Issue - meetings


Meeting: 10/02/2016 - Oban Lorn & The Isles Area Committee (Item 4)




Kieran Green of Oban Community Council asked the Committee if there are any key priorities locally that elected Members will be considering when looking at the budget.


Councillor MacIntyre advised that he would hope to see a saving in cutting waste and excessive overtime.  He also suggested that integrating services would be a good idea.


The Chair suggested that the Area Committee have a budget locally so that more decisions can be made in Oban, Lorn and the Isles.


Councillor MacDonald suggested that he be looking into finding ways of speaking to our service users, working together to allow more partnership working with local businesses and third sector organisations.


Councillor Robertson suggested that we maintain what is important to our communities, local priorities and needs.


The provision of emergency towing vessels in the area was raised by Councillor MacDougall, noting that a media article recently did not record Argyll and Bute Council involvement in discussions.  The Head of Roads and Amenity Services confirmed that Council officers are involved in national discussions regarding this matter.


The Chair asked Mr Collins, the Regeneration Project Manager for an update on the current progress of works.  Mr Collins advised that Raynesway have now started to address the outstanding snagging works at Stafford Street.  He confirmed that work started on Thursday 4th February to remove planting and to start top soiling.  He advised that they plan to have a surfacing squad on site to undertake remedial work to the roadway/crossing and will continue addressing items on the snagging list, which includes the epoxy bonding of granite coping stones.   He confirmed that all civil works should be complete Friday 12 February and that lighting issues are to be remedied by Pegasus.


Councillor MacLean advised the Head of Roads and Amenity Services that there is a lot of litter on the road.  He also asked Mr Smith to look into the traffic lights at Connel Bridge to confirm they are functioning appropriately.
