Venue: By Microsoft Teams
Contact: Fiona McCallum Tel. No. 01546 604392
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mark Irvine and Liz McCabe. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
CIVIC GOVERNMENT (SCOTLAND) ACT 1982, THE CIVIC GOVERNMENT (SCOTLAND) ACT 1982 (LICENSING OF SHORT-TERM LETS) ORDER 2022: APPLICATION FOR GRANT OF A SHORT TERM LICENCE (R SCOTT, OBAN) Report by Regulatory Services and Building Standards Manager Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. In line with recent legislation for Civic
Government Hearings, the parties (and any representatives) were given the
options for participating in the meeting today.
The options available were by video call, by audio call or by written
submission. For this hearing the Applicant, Roderick Scott,
opted to proceed by way of video call and he joined the meeting by Microsoft
Teams. George Turner, Objector also joined the meeting by
Microsoft Teams Gaynor Wotherspoon,
Objector was unable to attend the hearing and provided a written response which
was contained in Supplementary Pack 1. It was noted that one other Objector, Mr
McKerracher, was not in attendance. The Chair invited the Licensing Standards Officer to speak to the terms
of the report. Thereafter he outlined
the procedure that would be followed and invited the Objector to speak in
support of his Objection. OBJECTOR Mr Turner advised that he only became aware of this application when he
was near the garden of the property and had seen a notice displayed in the
window. He said the window was some
distance from the road. He noted that on
the Council website it stated that notices had to be displayed where they could
be publically viewed. He commented that
he did not think it could be considered that this notice was in public view due
to the distance away from the kerb. He
advised that he has since spoken to others in the street who were not aware of
this application. He suggested that if
they had seen the notice there would have been more objections to this
application. Mr Turner said that he did not think the Applicant had tried to
alleviate the concerns of neighbours and had shown little care for the residents
in the street. He advised that he was a
Paramedic in town and that he had moved to Oban in 2019 to raise his family in
a safe and caring community. He said he
found Nant Drive to be a respectful neighbourhood with a sense of community
spirit. He advised that he did not
choose to live next to a hotel or guest house and that he moved to a purely
residential area to live and bring up his children. He advised that the previous tenants were
always respectful to other neighbours and that he was still friends with
them. He commented that many short term
let properties had people coming to party and they would not want neighbours
telling them what to do and not do. He said that the property was directly next to his property and that
the application was for 7 people. He
said that suggested to him that this would be more than the average size family
and possibly could be multiple groups.
He said he was concerned about anti-social behaviour which may be
exacerbated by the use of the hot tub. He advised that the driveway was shared with a small kerb stone and
commented that for 7 people, car parking for 2 would not be sufficient and may
lead to parking on the main road which would bring its own set of
problems. He advised that it would
obscure his exit and entrance to his driveway.
He commented that mitigation was offered but said it was difficult to
understand how that would be policed and adhered to. He advised that his property, with garden and driveway, mirrored the
Applicant’s property. He said it was
completely open except for a mid-body high fence to the rear. He referred to multiple strangers arriving at
all times. He commented that he had
asked for the direct number of the owner in case he needed to be contacted if
there were any issues and that this was refused and that the number was for
someone from the management company. He said this removed the personal touch
and respect for others that lived in the area. He advised that there was the potential for anti-social behaviour and
noise at all times of the night which would probably lead to disturbance for
his family, including loss of sleep, which would affect learning at school and
functioning at work. He referred to
mitigation of a £1,000 deposit for damage or disturbance and questioned who would
benefit from that money. He referred to moving to a residential area and commented that
encouragement should be given to properties being occupied by people that
needed accommodation. He said that the
town had multiple short term lets and no accommodation for teachers, NHS
workers and key workers. He said the
introduction of multiple Airbnbs would destroy the
town. He commented that hotel businesses
could not get staff due to the town being too expensive to live in and there
being nowhere else to live. He
questioned why this residential area could not be encouraged to remain as a
residential area and that the property be used for a longer term let as it was
before. MEMBERS’ QUESTIONS Councillor Martin sought and received confirmation from Mr Turner as to
where the notice was displayed. APPLICANT Mr Scott advised that he ran a number of Airbnbs
and long term lets in Oban and that he had been running these for a number of
years in Oban and Argyll. He said that
he tried to supply a selection of accommodation at different levels. He said that the property had previously been
a long term let and that the previous occupants had been employed by him. He advised that the property would be large enough to accommodate a minimum of 7 people and that quite often they got requests for more than that. He advised that for this property they wanted to keep it to 7 people, maybe for a family or a family with friends. He said he was trying to have a high quality residence for family occupation, with no intention of parties. He referred to having other residences of a similar size with hot tubs and commented ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |