Issue - meetings

Partners update

Meeting: 25/04/2017 - Helensburgh and Lomond Community Planning Group (Item 8)

Partners update

Opportunity for verbal updates by Community Planning Partners on their current and future activities and the potential for partnership working.



Gillian Simpson of Argyll Third Sector Interface spoke of the Give Volunteer Programme, which is currently being progressed and developed for this year.  She advised that it is hoped that this year’s programme would be the most successful to date with over 100 volunteers.  Ms Simpson agreed to liaise with the Senior Area Committee Assistant to distribute information to the wider Community Planning Group. 


Mitch Dow, Assessment and Care Manager of Argyll and Bute Council advised of an initiative that over a period of four months 175 assessments had been carried out.  Mr Dow advised that 85% of the assessments had resulted in a diversion from some form of care. 



Meeting: 21/02/2017 - Helensburgh and Lomond Community Planning Group (Item 5)

Partners update

Opportunity for verbal updates by Community Planning Partners on their current and future activities and the potential for partnership working.



The Chair invited verbal updates from partners in attendance at the meeting.


Helensburgh and Lomond Locality Planning Group


The Locality Manager highlighted that the Locality Planning Group were meeting regularly with good representation and endeavouring to address local issues and prioritise accordingly. A local plan had been formulated and would be circulated once this had been signed off by the Integrated Joint Board (IJB).

Further consultation was planned locally with a meeting scheduled for 14 March in the Peninsula. It was hoped that this would provide further engagement for rural areas. An event will also take place in Central Helensburgh.


Scottish Enterprise


The Executive Officer advised that Scottish Enterprise were currently ongoing Phase II of the Scottish Government Business Review. She continued that Scottish Enterprise were working closely with Argyll and Bute Council on local issues which included   - The Maritime Change Programme and Economy Growth in Helensburgh & Lomond. Further statistics would be provided for the April meeting.  


Police Scotland:-


Police Scotland had been undergoing training on areas which included the Criminal Justice Scotland Act and Mental Health. It was pointed out that this training would help to streamline the investigation and interview process. In addition, it would provide extra skills and knowledge for the local force.

A database had been compiled for rural communities and local people were being encouraged to sign up for this. More information would be disseminated regarding this initiative.  Both the local Anti-Social Behaviour group and the Kirkmichael Development Group were active and meetings were being held on a regular basis. It was noted that as confidence grew and the support measure put in place began to take effect  that the community required less support from agencies to organise local activities than had been the case previously.


Scottish Fire and Rescue:-


Statistics were provided for the 6 key areas which included – deliberate fires, accidental dwelling fires accidental dwelling casualties, false alarms and home fire safety visits.

Discussion followed and it was outlined that home fire safety visits were undertaken by various means. This included referrals by other partners, leaflet drops, post-incident visits and calls directly to Scottish Fire and Rescue.


Other initiatives which were highlighted included a project by local youth volunteers which had entailed attendance at the local fire station in Helensburgh and seeing a video - effects from a fire.


In addition, a Young Firefighters Unit was being implemented in Helensburgh and a room was being renovated at the station to accommodate the unit. The room when not being used by the Young Firefighters Unit would be available for use by the local community as a meeting room.


Hermitage School pupils had also undertaken the role as ‘fire-fighters’ recently for a week and it was planned to hold a 6-week programme with local young carers.



Third Sector Interface:-


Morevain Martin advised that she was stepping down as Chair of the Health and Well Being Partnership. She outlined the responsibilities of the role and enquired if anyone in the group was interested in taking on this role. She affirmed that the budget allocation was secured for the next financial year.


She reported that Helensburgh Foodbank were distributing 150 bags per month which was a significant increase. Third Sector Interface (TSI) were part of  the Dignity in Food Initiative -  and that the Scottish Government was compiling a paper which would be a template for good practice in food provision.


Ministry of Defence (MOD):-


The Base Executive Officer tabled a short report which provided the detail of the increase in Royal Navy Manpower growth and highlighted the difficulty in providing suitable accommodation. With regards to the derelict maisonettes, he hoped that a decision would be made soon.


Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park


Fiona Jackson introduced herself to the group and outlined a number of  collaborative projects being instigated in the Park and hoped to attend future meetings with more updates. She advised that the Park would be a more active participant in the future and she would attend on a regular basis.


Helensburgh Community Council


Advised that a Youth Forum had been created by co-opting young members into the Community Council and this was working well.


A beach clean had been scheduled for Saturday 4, March and it was hoped that this would be a good Community Engagement Exercise.


Helensburgh Community Council (HCC) had recently initiated a sub-group  Architecture & Design Helensburgh (A&DH) with help and support from Architecture & Design Scotland and Glasgow Council’s Urban Design Panel. The sub-group  was set up to provide HCC with the professional advice and assistance it needs to properly assess the major housing and other developments about to be built in Helensburgh over the next few years.


