Issue - meetings

Public and Councillors Question Time

Meeting: 26/06/2017 - Mid Argyll, Kintyre & the Islands Area Committee (Item 4)

Public and Councillors Question Time



Councillor Kelly advised that the issue of the smell of raw sewage was still affecting properties in the Meadowburn area of Campbeltown, and enquired as to the progress of discussions with Scottish Water in this regard.  The Area Committee Manager advised that she had raised this issue with the Regional Communities Manager of Scottish Water, who had undertaken to deal with the issue and report back.  Mrs Barton advised that she had not received any further update in this regard.  Discussion was had in relation to the powers of the Council where odour issues were deemed a nuisance.  The Area Committee Manager agreed to take this matter forward with the Council’s Regulatory Services Manager and to set up a site meeting between Ward 1 Members and Scottish Water.


Councillor Philand  advised that he had received a number of complaints from constituents relating to the quality of cuts at Achnabreac Cemetery in Lochgilphead.  Discussion took place in relation to similar issues in a number of other cemeteries in the area, with photos being circulated to evidence the complaints.  The Chair, Councillor Currie asked Members to forward the photos to the Area Committee Manager who agreed to raise the issues with the Head of Roads and Amenity Services, and request that he provide a response to all Members by email. 


Councillor Horn raised a number of issues which included the ancillary work required at the football pitch in Tarbert; the cessation of warden support at the sheltered housing complex’s in Bowmore and Port Ellen; the deterioration of the footpath at Daal Terrace in Port Charlotte and the possibility of ACHA taking on the school house in Clachan.  Discussion was also had in relation to the deterioration in the standard of the toilet facilities in Tarbert; the roads on Jura and the issues faced by the recycling project Re-jig.  The Area Committee Manager advised that she would contact the relevant officers in relation to these issues and  request that where appropriate, meetings be arranged to progress issues.   Mrs Barton confirmed that she would advise Members of the outcome of discussions by email. 


Councillor Kelly enquired about the grass cutting sub-contract for ACHA housing and communal areas.  Discussion was had in respect of the financial implications of the contract with Members keen to hear from the Head of Roads and Amenity Services in this regard.  The Area Committee Manager agreed to make contact with Mr Smith and invite him to attend the Business Day meeting on 2 August 2017 to provide clarity in this regard.


Councillor Armour spoke of a machine that is used in the Oban, Lorn and the Isles area for lifting cut grass and asked whether it would be possible to get a similar machine in the MAKI area.  Councillor Armour also enquired about the expected date of delivery of the mechanical street sweeper for Campbeltown.  The Area Committee Manager agreed to address these issues with the Head of Roads and Amenity Services and confirm the position to Members by email. 
