3 Duchess Woods Report - Response from Partners PDF 111 KB
Additional documents:
The Committee considered
correspondence which had been circulated in relation to the current closure of
the wood.
The Chair advised that members of
the Committee had met to discuss the report which had been produced by the tree
consultants and that the concerns raised by partners were communicated to the
Executive Director shortly thereafter.
The importance of ensuring that the points raised by partners were taken
into account when work begins in the wood was highlighted.
Committee heard from Mr Brookfield and Mr Malone who advised that they had been
tasked by senior management to ensure that the necessary works are carried out
which would enable the wood to be reopened at the earliest opportunity. They advised that following an assessment
which was undertaken with a Health and Safety officer, there were a number of
trees identified which would require urgent attention prior to the wood being
declared safe to open. The Committee
noted that it was the intention for the initial tree work to be undertaken by
the Council with the remaining work identified in the consultant report being
carried out by a contractor. Once the
initial tree works have been completed, the Council will also work to repair
fencing and bridges and carry out repairs to the car park and access road. It is anticipated that this initial work will
be completed by the end of January 2020, subject to favourable weather
conditions and availability of manpower.
Committee noted the positive update from officers and asked that all partners
be kept informed as to when work was scheduled to be undertaken.
Letter from Chair to Executive Director with responsibility for Development
& Infrastructure and response to same)