Issue - meetings


Meeting: 09/02/2022 - Cowal Transport Forum (Item 6)

VMS and Manual Signs



Neil MacFarlane, Transport Scotland, apologised that he had been unable to attend the meeting in November.  He advised that there had been no occasion where the diversion route had been required to be used in Glen Croe and the message had not required to be changed.




The Forum noted the update.


Meeting: 16/11/2021 - Cowal Transport Forum (Item 6)

VMS and Manual Signs



Neil MacFarlane, Transport Scotland, having submitted his apologies provided the below update which was read out by the Chair:


By way of written update I can advise that the VMS at Strachur and Kilmun is working correctly. These were checked as part of a wider Winter Readiness check for our operations at the Rest and be Thankful.




The Forum noted the update.


Meeting: 20/08/2021 - Cowal Transport Forum (Item 6)

VMS and Manual Signs



Neil MacFarlane, Transport Scotland, updated the Forum in relation to VMS and manual signs and advised the Forum that BEAR Scotland was due to complete a health check before winter on all apparatus including installed and temporary signs and would confirm the situation to the Forum in due course.




The Forum;


1.    noted the positon; and


2.    noted that Neil MacFarlane would report back to the Forum regarding the working order of the signage.


Meeting: 24/05/2021 - Cowal Transport Forum (Item 6)

VMS and Manual Signs



Neil MacFarlane, Transport Scotland, updated the Forum in relation to VMS and manual signs and highlighted that the main issue with VMS is finding a mains connection and due to the costs involved advised the Forum that signage will be reviewed between medium and long term solutions as part of a move towards relying on social media and radio travel updates for information.




The Forum noted the positon and agreed to continue the item.


Meeting: 01/02/2021 - Cowal Transport Forum (Item 6)

VMS and Manual Signs



Neil MacFarlane, Transport Scotland informed the Forum that there was nothing further to update in relation to VMS and manual signs.


The Forum discussed the new VMS signs and agreed that this was as a consequence of the collaborative working of the Forum and Transport Scotland. The Forum thanked Neil for his work in response to their request. Regarding the request for manual signs on the road out of Lochgoilhead, Neil said that Transport Scotland had no plans and that drivers should consult social media.




The Forum noted the positon and agreed to continue the item.


Meeting: 16/11/2020 - Cowal Transport Forum (Item 6)

VMS and Manual Signs



Neil MacFarlane, Transport Scotland updated the Forum in relation to VMS and manual signs which included that the intermittent issues with the new VMS was because they are solar powered and are not getting enough sunlight.




The Forum noted the update.


Meeting: 24/08/2020 - Cowal Transport Forum (Item 6)

VMS and Manual Signs



Neil MacFarlane, Transport Scotland updated the Forum in relation to VMS and manual signs which included that permanent signage was now in place on diversion routes and that semi-permanent solutions were being explored for the B828/B839 junction.


Discussion focussed on the options available for repairing or replacing the VMS in Strachur and Kilmun as they are at their end of life whilst having regard for the contractual issues with suppliers.  It was noted that a report was with Transport Scotland and a decision was awaited.




The Forum noted the update.


Meeting: 16/03/2020 - Cowal Transport Forum (Item 6)

6 VMS and Manual Signs pdf icon PDF 18 KB



In the absence of Neil MacFarlane, Transport Scotland the Chair circulated an updated as attached to this minute.




The Forum noted the update.


Meeting: 23/09/2019 - Cowal Transport Forum (Item 7)

VMS and Manual Signs



Neil MacFarlane introduced himself to the Group as the person with responsibility for issues relating to the A83.  In regard to the VMS Mr MacFarlane advised that he had understood they had now passed onto the Council.  Archie Reid, Strachur Community Council, replied that training hadn’t yet been provided and the Chair advised that he was told at the A83 Taskforce meeting in June that there was a fault with power to the signs which required to be addressed before the handover.


The Chair questioned Mr MacFarlane about the manual signs which were not yet available.  Mr MacFarlane replied that he had attended a meeting with Argyll and Bute Council around 2 weeks ago when it was suggested that the signs were due to be positioned imminently.




The Forum noted that Mr MacFarlane would raise the matter with colleagues and provide an email updating them on the position with the VMS post meeting.


Meeting: 17/06/2019 - Cowal Transport Forum (Item 10)

VMS Update



A representative from Transport Scotland was not present at the meeting and no written update was submitted.


The Chair reported that the VMS system had been passed to the Council to operate and that Transport Scotland had trained Council officers. The solar panels would be fixed by BEAR Scotland.


Meeting: 11/03/2019 - Cowal Transport Forum (Item 6)

VMS Update



A representative from Transport Scotland was not present at the meeting and no written update was submitted.



The Forum requested that Transport Scotland look at utilising the VMS signs to highlight the upcoming night closures on the A83.


Meeting: 17/12/2018 - Cowal Transport Forum (Item 6)

VMS Update



George Fiddes, Transport Scotland provided the following email update:


The VMS signs are operational and were used during the recent landslide events.  There were some minor issues when the VMS boards had ‘tripped off’ but on these occasions they were quickly rectified by BEAR Scotland.  As part of the de-brief exercise for the recent landslide event, options have been identified to improve the operation of the signs and the messages displayed. This has been discussed at the Council liaison meeting with ABC staff.




The Group:


  1. Requested clarification if the signs only operate when there is an issue.


  1. Requested further details concerning why the signs weren’t operational during the recent A815 closure.


  1. Requested clarification as to whether Argyll and Bute Council had access to the signs to post messages.


  1. Requested that the Strachur Bay VMS be anchored in position as the wind is causing it to turn to face the opposite direction.




Meeting: 26/09/2018 - Cowal Transport Forum (Item 6)

VMS Update



George Fiddes provided the Group with the following email update:

VMS signs have been installed and are due to be commissioned next month.



  1. Paul Farrell agreed to chase up the VMS timescales with Transport Scotland and will provide an update to the Forum in two weeks’ time.
  2. The location plan of the storage boxes to be recirculated to the forum by Melissa Stewart.

