Issue - meetings


Meeting: 12/06/2018 - Cowal Transport Forum (Item 8)




Douglas Blades confirmed that discussions, regarding the provision and promotion of a Dial-A-Bus service, were ongoing.  He suggested putting an advert in the local paper and asking the Communications Team to post an announcement on the Council’s Facebook page.  He also suggested building a mailing list and advertising the service on information panels at bus stops.




The Group agreed to invite Martin Arnold, Community Transport Officer to the next meeting to provide an update on this.


Meeting: 07/03/2018 - Cowal Transport Forum (Item 6)




Douglas Blades and Councillor Good held a conversation on potential ways of moving the service forward and it was noted that this is a valuable service but not heavily used.



The Forum requested that a push on publicity of this service be implemented, particularly on social media, to increase awareness and potentially uptake of this service.

