERNMENT (SCOTLAND) ACT 1982: APPLICATION FOR GRANT OF A TAXI CAR LICENCE (P MCDOUGALL, HELENSBURGH) Report by Head of Legal and Regulatory Support Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. In line with recent legislation for Civic
Government Hearings, the parties (and any representatives) were given the
options for participating in the meeting today.
The options available were by video call, by audio call or by written
submission. For this hearing the
Applicant opted to proceed by way of audio call and Mr McDougall joined the
meeting by telephone. The Governance Manager outlined the procedure that would be followed
and thereafter the Chair invited the Applicant to speak in support of his
application. APPLICANT Mr McDougall advised that he had been working for his Uncle as a taxi
driver and as his Uncle was retiring he was applying to get his own plate. He advised that he enjoyed the job and had
previous experience working with the public in the retail business. He commented that working as a taxi driver
was the best job he’d had all his working life and that he wanted to carry on
with this as a full time career. MEMBERS’ QUESTIONS Councillor Brown sought and received confirmation from Mr McDougall
that he had a taxi driver licence and that he was now applying for his own taxi
car licence. Mr McDougall advised that
he would like to work for himself as it would bring him a higher income. Councillor Brown sought and received confirmation from Mr McDougall
that the car he would use had not been used as a taxi before. He said that the previous vehicle was a
Toyota and this was a Ford Focus. Councillor Brown sought and received confirmation from Mr McDougall
that if this licence was granted he would arrange for his vehicle to be
inspected prior to using it and that he would also need to arrange for a meter
to be fitted and a taxi sign displayed. SUMMING UP Applicant Mr McDougall advised that he would be extremely grateful if he was
granted this licence as it would be life changing for him. He said that he enjoyed the job and that it
would be a full time career for him. He
advised that he enjoyed dealing with the public and that he felt this was the
perfect job for him. Mr McDougall confirmed that he had received a fair hearing. DEBATE Councillor Hardie referred to a slight over provision of taxis in the
Helensburgh and Lomond area but advised that he believed the Applicant would be
well suited to this job and that he would be happy to grant the licence. Councillor Philand said that it was heartening to hear from the
Applicant that he enjoyed his job. He
commented that it was also a very difficult job and that the fact that the
Applicant enjoyed it would mean he would get a lot out of it while providing a
vital service. He confirmed that he
would be happy to approve the application. Councillor Forrest advised that she would have no hesitation in
approving the application. Councillor Brown advised that she would also like to approve the
application. Councillor Green commented that as with similar applications from
Helensburgh recently, and the Committee not being certain of the accuracy of
the data within the survey conducted a number of years ago now, he would be
content with approving any application at the moment where the Applicant seemed
to be a good fit. He confirmed that he
would be happy to approve this application. Councillor McCabe advised that she agreed with everyone else and would
be happy to grant this licence. Councillor Wallace said he would also be happy to approve the
application. Councillor Armour also agreed to support the application. Councillor Hampsey said she agreed that this would be a much needed
service for the Helensburgh and Lomond area and commented that she was sure it
would be appreciated by the local community as well. She noted that the Members of the Committee
unanimously agreed that this licence should be granted. DECISION The Committee unanimously agreed to grant a Taxi Car Licence to Mr
McDougall and noted that he would receive written confirmation of this within 7
days. (Reference: Report by Head of Legal and Regulatory Support, submitted) |