Venue: By Microsoft Teams
Contact: Fiona McCallum Tel. No. 01546 604392
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Audrey Forrest, Daniel Hampsey, Paul Kennedy and Dougie Philand. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
CIVIC GOVERNMENT (SCOTLAND) ACT 1982: APPLICATION FOR GRANT OF TAXI CAR LICENCE (CURRIE TAXIS, ALEXANDRIA) Report by Head of Legal and Regulatory Support Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. In line with recent legislation for Civic
Government Hearings, the parties (and any representatives) were given the
options for participating in the meeting today.
The options available were by video call, by audio call or by written
submission. For this hearing the
Applicant opted to proceed by way of audio call and Mr Currie joined the
meeting by telephone. The Chair then outlined the procedure that would be followed and
invited the Applicant to speak in support of his application. APPLICANT Mr Currie advised that he has been driving taxis in the Helensburgh area for 4 years in someone else’s car. The contract is a 50:50 split with 50% of
everything he earns going to the owner of the car. He said that the understood that the car
owner had no plans to replace him as a taxi driver so in theory the taxi fleet
would be down one car before he started out on his own. Mr Currie advised that he knew Helensburgh well
and that he enjoyed working there and got on well with his customers. He said that he would like the security of
having his own taxi plate and car. MEMBERS’ QUESTIONS Councillor Green asked Mr Currie if he knew if the person that owned
the car he currently drove would be surrendering his taxi plate. Mr Currie said he did not think so. He explained that the owner held his own taxi
licence so could drive the car if he wanted to.
He advised that the owner had other full time employment but may retire from
that job and work as a taxi driver at that point. Councillor Green sought and received confirmation from the Council’s
Solicitor, Ms Macdonald, that there were currently 46 taxi cars in the Helensburgh and Lomond area compared to 48 when the LVSA
survey was carried out. Mr Currie referred to demand for taxis at the weekend and commented
that 46 taxis were never out at the same time.
He advised that his customers complained that it was difficult to get
taxis at certain times. He advised that
having worked in Helensburgh for 4 years he knew when
the busy and quiet times were. He said
that he tended to work at night when people found it difficult to get a
taxi. He said there were only so many
taxis from the Trident Office, where he currently worked, that came out at
night. Councillor Hardie sought and received confirmation from Mr Currie that
he believed there was a lack of taxis in the town at certain times. He said it tended to be quieter during the
week, during the day. He advised that
there tended to be more taxis available during the day compared to at night as
there were limited drivers working at night.
He said that it was very difficult to get a taxi after 1 or 2 am as most
taxis stopped at that time when the licenced premises closed. SUMMING UP Applicant Mr Currie said it was his intention that this would be full time
employment for him and that he planned to work 6 or 7 nights per week as
opposed to others that only worked 2 or 3 nights per week. He said that he knew when the busy times were
and that he would make himself available at those times. He said he would like to do this, not only to
make money, but to provide a service to the public. Mr Currie confirmed that he had received a fair hearing. DEBATE Councillor Green referred to the number of taxis in the Helensburgh and Lomond area being less than when the LVSA
survey was carried out and that to his mind that would indicate that he would
be in favour of granting this licence as there appeared to still be demand
there. Councillor Blair agreed. He
commented that Mr Currie had been working for 4 years and knew the area well
and he hoped that he would provide an excellent service to his customers. DECISION The Committee unanimously agreed to grant a Taxi Car Licence to Mr
Currie and noted that he would receive written confirmation of this within 7
days. (Reference: Report by Head of Legal and Regulatory Support, submitted) |