Rhu and Shandon Community Council


Highlighted the recent working with Rhu Primary School and the intention to put photographs taken by local pupils on the Community Council website. There was also a Beach clean event scheduled for 5 March.


The Chair thanked everyone for their attendance and informative updates. 




Meeting: 15/11/2016 - Helensburgh and Lomond Community Planning Group (Item 9)

Partners update

Opportunity for verbal updates by Community Planning Partners on their current and future activities and the potential for partnership working.



The Chair invited verbal updates from partners in attendance at the meeting.


Rhu and Shandon Community Council


Advised on the remedial sewage work to be undertaken by Scottish Water and the potential for conflict if re-surfacing work is undertaken by Argyll and Bute Council and issues after the revised bin collection schedule had been implemented. The group noted that operational matters should be raised directly with relevant service provider.


Police Scotland:-


Highlighted ‘Festive Action plans’ which include local priorities and raise awareness in the local areas.


Children and Families, Health and Social Care Partnership


Outlined the repatriation of various services back to Helensburgh and Lomond. and indicated that he would like to bring information on Continuing Care and

Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking children to the February meeting


Third Sector Interface:-


Advised on a forthcoming meeting with ‘Big Lottery’ in regards their changing funding strategy and the need to highlight challenges faced by communities across Argyll and Bute area as this is not always recognised by urban based organisations


‘Be Aware – Prepare’ – targeting older people. Event scheduled for 30 November 1-3p.m. New Parish church hall.


Scottish Fire and Rescue:-


A festive campaign raising awareness of lit candles, Christmas lights and safe cooking will be running shortly. The group were also advised that there has been a change in personnel locally and a newly appointed officer will be representing Scottish Fire & Rescue at future meetings.


Ministry of Defence (MOD):-


Highlighted a recent conference – Veterans Affairs held on 10 October which addressed mental Health and housing issues and intimated that a Strategic Delivery and Framework Group (comprising Argyll and Bute Council and MOD Base). meeting is to be held on 6 December in Helensburgh and Lomond Civic Centre. Group

Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT)


Imitated that the issues raised at the August CPG meeting had been discussed at a recent SPT meeting and advised that Scot Rail is currently reviewing timetables.


Community Development:-


The Community Development Officer gave an update on the recent meeting held on 22 August in Victoria Halls, Helensburgh by Helensburgh and Lomond Marine Litter and drew the group’s attention to a short film on You Tube of the Arrochar/Loch Long shoreline and car parking areas following bad weather in 2014.



Scottish Enterprise:-


Advised that they would be meeting with Argyll and Bute Council and Business Gateway and anticipates being able to provide an update of Scottish Enterprise annual figures at the February meeting



CLD Youth Worker:-


Highlighted the possibility of assisting in Spring 2017 with Beach Clean and indicated that she will provide regular updates on the Youth Parliament and Helensburgh and Lomond Youth Forum.


The Chair thanked everyone for their attendance and informative updates. 




Meeting: 16/08/2016 - Helensburgh and Lomond Community Planning Group (Item 10)

Partners update

Opportunity for verbal updates by Community Planning Partners.



The Chair invited verbal updates from partners in attendance at the meeting.


These included:-


Gilliam Simpson, Argyll TSI gave an update on Well Come in – a new initiative for recovering drug users commencing on 22 September in the Parish Church, Colquhoun Square, Helensburgh and introduced Fraser Logan, project leader.


Audrey Baird advised the group that there was a  Helensburgh and Lomond – Taking Action on Marine and Land-Based Litter – meeting scheduled for Monday 22 August in Victoria Halls, Sinclair Street, Helensburgh.


An update on progress to date with Community Emergency Plans for the  Helensburgh and Lomond area were tabled at the meeting and noted by the group.


Police Scotland provided information on  recent projects activity including:


·         Keep Safe I am Me. A project to help children become aware of hate crime and to understand abuse which had been run in partnership with West Dunbartonshire – Adult Protection Committee

·         The CONTEST strategy – a counter-terrorist initiative.


The group agreed that the Liaison Officer in Counter Terrorism would be invited to give a presentation to the November CPG.


Concerns were raised by the Convener of Helensburgh Community Council in regards to the Locality Planning Group being able to address local issues. A short discussion followed and it was agreed to initiate a small working group to explore the issues raised and to report back to the November meeting.




1.    The Community Governance Manager will facilitate a workshop to explore the issues raised and report back to the Area CPG in November.

2.    A briefing note giving information about key strategic dates, participants and the remit of Locality Groups to be requested from Helensburgh & Lomond Locality Manager.


