Issue - meetings

Friends of Duchess Woods

Meeting: 20/08/2019 - Duchess Wood Local Nature Reserve Committee (Item 5)

5 Friends of Duchess Woods Activity Update pdf icon PDF 74 KB

Report by Friends of Duchess Woods



The Committee considered a report which provided an update from Friends of Duchess Wood on their activities since the last meeting took place.


Stewart Campbell highlighted the award of £350 from the Waitrose Green Token Scheme, and advised that a decision was still to be made on how this funding would utilised.  Stewart also advised that he was still working to source footfall counters for the Wood, with Ailsa Cunningham advising on contact details for the Hermitage Park staff.


The report also referenced the recent difficulties with Persimmon Homes dumping spoil in the Wood.  The Council’s Biodiversity Officer, Marina Curran-Colthart was in attendance and provided an update on the current position.  It was noted that Persimmon Homes have removed the spoil from the site and it had been agreed to leave the ground for the moment to see if it would regenerate.  Marina advised that when the spoil had been removed the ground had been turned over with a number of bluebell bulbs being noted.  In response to a question regarding possible community contribution as a result of this incident, Marina advised that Persimmon Homes were open to discussions around what this could entail and advised the Friends of Duchess Woods to make contact with them to discuss.




The Committee agreed to endorse the contents of the submitted report.


(Ref:  Report by Friends of Duchess Woods Secretary, Martin Grafton)


Meeting: 30/04/2019 - Duchess Wood Local Nature Reserve Committee (Item 6)

6 Friends of Duchess Woods Activity Update pdf icon PDF 75 KB

Report by Friends of Duchess Woods (to follow)



The Committee considered a report which provided an update from Friends of Duchess Wood on their activities since the last meeting took place.


Martin Grafton highlighted that ongoing maintenance had been undermined by poor weather and that boundary issues and tree safety remain a major concern. Damage to fences, marker posts and information boards on the evenings of the 7th and 8th of April had been reported to Police Scotland. There was also concerns raised regarding the growing number of commercial dog walkers using the woods and that a code of conduct may help regulate this practise.


Martin advised that the no resolution had been reached with Persimmon Homes other than they had admitted to disposing of waste in the grounds of the Wood and that polystyrene waste continues to be a pollutant.




1.         The Committee agreed to endorse the contents of the submitted report and to invite Police Scotland to the next meeting to discuss the acts of vandalism that had been reported.


2.         The Chair, on behalf of the Committee, to explore other responsible dog walking initiatives and to report back to a future meeting.


(Ref:  Report by Friends of Duchess Woods Secretary, Martin Grafton)



Meeting: 29/01/2019 - Duchess Wood Local Nature Reserve Committee (Item 4)

Friends of Duchess Woods

