Issue - meetings


Meeting: 07/03/2018 - Mid Argyll, Kintyre & the Islands Area Committee (Item 4)




The Chair asked if the Area Committee meetings are advertised to notify members of the public?  The Area Committee Manager confirmed they are advertised through the Council website and Community Councils are notified.


Councillor Horn raised concerns around cars still travelling at speed along the Pier Road in Tarbert to and from the ferry terminal.  She advised that there is no walkway which makes this dangerous for pedestrians.  Inspector Julie McLeish agreed to take this issue back to the Road Policing Unit to give it extra attention.


Councillor Horn raised another concern over the residents on Islay complaining about cars speeding through the villages.  She asked if something can be done to prevent this from happening. It was agreed that a report come to the June Area Committee on speeding when they meet on Islay.


Councillor Horn advised there is a problem with dog fouling in Tarbert, particularly around the High School area.  She asked if the Dog Warden could make extra visits to this area.  The Area Committee Manager agreed to log this issue in Casebook.  The Chair asked if someone could attend the next MAKI Area Committee meeting to discuss dog fouling as it is a real issue everywhere. 


Councillor Philand asked if the decision relating to the siting of the Screen Machine made at the P&R Committee could be revisited.  The Chair advised that the decision of the P&R Committee allowed for the decision to be revisited if further information became available.  He also asked if it would be possible for the screen machine to stop at Inveraray on its next visit to the area to allow for further discussions to take place.  The Area Committee Manager agreed to discuss this with the appropriate officers.


Councillor Philand asked if the Area Committee could get a copy of the Roads Capital Programme.  The Area Committee Manager agreed to contact the appropriate officers.


Councillor Kelly asked if the Area Committee could get a copy of the grass cutting schedule and information on what cuts were taken in 2017.  He asked if a report could come to the next Business Day meeting.  The Area Committee Manager agreed to raise this with officers.


Councillor Horn asked if the Recycling Service on Islay will be continuing given the resignation of Re-Jig.  She asked if information could be provided to all Members.  The Area Committee Manager agreed to look into this.
