Issue - meetings


Meeting: 27/11/2019 - Argyll and Bute HSCP Integration Joint Board (IJB) (Item 3)


Integration Joint Board held on 25 September 2019


Additional documents:


The Minutes of the meeting of the Integration Joint Board held on 25 September 2019 were approved as a correct record subject to amending the wording of the preamble at item 5.1 to read the following –


The Interim NHS Highland Chair provided the Board with a verbal update on the Culture Fit for the Future programme and the outcome of the discussion at the Board meeting held in Inverness on 24 September 2019. He advised that there would be a paper at the November meeting giving an update on progress against the revised action plan and that they were aiming to produce a more comprehensive action plan drawing on feedback from engagement sessions and a 2 day strategy workshop. He reported that employee engagement sessions had begun and that there were more still to take place. An issue that had arisen was that people in remote parts of the area were not able to participate in the sessions and it was planned to develop dedicated video conferencing sessions to address this. He intimated that a summary of issues raised would be produced and would feed into the action plan to be produced in October.


In terms of the Sturrock report, he advised that not all members of staff had felt the need to read the full report and, therefore, it was proposed to provide a brief summary version of the report. In regard to the Argyll and Bute review, the Interim NHS Highland Chair reported that the Board had agreed to proceed with the review and that it would go out to tender and be published on the Scottish Government Portal. He advised that it would take 12 weeks to carry out the review and report back with a final completion date of March 2020.


The Interim Chair reported that Fiona Hogg, Director of HR&OD would be the Senior Responsible Officer (SRO) for the Culture Fit for the Future programme and that a Programme Manager would be appointed in due course. The position would be advertised both internally and externally. The Board would also be seeking an external, independent advisor who would have a similar status to a non-executive director and would have specific responsibility to oversee the development of the Programme. The external advisor would chair the Culture Steering Group and report directly to the Board.


The Chair referred to the action log and advised that the detail requested in action ID 27 had not been included as part of the papers but would be discussed under the finance section of the agenda.

