Issue - meetings

Police Scotland

Meeting: 19/03/2020 - Oban Common Good Fund (Item 4)

Police Scotland



Jeremy Moore attended the meeting to provide information in support of the application submitted at the November 2019 meeting, at the request of the Trustees.




Having been advised by the applicant’s representative that project will not progress without funding due to budget restrictions, the trustees unanimously agreed:


  1. To make an award of funding to Police Scotland on the basis that the proposals will have significant community safety benefits to the inhabitants of Oban that far outweigh the restriction in the criteria to support only individuals, voluntary or charitable organisations.
  2. That the application is otherwise consistent with the aims of the common good, is a one off project, and that the accounts and constitution are a matter of public record.
  3. That if 50% of the project commences the contribution to the project total will be £3016.50 and that this contribution will increase to £6033 where the full project can be delivered.
  4. That determination of the final sum of funding being released, and timing of this, be delegated to the Governance Officer to agree, in consultation with the Chair.


(Ref:  Application by Police Scotland, submitted)


Meeting: 21/11/2019 - Oban Common Good Fund (Item 8)

Police Scotland



The Trustees gave consideration to the application received from Police Scotland.




The Trustees agreed to continue the application to their next meeting and that Police Scotland be invited to attend in support of their application.
