Issue - meetings

Police Scotland

Meeting: 12/06/2018 - Cowal Transport Forum (Item 4)


Verbal Update by Police Scotland representative



No written report provided.


Meeting: 07/03/2018 - Cowal Transport Forum (Item 9)


Verbal Update by Police Scotland representative



Sergeant Wilson provided the Forum with the following update:

·         No major issues to report during the recent weather.

·         Police Scotland provided a good level of community policing during the weather which included helping people to get home.

·         They are currently monitoring the traffic issues that have been highlighted at Kirn Primary school and will continue to do so.

·         Continuing to monitor Royal Crescent regarding parking on the pavement.

·         Work being undertaken on several speeding issues and anti-social driving across the Cowal area.

·         The Forum were reminded to contact Inspector MacLean by email if they have any concerns.



1.    Sergeant Wilson to provide an update on abandoned vehicle legislation at the next meeting.

2.    Iain McInnes asked if Police Scotland could monitor the turning circle in relation to parking which caused an obstruction.

3.    Noted that Charles Reppke had been approached to speak to the Dunoon Taxi Driver’s Association in view of a problem at the rank with drivers being out of their vehicles.





Meeting: 06/12/2017 - Cowal Transport Forum (Item 9)


Verbal Update by Police Scotland representative



No further update was provided.



Meeting: 04/10/2017 - Cowal Transport Forum (Item 9)

Police Scotland

Verbal Update by Police Scotland representative



Sergeant Paul MacPherson of Police Scotland provided and update outlining the ongoing works of the local police unit, which included a Drink Driver Campaign, which was very successful, a motorcyclist safety campaign, speeding campaign, seat belt campaign and an upcoming insurance campaign. 




The Group noted the information provided and it was agreed Mr Watson would raise an issue about an abandoned car in the George Street car park with the wardens and report back whether any action can be taken as this is a private car park.


Meeting: 10/03/2017 - Cowal Transport Forum (Item 10)

Police Scotland

Verbal Update by Police Scotland representative



Sergeant Paul MacPherson of Police Scotland provided and update outlining the ongoing works of the local police unit, which included a three week antisocial driving initiative which had been successfully concluded. There was discussion around the issue of speeding in the area and dangerous parking in the Cammisreinach Brae area.




The Forum agreed to note the update.  The Chair agreed to raise the matter of traffic warden coverage in the Cammisreinach Brae area internally with the relevant department.
