Issue - meetings

Turning Circle

Meeting: 09/12/2016 - Cowal Transport Forum (Item 4)

Turning Circle

Verbal update by Contracts Manager, Argyll and Bute Council.



The Forum gave consideration to a verbal update from the Council’s Contract Manager.  Mr McIntosh outlined the steps taken by officers investigating the issues and also the difficulties faced in obtaining and maintaining a traffic order.  Mr McIntosh further advised that the issue appeared to be a reluctance by the bus company to use the area.  Discussion took place in respect of evidence gathered by residents of vehicles parked in the area, including heavy good vehicles; the inability of Police Scotland in the absence of a traffic order, the value of works undertaken to create the turning circle and the need to find a resolution to the issue as soon as possible. 




The Forum agreed to:


1.    note the information provided by the Contracts Manager; and

2.    requested that the Chair, Councillor McNaughton progress the issue through the appropriate Council channels. 


Meeting: 02/09/2016 - Cowal Transport Forum (Item 6)

Turning Circle

Verbal update by Transport Scotland and Roads Department.



Iain MacInnes advised the meeting that unfortunately the implementation of the turning circle has not been successful due to several unresolved issues which included coaches and cars parking in it so the city link bus is unable to get in, people booking the bus but it doesn’t stop for them and City Link have advised that due to lack of winter treatment they will not be using the turning circle from November 2016 until March 2017.

It was noted that an agreement was already in place for the area to be gritted by both BEAR Scotland and Argyll and Bute Council.



1.    Community Transport Officer to raise with Roads department whether a traffic enforcement order can be put in place.

2.    Community Governance Manager and Iain MacInnes to draft a letter expressing all the concerns raised at the meeting. This letter should then be sent to Elected Members, Highlands and Islands MSP’s, the Scottish Transport Minister, Chief Executive of Transport Scotland, City Link and West Coast Motors.








Meeting: 17/06/2016 - Cowal Transport Forum (Item 3)

Turning Circle

Verbal update by Transport Scotland and Roads Department.



The Contracts Manager informed the Group that from a roads perspective works had been completed on time and that there was currently no plans to adopt the turning circle. Roads and Amenity Services would continue to monitor the situation regarding cars and touring buses parking in the turning circle.


It was also noted that the turning circle would be gritted by Transport Scotland or the Roads department even though it is not classed as an adopted area.


Iain MacInnes advised the meeting that there are still ongoing issues regarding touring buses parking in the turning circle and it was his understanding that letters were being sent from the public transport department to the relevant coach companies.


The Community Transport Officer informed the Group that the letters would be issued shortly.








Meeting: 15/04/2016 - Cowal Transport Forum (Item 3)

Turning Circle

Verbal update by Transport Scotland and Roads Department.



The Community Transport Officer provided the Forum with a verbal update on the progress of resolving issues that are impeding the use of the new turning circle as raised at the January meeting of the Transport Forum. He informed the Group that a meeting had been held and that several improvements to the area were noted to be carried out with an estimated finishing date of the 23rd May 2016.


Councillor McNaughton read out an email which addressed the Community Council’s concerns over the turning circle and the requirements of Scottish Citylink Coaches Limited to enable their use of the turning circle.


The Contracts Manager cautioned that the timeframe for completed works may be tight due to existing commitments but he will clarify this with Nigel Potts, Technical Officer and report back to the Forum.



1.    Contracts Manager to report back to the Group on the feasibility of works being carried out to the proposed timeline.

2.    Contracts Manager to enquire about the process of adopting the turning circle as a road to allow parking enforcement to be carried out.

3.    Contracts Manager to provide Iain MacInnes with an updated timeline for works by Friday 22nd April 2016.




Meeting: 29/01/2016 - Cowal Transport Forum (Item 5)

Turning Circle

Verbal update by Iain MacInnes, Lochgoil Community Council.



Iain MacInnes provided the Forum with an update on the issues surrounding the new turning circle at the top of the rest and be thankful. Iain reported that buses were not currently using the new facility and that the bus companies have deemed it unfit for purpose due to the exit onto the A83 from the B828 being dangerous, the turning circle not being suitable at night due to lack of lighting and they feel there is a lack of demand by the public for the stop to be used, the last point was addressed by Iain who stated that there is a drop in passengers using the service due to the buses not stopping when they are meant to.


It was noted that Transport Scotland and Argyll and Bute Council are working together to try and rectify the situation and it was suggested by the Forum that the Police could engage as well.



Progress update to be brought back to the April Transport Forum by Transport Scotland and the Roads Department with a suggested target of May 2016 to have the issues resolved.



