Issue - meetings


Meeting: 04/06/2019 - Bute and Cowal Area Committee (Item 4)




1.    Alex McNaughton, Cruach Mor Wind Farm Trust, noted that the windfarm would be discussed at item 10. Cruach Mor and Clachan Flats Wind Farm Trust of the agenda and wanted to express the importance of the windfarm to Colintraive and Glendaruel citing it had really made a difference to the area.


2.    Michael Breslin, South Cowal Community Council asked the Area Committee the following:

               The chair of the area committee, as well as some of its members, have

                attended 2 meetings with the Scottish Government minister responsible for

                ferries, Paul Wheelhouse, and they have been told first hand that the route  

                will be a passenger only service.

               Given this certainty, when will the area committee do the following:

·         Change their current stated position to accept that the route will be passenger only.

·         Work with the Scottish Government and actively encourage them to source 2 new, reliable vessels for the route.

·         Take steps, in parallel with 2, to ensure that new, covered berthing facilities are in place to coincide with the arrival of the 2 new ferries.


                Councillor Good informed Mr Breslin that Elected Members were aware of

                the concerns raised and would take the points raised away for further

                discussion at the Bute and Cowal Business Day scheduled to take place

                later in the day, but reiterated that  ferry routes were part of Council

                Policy and therefore decisions on the route could not be made at area



3.    Willie Lynch, Dunoon Community Council highlighted to the Committee that he felt an urgent independent enquiry was needed into the mismanagement of Cowal  Community Hospital  and agreed that he would forward on a previously issued letter to the Bute and Cowal Area Committee.


Councillor Good informed Mr Lynch that Elected Members would further discuss the concerns raised at the scheduled Business Day discussion.


4.    Mr Lynch asked the Area Committee what the bid total for Cowal’s capital spend was for this year.


The Area Governance Manager agreed to provide Mr Lynch with the agreed budget pack which will include a list of what is contained in the capital plan.


5.    Mr Lynch asked the Area Committee if an update was available on whether there were plans to repair the pier.


Councillor Good informed Mr Lynch that no update was available at present but he was personally looking into potential funding sources and would request a report regarding repairs to the pier be brought to the Area Committee.







Meeting: 05/03/2019 - Bute and Cowal Area Committee (Item 5)




  1. Mr McCallum, Bute Community Council, raised concerns regarding the length of time abandoned cars had been left in the West Church Car Park and why Argyll and Bute Council had not removed them.


Stuart Watson the Traffic and Development Manager informed Mr McCallum that he would refer this matter to his colleagues and a conversation took place regarding a scrap metal merchant who was willing to remove the cars free of charge and contact details would be passed onto Stuart Watson.


  1. Mr MacIntyre, Bute Community Council, asked the Committee when the road to Ardmaleish Farm would be repaired as he feels it is now in a dangerous state.


Councillor Scoullar informed Mr MacIntyre that funding was in place for this section of road to be repaired and work would commence during the summer 2019.



  1. Mr MacIntyre raised concerns over the ongoing pothole issue on Bute and requested a breakdown spend of roads repairs on Bute compared to Cowal.


Mr Watson informed the Committee that he would provide the Committee with the information requested and informed Mr MacIntyre that there is an existing framework in place with timeframes to deal with potholes and other road repairs.



  1. Mr McCallum requested that Roads and Amenity Services drain and fill the manhole outside Ardmaleish Farm.


Mr Watson noted the incident.



  1. Mr MacIntyre informed the Committee that the white lines at the Co-Op junction have eroded.


          Mr Watson agreed to take this away as an urgent matter.



  1. Mr Morrison, Bute Community Council, raised concerns regarding the positioning of Public and Councillor Question time on the agenda citing that having it at the beginning of the agenda limits the public interaction and the ability for the public to ask questions about items once that item had been presented by officers.


The Committee held a conversation and noted that the Chair of the Bute and Cowal Area Committee and the Area Committee Manager would meet to discuss the concerns raised.


  1. Mr MacIntyre asked if the Rothesay Pavilion would be finished by it’s scheduled completion date of the 31st July 2019.


Jonathan Miles, Rothesay Pavilion Project Manager, informed Mr MacIntyre that there is a contractual obligation on the firms involved to complete on time.


  1. Mr McCallum asked when Bute Community Council could have a tour of the Pavilion.


Mr Miles responded that he would be happy to arrange a suitable date with Mr McCallum directly.


  1. Mr McCallum raised concerns about the proposed disposal of land to the rear of Rothesay Pavilion to Appletree Nursery.


Stuart McLean, Area Committee Manager, informed Mr McCallum that due to        provisions made within the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 this item was exempt and therefore details could not be discussed at this time.



  1. Mr MacIntyre asked the Committee for a breakdown comparison of Bute school rolls compared to other areas in the local authority.


Councillor McNeilly informed Mr MacIntyre that she would provide Bute Community Council with this information.


           Question raised at the conclusion of the meeting.


  1. The Chair on behalf of a constituent raised concerns regarding speeding issues on the Bullwood Road, Dunoon, referencing a study undertaken by the constituent in response to a recently undertaken speed survey.




The Bute and Cowal Area Committee agreed:-


1.     That the Chair would raise the concerns outlined by the constituent with Police Scotland.


2.     Agreed to forward the study undertaken by the constituent to officers for comment.



Meeting: 04/12/2018 - Bute and Cowal Area Committee (Item 5)




Kenny Matheson on behalf of Dunoon Community Council requested:


  1. That the Bute and Cowal Area Committee write to the administration to raise concerns regarding the condition of the Dunoon Pier.


The Chair responded that this item was currently ongoing as it is tied in with the current ferry tendering exercise.


  1. That the Bute and Cowal Area Committee look into why Dunoon Community Hospital currently only has one ward open.


The Chair agreed to take this item forward and would respond to Mr Matheson.


  1. That the Bute and Cowal Area Committee ask the Health and Social Care Partnership for a response regarding individuals in the Cowal Area being unable to receive care packages at home.


The Area Committee agreed to raise this concern with the Elected Member representatives on the Health and Social Care Partnership Board. Councillor Forrest also agreed to investigate the individual case that had been highlighted and respond to the constituent and her fellow ward councillors.

