Issue - meetings


Meeting: 11/02/2015 - Oban Lorn & The Isles Area Committee (Item 4)




Bill Harvey asked the Committee asked a question in regard to the safer passage to pick up point where the new path that goes up to Lorn Road with lots of children and adults using it. He advised that children leaving school go out in trains going down Etive Road. He suggested a new way for children to go; if a spur was built from the path to Lorn Road going behind the Church, the new Gate onto grass area at Church so pupils could be picked up and put into cars. He advised that the train would then follow a path along behind all the buildings coming to the bus shelter in beside MacCallum Court which is a safer for the children.  The Chair suggested that a community group be set up which includes the Community Council, elected Members from ward 5, the education department and the housing associations to look at the current situation.  Les Stewart from Connel Community Council suggested that a community group be set up for Connel and Benderloch too as it effects their area also.

Mr Harvey also asked the Committee what is being done about Dunbeg school to expand it as 25 more houses are to be built soon? He suggested that a new hall be built beside the kitchen in the school and this could be used by the community and school. He advised the present hall and community room could be developed into two class rooms. Councillor Robertson confirmed that she has spoken to the Head of Facility Services regarding this issue and there are no plans to replace the school at present but as Dunbeg expends this may have to be included in the capital programme.


Gwyneth Neal from Dunbeg Community Council emailed a list of questions to Councillor Robertson and asked for them to be raised at the meeting. The questions asked were:


(i)                  Concern for Dunbeg Primary School and the expansion of the area. Will the Council guarantee the independence of this excellent facility which is at the heart of the Community.

(ii)               Care in the Community for the elderly and vulnerable.

(iii)               Fly tipping and car parking at the recycling area. Dog fouling is improving but still needs further pressure to prevent it.

(iv)               The green area adjacent to Kirk Road needs developing for older children.

(v)                 The HIE building, still underdeveloped would make a good leisure centre and school for the expanding are.

(vi)               Car parking throughout the Village causes blockages to many roads but there is not enough space the existing vehicles.


The Chair confirmed these questions would be taken away and passed onto the appropriate officers to be answered and then taken back to the community group which is to be set up.


Marlyn MacInnes raised a concern in regard to the turn off into the village into Kirk Road.  She advised that drivers are using this road at a fast speed when pedestrians are there and asked if sleeping policemen could be used on the road to slow cars down?  The Chair advised that this item would be relevant to item 12(a) of the agenda.


Louise Lee, Oban Times, asked whether press and public would be excluded for consideration of item 13, Former Rockfield Primary School.  She asked that she be able, as a journalist, to witness the Committee debate on this item.  The Chair advised that consideration of a resolution to exclude members of the press and the public would be undertaken when the relevant point on the Agenda was reached.


Louise advised that the WF Media would like a response if this request for press to remain for consideration of excluded items was not accepted.  The Area Committee Manager asked that Ms Lee provide a written note of her view on the matter and agreed to respond to such a note in writing.


Neil MacKay from Bid4 Oban asked the Committee when Oban would be providing improved safe ‘step ashore’ facilities for Cruise Ship passengers and would they be in place for 2015 when the Cunard’s Queen Mary 2 and ‘The World’ vessels would be coming to Oban?  The Chair confirmed that a step ashore facility for cruise ship passengers is being  sought and that the Head of Economic Development and Strategic Transportation is hopeful for a summer installation as a pilot for a new facility berthing step ashore facility integrated into an expanded North Pier.


Neil MacKay asked for this thanks to be recorded to Martin Gorringe, Marine Operations Manager for all his help regarding Marine Operations in Oban.
