Issue - meetings

Bute Island Alliance

Meeting: 01/05/2018 - Bute and Cowal Community Planning Group (Item 7)

Bute Island Alliance

Presentation by Paul Duffy



The Group considered a presentation by the Bute Island Alliance which provided a background to the formation of the Alliance and the key purposes of the Charrette, which was not only to retain people on the island but also to attract new residents.


The presentation also highlighted:


·         How the project fits into the 6 single outcome agreements.

·         The progress of the project in the last 12 months.

·         The objectives moving forward, including securing office and manufacturing space that would allow prospective small business’s to grow.


It was noted that the Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group had a role to play in helping to maximise local investment and should help the alliance to integrate into the local area action plan.




The Group:        

1.    Noted the presentation; and

2.    Agreed that this item would be added to the June meeting of the Community Planning Partnership.


(Ref: Presentation by Bute Island Alliance dated 1st May 2018, submitted)
