Five-year Management Plan - October 2016-September 2021
The Committee were advised that the Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee had approved the finalised 5-year Management Plan at the Area Committee meeting held on 11 October 2016.
The Committee agreed:-
1. That the Management Plan would be amended to reflect that this was the final version which had received approval at the Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee on 11 October 2016; and
2. That an electronic version of the Management Plan would be emailed to Committee members.
Draft Five-year Management Plan - October 2016-September 2021
Report by Chair, Friends of Duchess Wood (to follow).
The Committee gave consideration to the draft 5-year Management Plan and
Stewart Campbell advised that he had reviewed comments he had received and had made several amendments to the document.
He tabled several maps for the Committee to consider.
The Chair, on behalf of the Committee, commended the hard work and effort undertaken by Stewart.
The Committee agreed :
1. The finalised Plan; and
2. That this would be submitted to the October meeting of
the Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee for approval.
(Reference: Draft Management Plan by Stewart Campbell, Chair Friends of Duchess Wood, tabled).
Draft Five-year Management Plan - October 2016-September 2021
The Committee gave consideration to the draft 5-year
Management Plan. Stewart Campbell
advised that he had received useful feedback on the Plan and had incorporated
changes in the latest version.
The Committee agreed:
1. That the plan would be circulated again to Members to
allow a further opportunity for any additional comments;
2. To approve the plan subject to any minor amendments
made following the additional consultation period;
3. That the draft plan would be used in support of the
WIAT application, and
4. That the finalised Plan would be submitted to the
August meeting of the Helensburgh and Lomond Area
Committee for approval.
(Reference: Draft Management Plan by Stewart Campbell, Chair Friends of Duchess Wood dated 15 May 2016, submitted).
Draft Five-year Management Plan - October 2016-September 2021
Report by Stewart Campbell, FODW.
Stewart Campbell advised that progress on the draft 5-year Management Plan had been delayed and would now come to the May Committee meeting for approval.
The Committee agreed:
1. To note the update.
2. That the finalised version of the draft 5-year Management Plan would come to the May Duchess Wood Committee meeting.
(Reference: Draft Management Plan by Stewart Campbell, Chair Friends of Duchess Wood dated 4 November 2015, submitted).
4 Draft Five-year Management Plan - October 2016-September 2021 PDF 428 KB
Report by Stewart Campbell, FODW.
The Committee considered the draft 5-year Management Plan.
Discussion followed the Committee commended the hard work and input by Stewart Campbell in compiling the Management Plan.
The Committee agreed:
1. That comments relating to the draft Management Plan would be forwarded to Theresa McLetchie by Tuesday 8 December.
2. That Theresa McLetchie would collate comments and email to Stewart Campbell.
3. That a final reminder would be sent to the Committee on 26 November advising of the final date for receipt of comments.
4. That the finalised version of the Management Plan will be worked on by the sub-group and come back to the full Committee for approval in February.
(Reference: Draft Management Plan by Stewart Campbell, Chair Friends of Duchess Wood dated 4 November 2015, submitted).
4 Funding Update / Development of the Wood PDF 62 KB
Report by Charlie Cairns, Lower Clyde Green Space, Manager
The Committee gave consideration to a report which updated on the meeting held on 10 June 2015 in regards the Funding and future Development of the Wood.
Discussion followed around the possibility of adapting the Management Plan to match the criteria of the WIAT application and the implications of any change to the Management of the Wood. Further issues raised included expanding on Stakeholder Engagement and the dates for the next Management Plan (if this would be a 4 or 5 year duration).
The Committee were advised that the Friends of Duchess Wood (FODW) had recently been exploring the potential for timber sales to supplement any future grant funding in terms of taking forward the Wood’s Management Plan. A further meeting is expected to be held in October. It was recognised that discussion with Luss Estates may be required regarding this proposal.
Any tree felling/timber extraction could have an impact on path maintenance and it was highlighted that costs of repairs would need to be factored into a decision; and timetabling of work undertaken should reflect these considerations.
The Committee agreed:
1. That Stewart Campbell would complete a draft
Management Plan and circulate to the Duchess Wood Committee; and
2. That the Duchess Wood Committee would receive an
update on the meeting scheduled for October between the FODW and the log
merchant; and
3. That Charlie Cairns would endeavour to source the 2
arboriculture safety surveys undertaken a number of years ago to inform the
meeting in October; and
4. That the Sub-Group would arrange a further meeting to
give further discussion to the WIAT application; and
5. That Stewart Campbell would make further contact with
Diane Oliver, CWA for advice on the completion of the WIAT application.
(Reference: Report by the Lower Clyde Green Space Manager, dated August 2015, submitted).
7 Development of the Wood PDF 79 KB
The Committee gave consideration to a report which addressed the future management of the Local Nature Reserve (LNR).
The Chair informed the Committee of recent discussion had in regards Community Ownership of the Duchess Wood. Stewart Campbell tabled a response from the FODW to the report and the Committee gave further discussion to various issues raised in regards funding, partnerships and community involvement.
The Committee agreed:
1. To accept the recommendations contained within the report.
2. That an electronic copy of the FODW response to the report would be circulated with the Minute.
3. That a meeting would be scheduled between the FODW Chair, FODW Funding Officer, Charlie Cairns and Stuart McCracken.
4. That any further information may need to be disseminated to the Duchess Wood Committee by email, depending on timescales.
Development of the Local Nature Reserve
Development of the Wood