Issue - meetings


Meeting: 16/03/2017 - Policy and Resources Committee (Item 10)


Report by Executive Director – Development and Infrastructure Services


Additional documents:


The Committee gave consideration to a report providing them with a briefing on the Single Investment Plan currently developed for Argyll and Bute.  The Single Investment Plan had taken an integrated approach to delivering strategic development opportunities identified through a number of key studies/strategies/plans including the Argyll and Bute Development Plan and Economic Development Plans that can help deliver a step change in economic activity in the area and to help address population challenges.




That the Policy and Resources Committee -


(i)    Note the Single Investment Plan (SIP) can be used as a way of promoting key development opportunities for, further private investment, by developers and businesses.


(ii)  Note the SIP can be used as a tool to lobby for significant transformational projects (such as permanent solution to the Rest and Be Thankful, fixed links, improved CMAL ferry services) be included within the Government’s national planning framework and National Transport Strategy – to be taken forward at a national level.


(iii) Note the potential infrastructure projects can also be used to form the foundation to lobby for a Rural Growth Deal with Scottish and UK governments if they meet the necessary principles set out with the current City Deals programme.


(iv) Approve the use of the enclosed Single Investment Plan as the basis for further discussions with both the UK and Scottish governments. The plan identifies the significant private and public investments already made, or committed, across Argyll and Bute and in addition identifies the necessary strategic level infrastructure projects that would further unlock economic activity across the region.


(v)  Delegate to the Chief Executive to allow detailed discussions to take place with government officials on the potential for a Rural Growth Deal for the Argyll and Bute region. Projects included within any future deal will fit with national and local economic strategy and will be subject to a full business case in line with the Treasury’s Five Case Model methodology. Funding will not be committed to projects unless this has been approved by the Council. Projects will be identified through existing studies, plans and strategies approved by Members.


(vi) Delegate to the Head of Economic Development to submit a response on behalf of the Council to the UK Governments Building our Industrial Strategy Green Paper consultation.


Moved Councillor Dick Walsh, seconded Councillor Aileen Morton.




That the Policy and Resources Committee -


(i)    Note the Single Investment Plan (SIP) can be used as a way of promoting key development opportunities for, further private investment, by developers and businesses.


(ii)  Note the SIP can be used as a tool to lobby for significant transformational projects (such as permanent solution to the Rest and Be Thankful, fixed links, improved CMAL ferry services) be included within the Government’s national planning framework and National Transport Strategy – to be taken forward at a national level.


(iii) Note the potential infrastructure projects can also be used to form the foundation to lobby for a Rural Growth Deal with Scottish and UK governments if they meet the necessary principles set out with the current City Deals programme.


(iv) Approve the use of the enclosed Single Investment Plan as the basis for further discussions with both the UK and Scottish governments subject to the classification of all the projects into the 3 categories as detailed within the submitted report. The plan identifies the significant private and public investments already made, or committed, across Argyll and Bute and in addition identifies the necessary strategic level infrastructure projects that would further unlock economic activity across the region.


(v)  Delegate to the Chief Executive to allow detailed discussions to take place with government officials on the potential for a Rural Growth Deal for the Argyll and Bute region. Projects included within any future deal will fit with national and local economic strategy and will be subject to a full business case in line with the Treasury’s Five Case Model methodology.


(vi) Delegate to the Head of Economic Development to submit a response on behalf of the Council to the UK Governments Building our Industrial Strategy Green Paper consultation.


Moved Councillor James Robb, seconded Councillor Ellen Morton.




Following a show of hands vote the Motion was carried by 9 votes to 4 and the Committee resolved accordingly.


(Reference:  Report by Executive Director – Development and Infrastructure Services dated 3 March 2017, submitted)
