Issue - meetings


Meeting: 18/08/2017 - Argyll Islands Strategic Group (Item 4)


Presentation by Ian Turner, Community Empowerment Division, Scottish Government (to follow)



The group gave consideration to a presentation from the Community Empowerment Division of the Scottish Government, outlining the basis and timescales of the Islands Bill, which aims to achieve a sustained focus across Government and the wider public sector on improving outcomes for island communities.  Discussion took place in respect of the National Islands Plan; the duties in relation to island communities; the representation of island communities; greater flexibility in electoral ward design for islands; the development in the Scottish Island Marine Development area and the parliamentary timetable and process. 






The group agreed to note the contents of the presentation. 


The Chair thanked Mr Turner for the information provided. 




(Ref:  Presentation by the Islands Bill Team, The Scottish Government, dated 18 August 2017, submitted.)
