Issue - meetings

Jura Passenger Ferry

Meeting: 01/05/2019 - Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group (Item 9)

Jura Passenger Ferry

Update by Jura Community Council



The group were given a verbal update by Debs Bryce of Jura Community Council who advised that the ferry was now running in its eleventh year.  She advised of the passenger increase since 2016 and outlined a number of officials that use the service to travel to and from meetings and the ways in which it has helped the NHS.  Ms Bryce further advised that the service is recognised by Transport Scotland and receives a fund subsidy from them in order to maintain the service.  Ms Bryce advised of the issues relating to signage for the ferry and sought assistance from the group in bringing this to the attention of the Council with a request that they provide signage on the Tayvallich side.  She outlined future plans for the service which included the possibility of increasing the size of the vessel to accommodate more passengers and the extension of service to include travel from Islay. 


Discussion took place in respect of the constraints on the council run Jura ferry; the timetable issues between the ferry and other forms of transport and the difficulties faced by the school who must pay for the ferry in order to transport pupils to Islay for swimming lessons. 


The Chair thanked Ms Bryce for the information provided.  




The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group agreed to note the contents of the information provided.  
